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Grämlins betray TOP

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Ladies and Gentlemen.

We all knew this day would come. Today, while Grämlin leadership ranks held a secret meeting, we discovered a secret agent of TOP spying on us. We handled the situation accordingly.




On a serious note: we held one of our famous BBQs at my place. necAnt from TOP was on a visit to Steelrat and was, of course, invited too.

We love TOP, yes we do! Lots of love ;)

There is a big picture thread regarding this meeting on our very own boards, you can view it here:


Kind regards,



Celial (BoboTheGreat)



For reference: last BBQ (where we hunted down moo) http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55661

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Is that the small tractor i heard TOP members use to get around?

No, thats a TOP "Tank". They have quite a lot of these! Also notice the small watering can they carry with them. Thats standard equipment with two types of attack: Primary attack is 'Acid Rain' which they bring over your nation if you mess with TOP, as secondary function they can spill a bit of water on a Grämlin who is nearby, which then turns into a bloodrage-monster.

Pretty scary battle beasts!

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OK, I'm quite worried. This BBQ meeting, it didn't happen after midnight, did it?

you know what happens when you feed Grämlins after midnight

It would be in violation of the midnight feast to do so.

Although we do, from time to time..shall we say, "forget to remove" the snackbowl around 23.45 should it happen that we have visitors that we wouldn't mind accidentially being throwed out of the window by a rigged wheelchair elevator or something along those lines.....

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I've been dying to ask this so I'll just ask this here; what's been going on with your member count? Ever since April Fools you've been dropping, and I don't like seeing my favorite alliance seemingly struggle.

Also, awesome post. I'll have to recommend some Ninja BBQ's, they look like fun.

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