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Re: Valhalla

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Would I like to stay in the war? I'm not going to lie, yes. I love fighting, and I'm good at it. But theres a point when you have to stop.

I really hate to have to point this out... But do you know how to read?

I see a bright future in CN poltics for you ^_^

The days long past, warriors would fight to ZI, you had that option, if you liked war so much why did you choose peace mode.

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Stop Posting.

You're understanding of the situation is obviously flawed and you're making your self, and through your actions Valhalla, look the fool.

Come now, he's doing a fine job of destroying the PR you are trying to cultivate after this war. What possible harm could he do? :P

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I am of no importance to Valhalla, except being a solid member, and many on here will not know of me, but I have seen Valhalla through all it's wars, I am not government nor do I want to be, as I cannot comprehend how anyone can do it, not just those in Valhalla but it is sad that people do not believe we can change, when we have already changed during noW to Chefjoe change, or do all those who believe we cannot change, see Valhalla and Legion, not only living on Purple in peace, but side by side. Did those people see Valhalla and BAPS becoming very close friends, maybe even "BFF" (:P). No one who says we can't change would have seen us working our backsides off to making Purple United, something that has worked.

Yes, We have been real ****holes in the past, but to say Valhalla cannot change is really bull**** as we already have changed many a times in our stance from our founding to now. Yes, we have still been idiots, and enjoyed basking in our own, and our allies glory but to say we will becoming back for revenge is I would believe only an idiot would think we could get away with it.

All I want to do now is lick my wounds, sort out my nation after Umbrella and RIA gave it a real pounding and then in 3 months time, look forward to seeing the alliance work again, and to prove everyone who are just waiting for us to slip up that we can come back a better (in all forms) Alliance.

Of course saying that, we could carry on the hate which I hope people will choose not to.

One last time though can I give up a big hello to my opponents but specifically WestWind of the RIA who has given me many laughs. All I will say to you my friend is fix that bloody highway :P

o/ Our Opponents

o/ Valhalla

o/ To a better future

Edited by MadScotsman
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Far more than he can actually imagine. <_<

Then I suppose...not that far? :v:

In all seriousness, I want you guys (and those rare internet wimminz) to shock me. I seriously doubt your government is really going to do a 180 policywise like you'd have to, but hey, anything can happen. If you do that, I'll drop my grievances against Valhalla (for the most part ;) ).

For the moment, and from your two stray forum newbies, I'm going to assume the most likely probability; that you haven't changed at all. Sorry if I don't sound confident in your rehabilitation.

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pretty nice terms.


i'm pretty sure you want to change this since most of the people that listen to you are on your side... just my 2 cents.

Listen, worm, I've been making worms listen since before you were a twinkle in daddy's eye. The alignment of these worms is of no consequence to me. Where there are worms they shall listen or suffer the consequences. Unless they go into peace mode, in which case I will simply hope that they listen!


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I am of no importance to Valhalla, except being a solid member, and many on here will not know of me, but I have seen Valhalla through all it's wars, I am not government nor do I want to be, as I cannot comprehend how anyone can do it, not just those in Valhalla but it is sad that people do not believe we can change, when we have already changed during noW to Chefjoe change, or do all those who believe we cannot change, see Valhalla and Legion, not only living on Purple in peace, but side by side. Did those people see Valhalla and BAPS becoming very close friends, maybe even "BFF" (:P). No one who says we can't change would have seen us working our backsides off to making Purple United, something that has worked.

Yes, We have been real ****holes in the past, but to say Valhalla cannot change is really bull**** as we already have changed many a times in our stance from our founding to now. Yes, we have still been idiots, and enjoyed basking in our own, and our allies glory but to say we will becoming back for revenge is I would believe only an idiot would think we could get away with it.

All I want to do now is lick my wounds, sort out my nation after Umbrella and RIA gave it a real pounding and then in 3 months time, look forward to seeing the alliance work again, and to prove everyone who are just waiting for us to slip up that we can come back a better (in all forms) Alliance.

Of course saying that, we could carry on the hate which I hope people will choose not to.

