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the FINAL end.


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Many of you are probably wondering, "who the heck is FINAL???" Well, we were a small alliance in the aqua sphere with a long line of history...( I won't mention any-let bygones be bygones). We were allied (and friends) with both GRAN and Carpe Diem (two super-cool alliances that FINAL :wub: ). :awesome:

FINAL recently has fallen onto some hard times. Our numbers have fallen to just 8 people, and inactivity has become a major problem. One triumvir's nation was deleted due to 20 days inactivity, and the other has had no sustainable internet connection for over a month. No members use our forums anymore, and no new members are coming in.

Therefore, I have decided to merge FINAL into SNAFU (who also has a protectorate treaty with CD). FINAL has run its course, and now I believe is the time to end it. It's been fun while it lasted guys, and thanks for letting me help lead you to this point.

(Small note-you raid any FINAList who doesn't change their AA to SNAFU, and I will launch a nuke at you--fair warning.)


o/ Carpe Diem




Triumvir of FINAL

Edited by murder
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SNAFU welcomes the members of FINAL to their new home.

We've gotten to know some of the fine members of FINAL and can't wait for them to join our community. :D

As an additional note, please be aware that all current members of FINAL will be under the protection of SNAFU for the next week to ensure a safe transition.

So, one last time hail FINAL, we will do everything in our power to see that the things that made you special are not lost and that your new home is everything you're looking for.

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This is quite unfortunate, though I am happy to see that we'll be keeping them as a protectorate in one way or another :P. Murder, I think you did a great job on your first run in any sort of CN leadership capacity, and I think you'll be a very capable and contributing member in SNAFU.



Long live the spirit of FINAL.

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It's tragic that FINAL is final. However, SNAFU welcomes you guys with open arms. Glad to have you with us.

I hope that we can give you nice new home. The walls need painted and the carpet is threadbare in places... but we have a strong foundation and a solid roof. :)



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