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Retirement speech time lol

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This past Thursday, I resigned the position of Grand Master of The Templar Knights and thus defacto ruler of said alliance. I have reached the point where I feel I do not have the drive or time to continue in this capacity. I want everyone in this game to clearly understand that I do this of my own free will. I was not forced out nor were any other government who decided to step down around the same time I did. It was happenstance that all occurred in a short time as many of us grew weary of the commitment this takes. It seemed a good time for new people at the helm and to give others a chance to shine. Hopefully I am right in making this decision as I did not make it lightly, but it is time for a changing of the guard and I feel confident a new leadership with a good drive and direction can lead from this point on.

I also saw some of the largest changes to the Templar Knights have ever seen. I did my best to relinquish a great deal of power to the priory and membership than any other previous Grandmaster, promoting the ability of the Alliance to direct itself. Economically, TTK has risen in average NS of nearly 29,000, an increase of over 10,000 in average NS. That is a rather significant climb for any alliance to make. It shows that our growth in members may have tapered off, but our drive to be a success was not hampered in the slightest. I think that was more of a team effort and shows the resolve of a small group when a common goal is defined.

To my friends in the Chestnut accords and Maroon Economic Pact, I hope you will continue to treat the new Grand Master with the same respect that you have shown me. It was a privilege to work with all of you on the level we did. I think my replacement will be able to continue and even progress those efforts beyond what my contributions did. What we accomplished was a feat I never thought possible and is no small achievement for a sphere once referred to as the Balkans. I hope my efforts will be considered as an asset to the whole sphere, not just TTK.

I say all of that not for recognition, but to give a benchmark for the incoming Grand Master. I think he will take my efforts and excel far above them. I hope he does. If his attitude is any indication of what he is capable of. He will go far in this game and in real life. He has been the voice of reason many times when I was angered to the point of exploding. A testament to his ability to lead by example. I know I have learned from him as much as I hope I have given him to work with. Time will tell. I know I speak for the entire alliance, and many others friends in wishing him well for the future in both Planet Bob and life in general. He is more than deserving.

With all of that said, this has left a gap within TTK’s leadership. Following the charter , an election was held. The whole alliance membership having the opportunity to exercise their choice over a selection of candidates for a new Grand Master was held for the first time in the history of The Templar Knights.

Thus, Cyphon88 was duly elected Grand Master for The Templar Knights. May his reign be peaceful and successful. You deserve it my friend. You definitely earned it.

Regent of Omerta

Newest Patriarch of the Templar Knights, Loyal member of the Priory

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Thank you one and all who has, and will post/ed within this thread for your kind hails.

I appreciate of the confidence that so many have shown in this thread.

Regent certainly set a high benchmark, but im aiming to beat it.

I'm aware many on planet bob may not know me aswell as i should like. So I'll allow this thread to be used to ask any pertinent (this qualifier was added knowing some of the people i DO know in CN - if they are a guide, then its a valuable qualifier) Questions, which i'll be happy to answer.


/o Regent of Omerta

/o To the Future of the Templar Knights.

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Regent we go a long way back you were a mentor to a younger ambitious Bud. You have done well with what you took over and I hope all can see it was a wise decision to appoint you, for you were absolutely what was needed at the time. Hold your head high in retirement because youve earned it. Im sure gran and Mongose will let you put a rocker out with them on the veranda.

Cyphon you take the reigns of a very good alliance whose membership makes it thrive, may you enjoy great success in leading them in to the future and know many of us are always willing to lend a helping hand should you need it. (doubt you will though from what ive heard).

o/ Regent

o/ TTK

Hail the new Grand Master of TTK Cyphon88

Edited by Buds The Man
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