One last time though can I give up a big hello to my opponents but specifically WestWind of the RIA who has given me many laughs. All I will say to you my friend is fix that bloody highway :P

o/ Our Opponents

o/ Valhalla

o/ To a better future

Excellent Post, James Saams, take a lesson, this is how you promote a positive image for you alliance.

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I am of no importance to Valhalla, except being a solid member, and many on here will not know of me, but I have seen Valhalla through all it's wars, I am not government nor do I want to be, as I cannot comprehend how anyone can do it, not just those in Valhalla but it is sad that people do not believe we can change, when we have already changed during noW to Chefjoe change, or do all those who believe we cannot change, see Valhalla and Legion, not only living on Purple in peace, but side by side. Did those people see Valhalla and BAPS becoming very close friends, maybe even "BFF" (:P). No one who says we can't change would have seen us working our backsides off to making Purple United, something that has worked.

Yes, We have been real ****holes in the past, but to say Valhalla cannot change is really bull**** as we already have changed many a times in our stance from our founding to now. Yes, we have still been idiots, and enjoyed basking in our own, and our allies glory but to say we will becoming back for revenge is I would believe only an idiot would think we could get away with it.

All I want to do now is lick my wounds, sort out my nation after Umbrella and RIA gave it a real pounding and then in 3 months time, look forward to seeing the alliance work again, and to prove everyone who are just waiting for us to slip up that we can come back a better (in all forms) Alliance.

Of course saying that, we could carry on the hate which I hope people will choose not to.

One last time though can I give up a big hello to my opponents but specifically WestWind of the RIA who has given me many laughs. All I will say to you my friend is fix that bloody highway :P

o/ Our Opponents

o/ Valhalla

o/ To a better future

Spoken from a true man. I applaud you.

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One last time though can I give up a big hello to my opponents but specifically WestWind of the RIA who has given me many laughs. All I will say to you my friend is fix that bloody highway :P

o/ Our Opponents

o/ Valhalla

o/ To a better future

I decided those ungrateful little !@#$%^&* don't need a new highway and let it get tied up by environmental concerns :awesome: Anyways, it's been a pleasure fighting Valhalla and if they're all half as respectable and honorable as MadScotsman, you guys seem to have a good future ahead of you. Good luck rebuilding, and hopefully we'll see you guys on the same side of the line sometime. I personally think the terms are fair and that they're a good start to a new page in the game's politics.

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I am of no importance to Valhalla, except being a solid member, and many on here will not know of me, but I have seen Valhalla through all it's wars, I am not government nor do I want to be, as I cannot comprehend how anyone can do it, not just those in Valhalla but it is sad that people do not believe we can change, when we have already changed during noW to Chefjoe change, or do all those who believe we cannot change, see Valhalla and Legion, not only living on Purple in peace, but side by side. Did those people see Valhalla and BAPS becoming very close friends, maybe even "BFF" (:P). No one who says we can't change would have seen us working our backsides off to making Purple United, something that has worked.

Yes, We have been real ****holes in the past, but to say Valhalla cannot change is really bull**** as we already have changed many a times in our stance from our founding to now. Yes, we have still been idiots, and enjoyed basking in our own, and our allies glory but to say we will becoming back for revenge is I would believe only an idiot would think we could get away with it.

All I want to do now is lick my wounds, sort out my nation after Umbrella and RIA gave it a real pounding and then in 3 months time, look forward to seeing the alliance work again, and to prove everyone who are just waiting for us to slip up that we can come back a better (in all forms) Alliance.

Of course saying that, we could carry on the hate which I hope people will choose not to.

One last time though can I give up a big hello to my opponents but specifically WestWind of the RIA who has given me many laughs. All I will say to you my friend is fix that bloody highway :P

o/ Our Opponents

o/ Valhalla

o/ To a better future

Excellent Post, James Saams, take a lesson, this is how you promote a positive image for you alliance.

I agree Freelancer.. My mate MS has a eloquent way with words :D. Must me that Scotch I got him last week to celebrate the casualties :P

MS..Levi.. Pansy.. you are why I love the Membership of Valhalla. Valiant, Honorable and always willing to overcome any obstacle. Best of luck rebuilding my friends :wub:

MS... I thought WE were BFF :) I would be WILLING to share you guys with BAPS though


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It was funny when you begged to be attacked. :P

Yeah, I am known for my baaawing when certain peeps (Toga <_< ) are getting more action than me :P

MS... I thought WE were BFF

You know DC I will always :wub: you and TPF, but I'm not against having a threesome with TPF and BAPS ;)

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How did your alliance do in this war? They lost. Statistics are an irrelevancy.

