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Question to Poison Clan


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Sure would if they are interested. Its obvious TPF has no intentions of defending their protectorate.

Also from reading iAlan's responses, its clear that California are some good people.

We'd simply like them peaced out with some reps to pay for the damage. Your assertion we have no intention of defending them is incorrect.

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Fully engaged would be if you would stop hiding, Mr. Ihada$30warchest. Yes, that's $30. Enough for a sandwich bag, some rubber bands, a grilled cheese sandwich, and a pop gun. Congratulations on being quite possibly the worst Minister of War in Cybernations. By the way, how much aid have you received so far?

LOL, typical Twisted post, yell, whine and BAWWWWWWW. The only reason I was (yes, was yesterday) in Peace mode, was because PC can't seem to set a stagger properly unless it is a tech raid, and MK...well, I already had a laugh about MK with them :P

Hmm, $30 dollar warchest?? don't think it was ever $30 at anypoint, most time above it, occasionally below. But irregardless, I am back in the fight, and will be raining nukes on PC again soon. :lol1:

Given now that you know that the allaince was over 15 nations and did have a protector...does that mean you will follow your Rules and pay reps??

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Sovereignty? What makes sovereignty a worthy cause? People war regardless if people say "hey look I'm sovereign". Each nation is sovereign in its own right. This is no different. Sovereignty infringement is necessary for :awesome:. AKA Sovereignty ought to be violated.

I must note that these statements seem to kind of make a satire of sorts. NPO attacked Ordo Verde with just cause! Let's Kill them! PC attacks a small unprotected alliance. Hm...wait...that's bad...right?

If you read back I think you'll find that I was arguing against the notion that PC's sovereignty was somehow being violated here. I'm not entirely certain I understand or agree with the rest of that paragraph, but it's not really germane so I'm not going to worry about it.

Your second point is a completely unreasonable comparison (assuming you meant "without" rather than "with," if I'm wrong on that then it really makes no sense), and I think you know that, so I'm going to let it rest too.

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TPF backed up by most of the alliances who are now on the losing side of the current war? Indeed.

Well, since this is totally unrelated to the current war, and it's a tech raid on a TPF protectorate.

And everyone can see how TPF takes it's treaties seriously.

And after the responses in this thread from both Karma and non Karma folks, a PC stomping would be a welcome thing. Nothing like having an experienced meatshield do your dirty work for you.

And since the last remaining pro PC voice in TPF has had a HUGE change of heart.

And we will be much closer in AS when all is said and done, so it will be sorta fair.

And since everyone knows how much PC loves war.

....the future shall be interesting indeed.

House of Cards 2.0

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To be quite honest, I imagine quite a few of your NSO members have some bad "KARMA" themselves. Teapot, quit calling the kettle black.

Care to explain where the alliance NSO has accumulated bad KARMA?

I am here speaking my own mind, not a .gov member, so how about showing me the relevance of your teapot comment, care to show me where I or even my alliance has "raided" a sovereign alliance like PC did?

I'll give PC credit, they man up and admit "if we can profit from it we'll do it" I just don't like it and will decry it.

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in all honesty, after this war is done, how about a few (or more) raiding alliances get together and decide to "raid" PC?

TPF raids, and I'm sure I can get our govt to waive all the pesky rules we have as well.

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in all honesty, after this war is done, how about a few (or more) raiding alliances get together and decide to "raid" PC?

Why wait? If what they have done is so horrible should not the atrocity be countered while it is happening? Must you wait till you have numerical superiority? I am sure you guys at this point could offer your friendship to those whom can attack PC at this time. I am sure there would be plenty of alliances wanting to befriend you guys.

I mean, that idea is not so different from what you suggest right? But this idea stops the atrocity in its tracks rather then letting them do full damage.

Be Just!

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Why wait? If what they have done is so horrible should not the atrocity be countered while it is happening? Must you wait till you have numerical superiority? I am sure you guys at this point could offer your friendship to those whom can attack PC at this time. I am sure there would be plenty of alliances wanting to befriend you guys.

