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An apology to the GPA

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But you are trying to discourage debate by saying it is "unnecessary" and that they "really have no place in this issue." Don't you find it weird that you wish to change norms while trying to keep this one? :huh:

How is that statement attempting to stifle debate? I don't want to get involved in another monstrous run-around on this issue again, and I'm tired of people with no part in it trying to explain to us why we did something or what our actions or words mean. They can do it as much as they want, but I can certainly tell them it's not necessary, wanted, or productive.

Edited by Heft
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How is that statement attempting to stifle debate? I don't want to get involved in another monstrous run-around on this issue again, and I'm tired of people with no part in it trying to explain to us why we did something or what our actions or words mean. They can do it as much as they want, but I can certainly tell them it's not necessary, wanted, or productive.

Kinda like your recruitment messages?

*ba-dum cha*

Tip your waitresses.

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No I don't.

The messages were done in the style that the NSO uses. There was nothing really offensive about the contents at all. Instead of wasting time being offended or outraged I suggest you guys work up some counter messages. Here's some fun points you might use:

1. We respect and uphold traditional and widely recognized CN standards

2. We stay out of wars and use our military might expressly to further the growth your nation

3. We are above the petty squabbles of typical CN alliances and only only declare wars in extreme and dire circumstances

Stuff like that. Stuff that certainly appeals to what I figure is a smaller yet still significant percentage of CN players.

Because really guys, we're all here to conflict our views with the views of others. We do it with war and with debates in this venue. Why does that suddenly end when it comes to offering members of an alliance a better option, as we see it?

(I do fear what might happen to my nation's mailroom if recruitment messages start flying from every direction though... but that's a different issue.)

[edit]By the way I also think this apology is silly, if only because I don't really see any wrong that was committed in the first place...[/edit]

Have you read the last line? I consider you one of the rational types on these boards and even NSO has admitted it was written in poor taste. I'm surprised you still feel the need to defend this fact.

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How is that statement attempting to stifle debate? I don't want to get involved in another monstrous run-around on this issue again, and I'm tired of people with no part in it trying to explain to us why we did something or what our actions or words mean. They can do it as much as they want, but I can certainly tell them it's not necessary, wanted, or productive.

Just by saying something is unnecessary turns people off. It gets into one's head. Talk is good and should be encouraged. Even if you don't want to hear it doesn't mean others don't want to speak it.

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Well, this apology is better than the one you gave to us in Great War One. Barely.

You're a liar, Ivan, and this apology is terrible. We all know you aren't sincere and don't regret it. Unfortunately, your fanboys will still think you're literally a god, and hail everything you do while condemning anyone else who does stuff like this.

You're just as bad as you were back in the day. I'll always keep a watchful eye on you.

Uh-Oh Starfox has his spectacles on.

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Just by saying something is unnecessary turns people off. It gets into one's head. Talk is good and should be encouraged. Even if you don't want to hear it doesn't mean others don't want to speak it.

Talk is terrible when I don't want to hear it, and especially when it's something I've heard over and over for 24 or more hours.

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Just by saying something is unnecessary turns people off. It gets into one's head.

Its a shame you have such a low opinion of people's critical thinking skills, then. I tend to think folks are capable of knowing when an issue doesnt need to be commented on.

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Then may I suggest you don't listen to it?

As it pertains to my alliance and sometimes myself directly I really should at least keep an eye on it to keep the too ridiculous statements in check, if nothing else. Such a terrible burden on my shoulders, but I carry it, thanklessly. Yay me.

I thought it was a 58 page abomination.

It's hard to tell with you guys sometimes. I'll wait for Ivan to hopefully make a proclamation.

Truly, all of us would be lost without his guidance. The Dark Lord is the torch in the cave.

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Have you read the last line? I consider you one of the rational types on these boards and even NSO has admitted it was written in poor taste. I'm surprised you still feel the need to defend this fact.

The last line is certainly a dig. I figure it was put there to draw a response, but it is also there to get the member to think. If their alliance doesn't value them enough to take drastic action then maybe it isn't worth staying a member of, or so the thought process might go. (That thought process may even be wrong. Maybe they don't respond because they feel doing so is not worth the effort, and they know their membership likes where it is or any number of reasonable reasons like that.)

Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather recruiting members out of an alliance only be done on a personal level and for the right reasons. Mass messaging to those in an alliance would be extremely annoying if it became the norm. But I'm opposed to it because it would make me wade through my inbox to get to something important, not because trying to tell members of an alliance how your alliance is better than theirs is somehow inherently wrong.

Edited by Ragashingo
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Yeh, and you know what would be least redundant...issue a blanket appology to all the alliances you recruited from in one thread.

What's done is done. Cant undo whats already occurred, hence the apology.

And considering everyone else got an apology, GPA deserved one as well, even if it was unnecessary. So...Yeah. Thats about it.

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I don't disagree, I just wished the appology given was at least half sincere or legitimate. It sounds more like the appology is in regards to the content of the messages rather than the act of recruiting from another alliance...

Weve never said that recruiting from other alliances is wrong. Its just that the tone and text of the messages was shameful and abhorrent, and should be apologized for. Frankly speaking, it was a slap in the face of those alliances, and as TDO has shown quite well, GPA and GOP and others werent limited to being quite as classy as theyve been about this in their possible responses.

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How is that statement attempting to stifle debate? I don't want to get involved in another monstrous run-around on this issue again, and I'm tired of people with no part in it trying to explain to us why we did something or what our actions or words mean. They can do it as much as they want, but I can certainly tell them it's not necessary, wanted, or productive.

You can tell us not to do it all you want, but I can certainly tell you it's not necessary, wanted, or productive.

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You can tell us not to do it all you want, but I can certainly tell you it's not necessary, wanted, or productive.

I see that you're trying to be witty by turning my words back on me, but it only works if you're making an actual point.

(and I'm done for tonight)

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