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Official Grämlins' Announcement: Temporary Cessation of Citadel Interaction

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Ejay, relax. If anything you should be fired up about the comment about your mom. I mean, I'm surprised he had the courage to go there.

...But then again, who hasn't.

My mother did it to herself, and ES is a good guy. He was there when it happened. Or I should say "He was there" and leave it at that, could mean two things. All I am saying is if I wake up and see a tattoo on her leg "Electron Sponge was here", their yoga lessons are done.

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Good move. I did this a few months back with MK masks. My diplomats !@#$%*ed. :P

Seriously you !@#$@#$ !@#$%^&, YOU SERIOUSLY retired?

Hmpf. Potato is a cool dude either way, but you piss me off good sir. :(

Edited by Ejayrazz
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and no total demask, everyone given the generic Diplo mask, removed the special Gre Diplo mask which gave them access to the nekkid sections of the forums.

Why do I not have this access? :mad:

Edited by sethb
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Seriously you !@#$@#$ !@#$%^&, YOU SERIOUSLY retired?

Hmpf. Potato is a cool dude either way, but you piss me off good sir. :(

Old news. Like 2 weeks old. You been living under a rock? Or can you just not see MK Territory because of the dust kicked up by the suicide bombers from TPF? :P

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Old news. Like 2 weeks old. You been living under a rock? Or can you just not see MK Territory because of the dust kicked up by the suicide bombers from TPF? :P

We must be really good, because I missed it too. :P Happy retirement.


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If anyone demasks me. Expect nooks. That and I'll probably be too lazy to go through the registration process again.
Count me in too. Ejayrazz forgets that signing up on another alliance's forums isn't really even about diplomacy. FA happens on IRC, not on forums. Forums are about making friends, hanging out, and for some it's about business. I am registered on about 100 alliance forums for the purposes of the Grämlins bulk technology program (and just to hang out and be friendly with), and if any of you demask ME, I'll nuke EJAY. :D
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