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Official Grämlins' Announcement: Temporary Cessation of Citadel Interaction

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nuke9pw5.gifOfficial Announcement From The Grämlinsnuke9pw5.gif


With the recent addition of Argent, we must say our goodbyes. Not only have they insulted our mouth-watering barbeques, they also have taken the liberty to wear strawberry flavored thongs, which a member of ours, Hellangel, has began feasting on accordingly in exchange for sensitive information, such as Syz's bra size. In all seriousness, we welcome Argent to Citadel and believe they will make a great addition to our lovely ladies and look forward to working with them within Citadel itself.

Onto more pressing matters, I ask for ALL alliances to eliminate the masks of Grämlin diplomats, except myself. Us Gremlins sometimes get so wrapped up in our midnight affairs, we make Praetor's (FA) life a living hell and I must clean up what is left behind since I am a lousy janitor. Please, it would truly be appreciated if all diplomatic masks were removed as I am revamping foreign affairs and its organization. Yes, that means you. Those following my kind request will be rewarded with a limited edition strawberry thong, come and get em and an old version of our flag, as shown above.


Ejayrazz, Praetor

Egwaterboy1, Judicator

Ertyy, some random Archon dude in Gremlins. Bob, you weren't on. >.<

tl;dr: We love Citadel and demask every Gre member please. Reorganizing everything,

Edited by Ejayrazz
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Those following my kind request will be rewarded with a limited edition strawberry thong, come and get em and an old version of our flag, as shown above.

Since you don't have an embassy with us we will of course comply. No need to send the strawberry thong though, your mom likes to wear those when she does 'yoga'

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Since you don't have an embassy with us we will of course comply. No need to send the strawberry thong though, your mom likes to wear those when she does 'yoga'

I will make sure I personally come over there, Sir the-dude-secretly-fornicating-my-mother-and-pretending-its-yoga classes.

Big_z: Yes. Give me tea, since you purposely excluded me.

WC: Agreed. He will be missed.

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