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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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That is it. Im pretty sure TPF has been given terms. Whether they accept or not is not MK's wrong doing.

I gathered from Mhawk earlier that MK was not at all standing in the way of TPF getting peace, I still don't get why alterego quoting SC is so funny....

maybe i'm just slow on this one.

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Well, yeah, but when monsters give birth... chances are... it's a monster. D'uh! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I hope that Pacifica will not take revenge as its foremost lesson from this war. But that is a choice they ultimately make. Whether you agree or disagree with the terms, peace has been agreed upon, and it is a decision whether or not to become a monster or pursue revenge. We can only prepare for whatever course the future takes.

Although I am; as no doubt many other Pacificans; flattered by this paranoia regarding revenge, there is the small matter of a seven figure sum to be paid, by not many nations, the rebuilding of an alliance where two thirds are now well down in the lower tiers, 6 months of diplomatic isolation, low morale by bored banks, the likely exodus as most alliance experience after major wars and other factors to consider before anyone would even consider looking at 'revenge'. The figures are just so huge. I'm still not convinced its doable.

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I gathered from Mhawk earlier that MK was not at all standing in the way of TPF getting peace, I still don't get why alterego quoting SC is so funny....

maybe i'm just slow on this one.

Because everything involving Alterego is funny. ms.gif

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Now I didn't realize that this happened to Polaris.

I'll be consistent here - that shouldn't have happened to you guys either.

/me takes more notes.

Thank you, I don't think it should have happened to us either, which is why I am ambivalent about these terms. On one hand, I hate to see Karma continue to set precedence for these sort of revenge-seeking terms (though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised as quite a few of these alliances are the same ones that dealt Polaris her "karma"). But on the other hand, I can remember quite clearly Moo berating us during peace negotiations, telling us how we deserved our harsh terms for acting so poorly during the war and hiding our banks in peace mode. While watching him bleed in the same manner that he (and others) forced us to do will not give Polaris her tech back, on some petty level it brings me satisfaction. I am trying to tell myself that these terms for Pacifica are unfair...but I can't quite bring myself to do it yet, the wounds have not fully healed.

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As much as we have done in the past, I truly think the Pacific Order has been humbled by this experience. We now know we are not invincible, and regardless of what people opposed to us will always say, I believe that we will not seek revenge as we have in the past.

As far as the "not saying we have been defeated" part, I don't think even Sir Paul could spin this war into a victory for Pacifica.

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OOC: Then you guys need to stop bullying him in every post of every thread and grow up.

OOC: Are you freaking serious? Do you know Alterego's and my history at all? If he takes a post like that, coming from me, seriously at all then Ill be surprised. Also, yeah, Im definitely a big mean bully and I do nothing but hurt his feelings and he does nothing but send me flowers and compliments my dress. Get out of here.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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Although I am; as no doubt many other Pacificans; flattered by this paranoia regarding revenge, there is the small matter of a seven figure sum to be paid, by not many nations, the rebuilding of an alliance where two thirds are now well down in the lower tiers, 6 months of diplomatic isolation, low morale by bored banks, the likely exodus as most alliance experience after major wars and other factors to consider before anyone would even consider looking at 'revenge'. The figures are just so huge. I'm still not convinced its doable.

7 figures? check again matey, thats an 11 digit number.

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OOC: Are you freaking serious? Do you know Alterego's and my history at all? If he takes a post like that, coming from me, seriously at all then Ill be surprised. Also, yeah, Im definitely a big mean bully and I do nothing but hurt his feelings and he does nothing but send me flowers and compliments my dress. Get out of here.

that's a very pretty dress, would you like some flowers?

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o/ NPO, Pacifica will rebuild and become a great empire again. ;)

o/ Karma as well.

A shout to out to karma nations. You guys were great opponents.

Edited by London
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Wait a minute. I thought Karma was the monster?

I think we're the monster that the Hegemony created that has in turn created a new monster that will be so brutal that not even all the little monsters the NPO created before can stop it. A year from now.

Or something.

As for the who gets what part of this, it was more important to Karma Command to end the war in a way that was not repeating mistakes, while at the same time, not creating new ones. This took considerable thought, and how to divy up the money has not been the most critical item as a result of this. I'd imagine it will come out soon now, though.

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Although I am; as no doubt many other Pacificans; flattered by this paranoia regarding revenge, there is the small matter of a seven figure sum to be paid, by not many nations, the rebuilding of an alliance where two thirds are now well down in the lower tiers, 6 months of diplomatic isolation, low morale by bored banks, the likely exodus as most alliance experience after major wars and other factors to consider before anyone would even consider looking at 'revenge'. The figures are just so huge. I'm still not convinced its doable.

You have taken a very unorthodox approach to reading, my friend. The details you state here only highlight the reasons for not making revenge a primary goal. This logic extends to the countless nations who have ruined themselves in rogue pursuit of vengeance. Though some may have relished the destruction of NPO nations, not everyone felt this way who fought. But what is done is done. My goal is merely to urge people to look toward the future with caution and circumspection rather than firey-eyed hatred. For alliances across Planet Bob, it is a time to focus inward after many of us spent so much time looking and fighting abroad. A heavy price has been paid (is being paid) and I would like to believe that it has not been entirely in vain.

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Not even give him any attention?

Come now, Archon, at least be honest with yourself in admitting you only are giving the attention seeker his sustenance.

I'm embarrassed to admit I had just asked someone else not to come in and back me up for that very self-same reason.

In GWIII, Aegis was winning militarily. Initiative alliances were surrendering left and right. Had it continued, however, it would have left the remaining Aegis alliances weaker than the surrendered Initiative, leasing to an eventual WUT victory that would have lasted forever. NAAC and LUE saw this and disbanded, dispersing over a wide area as part of a greater strategy. Is it a coincidence that MK's creation helped sour relations between NPO and GOONS? That Almighty Grub is now emperor of NpO while Archon was the figurehead of a coalition that this time had such overwhelming force centered on NPO that they couldn't be disadvantaged by continuing to fight.

Clearly Aegis could easily have won GWIII, but they decided on a much more intelligent strategic withdrawl that culminated in ultimate victory.

This is positively brilliant, by the way.

A few liner notes:

MK has no intention of disbanding TPF, so please get that flight of fancy out of here. It would be improper to give further information as to what holdups exists in peace talks and why they do, but needless to say there is healthy and constructive conversation going on in the necessary areas to get this thing sealed and done.

Sorry hawk_11, but I really don't think "Big Bad Pacifica" is going to come knocking anywhere anytime soon. And most the people who do are fools. It would be strategically flawed to do anything other than sit back and let everyone beat each other while you quietly rebuild and gather a small but strong cadre...otherwise known as what you did last time you were in this position. You just need a longer time to rebuild is all.

Annnnndd as for that quote of me floating around about no draconian terms, in my own opinion these terms are not draconian. I'll note that opinion is not necessarily the minority either, judging from replies in this thread. And ultimately, the words cast around are mine alone, so that doesn't exactly make me a liar. That Karma became a more decentralized entity is actually the fault of the microalliances that joined the coalition, and if you want to blame anyone for perceived harsh terms, blame them - they are the ones who caused any sort of rift that forbade any central authority from enforcing any opening ideals.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got one last peace to negotiate before I can finally fetch my lawn chair and sit down for a good, long rest.

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When was the Emperor in peace mode. I believe he was ZI'd. and fought hard. Given I am in a squad with him and saw him every update fighting. But hey. A guy on the OUTSIDE would know better. Ignorance is bliss.

Sir, you took the words right out of my mind.

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