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[quote]Five Hundred tomahawk cruise missiles were launched from the Imperium, from bases on the mainland, Southhampton Island and Coats Island and streaked into enemy territory, destroying targets with massives success.
Can this be allowed, because many people are saying no at this I just wanna make sure.

Edited by lutai
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' date='18 June 2010 - 08:06 PM' timestamp='1276916763' post='2342519']
What's the beef with lutai? I think you need to take a break here.

And now somehow magically, the context of my post has disappeared. :ph34r:

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='19 June 2010 - 12:36 PM' timestamp='1276965394' post='2342954']
Pravus, thats not needed...Lutai exploded the campaign depot, theyre taking fuel that they capture as they advance, its just not written down in the RP that theyre stealing fuel.

It's not for that. My request stands.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='19 June 2010 - 12:36 PM' timestamp='1276965394' post='2342954']
Pravus, thats not needed...Lutai exploded the campaign depot, theyre taking fuel that they capture as they advance, its just not written down in the RP that theyre stealing fuel.

Um...then they're not stealing fuel.

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[quote name='lutai' date='19 June 2010 - 02:17 AM' timestamp='1276906631' post='2342345']
Can this be allowed, because many people are saying no at this I just wanna make sure.
He can't RP your damages. If he did, he needs to change the post.

[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='19 June 2010 - 02:21 AM' timestamp='1276906882' post='2342351']
Two more rolls against Shadow please
At 70%, as per your previous post...

Fail: 1-30
Win: 31-100

Winnar and winnar

[quote name='Shadowsage' date='19 June 2010 - 04:06 AM' timestamp='1276913147' post='2342456']
Two against Mudd please. (30% odds)
Need a screen for that.

[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='19 June 2010 - 06:25 PM' timestamp='1276964719' post='2342943']
Same here... that's what I get for being out I guess.

Requesting rolls on Markus and Zoot, same odds as yesterday, one roll each to sabotage their fuel lines. Please and thank you.
You probably still have 90%. Not much change can happen in this time.

Fail: 1-10
Win: 11-100


Win times two

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Pravus used a cyber attack to shut down all electronics in my nation.
I quote
[quote]A second after that, the lieutenant entered the kill command for the Imperium's entire electrical grid, shutting every power plant down, every generator, everything electrical inside the Imperium suddenly was switched off as if someone hit a light switch. The colonel smiled as he watched the report.[/quote]

Heres the link.

Now in his second attack, he used systems he had already made offline and not work, and blew up every refinery in my nation by sending the oil back to them and the pressure caused explosions. Not only do I believe this to be implausable in the timeframe he described, apparently MANUAL emergency shutdown wont work, because my entire oil system across my entire Empire, exploded seconds after the attack was made.

Im calling shens on this, because he RP'd shutting [b]everything[/b] off, which means backups aswell. So by doing this, his own attack wouldnt have worked, making the refinery attacks void, Can I have a GM ruling on this please?

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='20 June 2010 - 02:51 AM' timestamp='1276995057' post='2343276']
Two more rolls against Shadow for today please :)

Fail: 1-30
Win: 31-100


A win and a failure.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='20 June 2010 - 03:00 AM' timestamp='1276995592' post='2343285']

Two rolls against Pravus please
Fail: 1-90
Win: 91-100


One win, one failure.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='20 June 2010 - 05:07 AM' timestamp='1277003228' post='2343349']
Pravus used a cyber attack to shut down all electronics in my nation.
I quote

Heres the link.

Now in his second attack, he used systems he had already made offline and not work, and blew up every refinery in my nation by sending the oil back to them and the pressure caused explosions. Not only do I believe this to be implausable in the timeframe he described, apparently MANUAL emergency shutdown wont work, because my entire oil system across my entire Empire, exploded seconds after the attack was made.

Im calling shens on this, because he RP'd shutting [b]everything[/b] off, which means backups aswell. So by doing this, his own attack wouldnt have worked, making the refinery attacks void, Can I have a GM ruling on this please?
Hm. If the electronic's down, the refineries would technically be down as well. Also, making them explode by hacking is impossible and completely ridiculous. Refineries don't work that way.
He should've RPd infiltration by specops agents.
But yeah, the previous attack on your electronics and whatnot would have made him unable to do anything with the refineries via hacking. Refineries are still standing, just offline. Doing whatever offline refineries do.

[quote name='Executive Minister' date='20 June 2010 - 05:15 AM' timestamp='1277003685' post='2343352']
whats the ruling on pure navy vs navy nukings? SDI roll or no?
The only navy ships that would have nukes are subs - and those launch missiles that can be intercepted just like any other missile WMD. IAT and ITDA can of course veto if they feel this is wrong. As usual. :v:

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='20 June 2010 - 08:51 AM' timestamp='1277016676' post='2343518']
Lynneth: Just for security's sake to make sure people aren't re-using old screen shots I think you should obligate them to include the time stamp at the top of the CN screen. It's a potential exploit.
[size="7"]That's a valid point. [/size]
I think I'll handle it like that from now on - Timestamp on screens from everyone.
Also means that after this post, all screens have to be resubmitted to be valid.

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[quote name='Lynneth' date='20 June 2010 - 06:47 AM' timestamp='1277030805' post='2343588']
The only navy ships that would have nukes are subs - and those launch missiles that can be intercepted just like any other missile WMD. IAT and ITDA can of course veto if they feel this is wrong. As usual. :v:

Yes, what I am describing is a purely naval battle far from any sovereign land. Suddenly, an attack submarine comes to launch a nuclear weapon at the already engaged enemy fleet. Would there be an OOC inclination for the defending fleet to have an OOC SDI roll? Was there a ruling on that?

This is just for clarification, your answer was sorta ambiguous, although what I think you said was that, 'yes, the defender is entitled to an SDI roll'.

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I believe we should have people state what their spy roll is for before they make the roll. Essentially, people can ask for two spy rolls with no RP back up and if they win one and lose one, they can state that any one of their attacks was successful. Therefore I believe that in order for a spy roll exist, the person must state what the spy roll is for while requesting it.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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