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The Death of Don Corleone


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Today we received terrible news. Mobster Don Corleone was found dead in his home, the result of a suspicious house fire. We found the house raided - his safe cracked and his possessions either destroyed or looted. However, his instructions were clear as we discovered a burnt scrap of his will:


The Family lives on, and we present to you our Declaration of Existence.

This is Our Thing

We, the founding members of the Family herby convene the Commission. The Commission is a coming together of Leaders and Friends and will act as the ruling body of the alliance. Its members make public their intention of forming an alliance, and family, of states.. The Founders have decided and agreed the following truths. We exist in order to fight for the safety of our members, provide them with support, and secure their liberty and freedom.

The Commission wishes to create an environment where the military security and economic prosperity of all of those that are affiliated with us are guaranteed. Alongside this aspiration, we aim to form a community and a friendship that will last. Above all, entity that acts with honour and dignity, following the principles of Fairness and Justice that has sadly been forgotten by some. We shall always hold ourselves to these values and principles, acting as a single Family. These Principles are the embodiment of our alliance and represent what Our Thing is.

The Family

The Founders, having the intention to form an alliance under the name of ‘The Family’, claim sovereignty over the affiliation of “The Family”. Each member of the Family and has all the rights that are associated with being a Family member. Each Member of the Family has a right to free speech, open expression, to be listened to and to be counted as a valued and full member of the Family irrelevant of rank or experience. Each member of the Family does consent and swear to abide by the spirit of Our Thing. Any action that deviates from these, as interpreted by the Heads of the Family, can result in expulsion from the Family.

Members of The Family do accept that with the freedoms guaranteed by The Family comes responsibility. Each member accepts that an aggressive act of war upon any other alliance, defined as having a recognised declaration of Neutrality or other recognised treaty in effect, is an act that automatically resigns them from the Family, unless the specific permission of the Head of the Family has been gained. The only exemption to this rule is when a state of war has been recognised by the Head of the Family. This gives permission for all members to attack said alliance, along with the obligation to defend all members of the Family, never cowering in fear or allowing a foreign power to dictate the Family’s policy and actions.

The Head of the Family

The Executive head of the Family and the Commission, is defined as a combination of The Godfather and The Underboss. Together, these two offices are the Sovereign of the alliance. The Godfather, being the most Senior position, has power and authority over the internal and external affairs of the alliance. The Godfather can create any office and appoint any member to that office at there sole discretion and has the ability to block the election of specific members if he sees fit to do so. The Godfather serves for life or until resignation. All powers are shared with the Underboss, unless the Godfather chooses otherwise. The power and authority of the Godfather are subject to the Underboss who has the power to veto any executive decision taken by the Godfather, or call in to question the ability of the Godfather to fulfil their role. Upon Vetoing an action of the Godfather , said decision will be frozen and a vote taken amongst the Ruling Council of the Family; The Commission. A similar Vote will be held upon a Vote of no confidence in the Godfather being called by the Under Boss.

Upon resignation, all Godfathers and Underboss’s remain an honorary member of the Commission, serving as an advisor to all Government members of the Family. This title remains with the individual even upon leaving the alliance, yet all associated advisory roles and privileges are removed leaving the title “Honorary Commission Member” solely as a title.

The Commission

The Commission is the ruling Council of the Family and is from which the Godfather and Underboss gain their power and authority, as the Official Head and Second in Command of the Commission. The Commission’s membership are considered the Government of the Alliance and are from which the leaders of the various government positions are drawn from. In order to gain membership of the Commission, and thus be eligible to holding a government position, your candidature must be accepted by both the Godfather and the Underboss. As previously explained, if the Underboss wishes to overrule the Godfather or call a vote of no confidence, a vote will be taken amongst the commission members, including the Godfather and Underboss, and the result of this will decide if the Underboss’s veto is carried or ignored.


Any member can submit a motion to amend the Charter to all the Members of The Family; the Mafioso. The Amendment will be discussed and voted upon within 4 days and upon securing a vote of 75% in favour, the motion will be passed. The Godfather and Underboss can exercise a right of veto over any amendments proposed or passed.

In conjunction with the Charter, we announce the government of The Family

Godfather: BlackjackCF

Underboss: Magicalbricks

Consigliere (MoFA): Sorum

Keeper of the Omertà (MoIA): Aaannndddyyy

The General (MoW): Tsar Kalashnikov

Technology Importer: bomber66

The Banker: Yuri

The Family can be found at http://cnfamily.lozt.com or on IRC at #thefamily on coldfront.

Signed by the Founders of The Family





Tsar Kalashnikov






Lord Ditka


The God Damn Bat Man





Edited by Sorum
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our full gov(if anyone cares)

The Godfather (Leader) - BlackjackCF

The Underboss (second in command) - Magicalbricks

Foreign Affairs

(Capo) Consigliere (Third in Command, Representing of the alliance) - Sorum

Gatekeeper (Deputy; Diplomatic Corps) - Nevsky

Military Affairs

(Capo) The General (Minister of War) - Tsar Kalashnikov

The Enforcer (Deputy, Aggressive shizzle) - Manwell/Tanis

The Watchman (Deputy, Defence shizzle) - Tanis/Manwell

Internal Affairs

(Capo) Keeper of the Omerta (Controller of Internal affairs) - aaannndddyyy

Exports and Imports Controller (Deputy; Trades) – karthikking [HEY ITS ME]

The Interrogator (Deputy; Education) - Lord Ditka

Financial Affairs

(Capo)Technology Importer (Tech deals) - bomber66

(Capo)The Banker (Growing our nations) - Yuri Orlov

Edited by karthikking
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