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NPO lost their sanction

King Death II

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Well we were passing around his address in the channel and trying to see who lived close to him so he may not be too far off. I hear Delta's the closest. Be very afraid.

ZOMG!!! OOC attack! ACCK!! Oh wait, it was humor? Oh, carry on then.

/just trying to get that out of the way.

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Your alliance was the one to bring up WTF's ghosts (among several excuses) on page one.


Not hard when all your NS was in peace mode, pal.

Bawwing, excuses

I'm well aware of that, and also aware that another 4m NS or so hid in peacemode. I'm just heading off the argument I know NPO will use:

:lol1: HAHA even in 3 months you couldn't take our sanction! :lol1:

I'm pretty sure if there hadn't been 200 nations in peace mode NPO would have lost their sanction months ago.

That bloc is just as bad as NPO! No worries though, Citadel and SF should be fighting within a week!

more Bawwing, excuses

And you WON the war, I can't imagine how whiny you would be if you had lost.

Edited by James Dahl
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Your alliance was the one to bring up WTF's ghosts (among several excuses) on page one.

"Your alliance"?

One NPO poster with a grand total of 21 posts mentioned WTF ghosts. It's D34th who's been pushing the whole idea, he just got suckered IMO.

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Strangely uninvolved people seem to be angry at WTF, for reasons I am unclear about.

Because WTF is dirty and we have ghosts in our attic... over 200 of them currently. Seriously. Its a disaster. Stop the presses. (I wish I knew where that smilie was now that runs in circles waving its arms, it would fit perfectly.)

That said, I think the short-sighted, incorrect, and negative way of looking at things is that NPO lost its sanction and somehow WTF is at fault for this. This is fine with me personally, as long as WTF also gets the credit from those same people when NPO regains its sanction then. Fair is fair after all.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and it has to be respected weather we, the masses, agree with it or not or see it differently. I thank all of you who have positively supported us at the WTF over the past few days for reasons NOT related to pushing NPO out of the bottom sanction spot, because to do so is both obviously short-lived and has never been our goal we were trying to accomplish at another groups expense.

Edited by Asa Phillips
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At the cost of not participating in in-game politics?

Wait, why do people even PLAY the game if not for the politics? :huh:

They play nation building, we play nation destroying.

Thier politics is more ingame and friends making while we come here to laugh at people and find friends who like laughing at those people.

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Turn 180 degrees. Pull back the curtains. See the the Sun shine in when you do.

Find out why the things that absorb all of your attention don't matter. Learn why the rest of the REAL world makes fun of your type and thinks you are are a dork.

CN is not real. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but that's the way it is. Save your outrage and intellectual effort (such as it may be) for REAL issues.

The real Napoleon died almost 20 decades ago. You are not his replacement. Not even close, since most you you haven't had the balls to even enlist in the National Guard. You are a teenage or near-teenage dork who thinks he is Napoleon or Hitler. Drop the hot pockets and Clearasil you subsist on and find a worthwhile outlet for your energy. Devote it to something that matters in the real world.

Or don't. And forever wonder why the rest of us laugh at you.

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Turn 180 degrees. Pull back the curtains. See the the Sun shine in when you do.

Find out why the things that absorb all of your attention don't matter. Learn why the rest of the REAL world makes fun of your type and thinks you are are a dork.

CN is not real. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but that's the way it is. Save your outrage and intellectual effort (such as it may be) for REAL issues.

The real Napoleon died almost 20 decades ago. You are not his replacement. Not even close, since most you you haven't had the balls to even enlist in the National Guard. You are a teenage or near-teenage dork who thinks he is Napoleon or Hitler. Drop the hot pockets and Clearasil you subsist on and find a worthwhile outlet for your energy. Devote it to something that matters in the real world.

Or don't. And forever wonder why the rest of us laugh at you.

I, for one, find being outraged to be delightful.

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Turn 180 degrees. Pull back the curtains. See the the Sun shine in when you do.

Find out why the things that absorb all of your attention don't matter. Learn why the rest of the REAL world makes fun of your type and thinks you are are a dork.

CN is not real. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but that's the way it is. Save your outrage and intellectual effort (such as it may be) for REAL issues.

The real Napoleon died almost 20 decades ago. You are not his replacement. Not even close, since most you you haven't had the balls to even enlist in the National Guard. You are a teenage or near-teenage dork who thinks he is Napoleon or Hitler. Drop the hot pockets and Clearasil you subsist on and find a worthwhile outlet for your energy. Devote it to something that matters in the real world.

Or don't. And forever wonder why the rest of us laugh at you.

CN !@#$% Award.

I'm not that into RP, but I find that's its a fun game to play and if some like to really get into it, who cares? You scold people for play CN (a game that you play). You probably like shooting things and pretending to be cool because you joined the National Guard. A real man with honor doesn't tear others down and pretends that he is a big shot because of it. Did Robert E. Lee look down on others because he was a General? No. I hope they teach you a lesson in the NG. If you already served (thank you), but you gotta cool your jets man

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Turn 180 degrees. Pull back the curtains. See the the Sun shine in when you do.

Find out why the things that absorb all of your attention don't matter. Learn why the rest of the REAL world makes fun of your type and thinks you are are a dork.

CN is not real. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but that's the way it is. Save your outrage and intellectual effort (such as it may be) for REAL issues.

The real Napoleon died almost 20 decades ago. You are not his replacement. Not even close, since most you you haven't had the balls to even enlist in the National Guard. You are a teenage or near-teenage dork who thinks he is Napoleon or Hitler. Drop the hot pockets and Clearasil you subsist on and find a worthwhile outlet for your energy. Devote it to something that matters in the real world.

Or don't. And forever wonder why the rest of us laugh at you.

You're here because...

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Turn 180 degrees. Pull back the curtains. See the the Sun shine in when you do.

Find out why the things that absorb all of your attention don't matter. Learn why the rest of the REAL world makes fun of your type and thinks you are are a dork.

CN is not real. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but that's the way it is. Save your outrage and intellectual effort (such as it may be) for REAL issues.

The real Napoleon died almost 20 decades ago. You are not his replacement. Not even close, since most you you haven't had the balls to even enlist in the National Guard. You are a teenage or near-teenage dork who thinks he is Napoleon or Hitler. Drop the hot pockets and Clearasil you subsist on and find a worthwhile outlet for your energy. Devote it to something that matters in the real world.

Or don't. And forever wonder why the rest of us laugh at you.

Three hundred and seventy seven posts? Check.

Over a year of continuous playing? Check.

Thinks he's superior to the rest of us for his ability to write a snotty and hypocritical diatribe? Certainly.

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"Your alliance"?

One NPO poster with a grand total of 21 posts mentioned WTF ghosts. It's D34th who's been pushing the whole idea, he just got suckered IMO.

And this still doesn't change the fact that it was NPO who brought the issue of ghosts up, which is... what I said in the first place.

Edit: not even going to touch on the RAGE post above, because I see Delta quoted it so I'm sure it's been handled more eloquently than anything I could post.

Edited by Penkala
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That's the impression I get from so many people coming up with silly excuses for NPO losing their sanction - as if NPO hasn't really lost it, or it's not at fault or something.

Well you should note that the vast majority of said people, making excuses, accusations and generally not being able to get over the war, are in alliances other than NPO.

An outside observer would not be amiss for believing it was us who imposed draconian peace terms on you guys with all the whining I hear.

You won, we lost, get over it.

Edited by James Dahl
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