I mean, that idea is not so different from what you suggest right? But this idea stops the atrocity in its tracks rather then letting them do full damage.

Be Just!

Give PC+California a chance to agree on reps first.

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Why wait? If what they have done is so horrible should not the atrocity be countered while it is happening? Must you wait till you have numerical superiority? I am sure you guys at this point could offer your friendship to those whom can attack PC at this time. I am sure there would be plenty of alliances wanting to befriend you guys.

I mean, that idea is not so different from what you suggest right? But this idea stops the atrocity in its tracks rather then letting them do full damage.

Be Just!

Funny. That was the same thing I was saying about Karma in another discussion. :lol1:

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i bet that would actually bring tpf out of peace mode, if other ppl were attacking us as well lol

i bet all tpf needs to come out of peace mode is for the other 16 alliances, besides pc, attacking us to go away lol

.....wouldn't that be fun.

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i bet all tpf needs to come out of peace mode is for the other 16 alliances, besides pc, attacking us to go away lol

.....wouldn't that be fun.

ooh, that would be fun.

TPF vs. PC. ^_^

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in all honesty, after this war is done, how about a few (or more) raiding alliances get together and decide to "raid" PC?

My Nation. Why wait?

You guys seem to think this is all about profit. Its about war.....we like it and we are good at it. We have been locked up for months and now we are like kids in a candy shop.

We respect everyone we fight except TPF because.....well because we dont like them.

Again good luck Cali and find some friends that will come out of hiding to protect you.

….and Jbone we don’t have any pro TPF supporters in PC.

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Hang on............is this thread the biggest bag of fail ever?

They are a protectorate of TPF, PC went to war with TPF and its logical to hit anyone and everyone who is likely to back them up until the point they surrender.

If they don't like it they shouldn't be supporting or allying including getting protected by people with the bullying tactics of Q. I'm sure they won't be forced to disband or pay tens of thousands of tech or get a viceroy yet they certainly aligned themselves with an AA who have supported these actions.

I'm playing the worlds smallest violin.

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….and Jbone we don’t have any pro TPF supporters in PC.

Perhaps not, but the vast majority of quality members were nurtured here.....and in TF! and most that I have had contact with still have respect for us. Very few are actually the asshats they are portrayed to be, present company excluded.

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Hang on............is this thread the biggest bag of fail ever?

They are a protectorate of TPF, PC went to war with TPF and its logical to hit anyone and everyone who is likely to back them up until the point they surrender.

If they don't like it they shouldn't be supporting or allying including getting protected by people with the bullying tactics of Q. I'm sure they won't be forced to disband or pay tens of thousands of tech or get a viceroy yet they certainly aligned themselves with an AA who have supported these actions.

I'm playing the worlds smallest violin.

Your hate for people that did nothing to you led to your betrayal of an alliance you were gov in, I would expect no less a diatribe from you.

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in all honesty, after this war is done, how about a few (or more) raiding alliances get together and decide to "raid" PC?

Funny you weren't threatening and declaring on NPO not so long ago and you weren't threatening NpO or other nations for heinous actions. For actions against FAN you didn't declare war. I know you were present during these actions.

Perhaps if you do declare war against PC you will finally prove you have the courage of your convictions. I urge you to do it since it would be a victory for you personally no matter what occurs afterwards. It will certainly prove your not secretly hoarding pixels while posting rhetoric on the boards.

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Funny you weren't threatening and declaring on NPO not so long ago and you weren't threatening NpO or other nations for heinous actions. It will certainly prove your not secretly hoarding pixels while posting rhetoric on the boards.

He was in NpO.... seem to recall him getting zi'ed

Wouldn't claiming those are the same thing as you guys be admitting to this is a "heinous action?"

+1 for me stealing Karma propaganda tagline :D

Edited by mhawk
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