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Best Alliance Flags Nominations


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I like the Armed Coalition of Valor's flag.


And of course the Ragnarok flag. I was too lazy to look for a flag without the wavy effects.


I second Bill. I like our old ACV flag and i like RoKs with out effects. But ACV flag wins hands down over RoKs.

Edited by Jake997
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All of my favorites have already been nominated - TPF's 'Battle Damaged' flag, Carpe Diem's 'Pony of War' and MK's various banners.

Though there WAS unused one that MK had shown me a while back that looked all vintage and sepia-toned. Sadly, I don't have access to it anymore.

And don't worry... Much as I'd like to nominate my own work, I'll respect the OP's wishes and decline to do so. ;)

Interestingly enough, none of MK's work has been nominated by a non-MK member as of yet.

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Gremlins. The skull emerging is amazing work.

No it's not. Any flag with a skull, a crossbones, a nuke symbol, or a biohazard symbol is automatically disqualified, discounting any pirate-themed alliances that there may be out there due to the necessity of the first two in a flag for such an alliance.

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I honestly really dislike this.
Yeah, it's a nuke symbol over the top of a wallpaper. I've actually got that wallpaper somewhere in my collection.
You have a collection of wallpaper? :v:
Clear bias.
I only sort of like this one.

As for my personal favorite, probably Polars. To quote Comrade OPArsenal:

A flag should look like a flag, not a hookers business card.
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Most of these flags are way too complicated to really be flags. I prefer the simpler flags that are more realistic, like a certain flag I'm not allowed to nominate.

Yes, I'm going to pay the OP more than lip service and use not so subtle hints to get around it.

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I would like to nominate the Nordreich flag. Not only is it a very well designed flag that incorporates the image of the alliance well but it also is perhaps one of the more Individual flags on Planet Bob. The reputation that this flag holds is huge, especially for older players, and I think that that is part of how good a flag is.


Personally, I disagree. The only "original" thing about the NoR-flag is the O-rune (Otherwise it's the exact copy of the war ensign of the German Empire) and it would be better without the photoshop-effects.

Edited by KanaX
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