Valhalla can claim they've changed until they're blue in the face. I'll believe it when I see it. What I'm seeing here is a lot of cagey posts with obvious effort being shown not to offend anyone. What remains unsaid speaks volumes. I've seen every single major war that's ever existed and I've seen the posts at the end where everyone plays nice and tries to show how much they respect their opponents. It's all nonsense, every single time. Right now if Valhalla isn't already planning in which backs their knives will be plunged I'll be completely shocked. (In b4 "Ho ho ho Mister Sponge prepare to be completely shocked!!")

sponge, maybe you should consider that not everyone is a backstabbing traitor like you, that not everyone is plotting day and night to screw over their friends and anyone else within arms reach.

just a thought

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sponge, maybe you should consider that not everyone is a backstabbing traitor like you, that not everyone is plotting day and night to screw over their friends and anyone else within arms reach.

just a thought

Here we go, Sponge you must have really crushed this guy in his former life.

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Only 10 of my 20 nukes hit. 3 were spied, 7 blocked by SDIs. I don't have uranium as a trade so that makes it just slightly difficult to buy more nukes.

12 nukes hit me. 10 of mine hit my enemies. Logically that means that I should have taken MORE damage. Obviously I didn't.

I have respect for Kronos and Umbrella. They know how to fight. But the rest of you who would sit here and troll a peace thread... You've lost any respect I ever had for you. Though some of you didn't have any to begin with.

Either way, it's over. So now it's time to party :D

Please feel free to continue whining about it.

You never even went above 40k NS, your fight was largely irrelevant to the greater war, and believe me, if you want to start trotting out statistics, I don't think it would look favorable to Valhalla. You might want to just shut your mouth right there and retire from this thread, permanently, before I decide to sell off infra and take matters into my own hands to help even out those stats :P

Edited by mrcalkin
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I would like to make it clear that I do not represent my alliance but solely represent myself. The " simple " and rather " unimportant " debate I had with Sponge is no more than a play of words. Yes, Debates of this kind are fun and need a " bright troller ". I admit...Sponge is far better than I am in this business and I congratulate him on that " seriously ".

That being said, I don't aim to attack anyone in this thread. Yes, We lost this war, We knew we were going to lose this war from the beginning, our aim was the most damage :P. However, the prior debate was nothing more than some CN politics casual fun.

I mean..who wants to miss a troll fight with Sponge? :D

P.S. I take this game at the level of seriousness it needs to be taken. If you take it TOO seriously...Get a life!

I'm out....


Edited by raydin
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Let me state again, as I have said, I have come to accept these terms. My only hope is that Valhalla can prove me wrong and make me eat my words.

I hope someday i can share a beer with you as you wash them down :D

You've got to be !@#$@#$ kidding me.

We love you too Sponge

BTW Valhalla, your embassy has been re-opened.

Ill be over there shortly AirMe I dont know if my acct is still active but ill swing in.

This sums up my feelings on the matter quite nicely.

All the best to everyone involved, I suppose. :huh:

Let's hope not.

But I guess we shall see....

This from some one who has brought back an alliance and has asked for people to believe you have changed.

You know I love you Zog and ill do what ever I can for you but really of all people you should be along for the its possible to change.


:wub: Deathcat

Hmm these last pages are showing me that maybe I was wrong, would James and Raydin like to continue fighting since you were doing so well. we offered you something fair for your sake your performance in this thread is nothing but a spit in our face after being kind, I suggest you talk to your leaders before you continue to disgrace them.

As for the 8 alliance line, I dont think any alliance on you was fighting only you so it is a pretty stupid line to pull. You fought well but you weren't winning or even close to winning.

I assure you pansy will give them a stern talken too. :P

We know what posistion we were in its good to see old maroon friends doing things right

o/ RIA

What's your point? That people aren't going to believe you can change until you prove it?

Well done for recognising that fact then.

No that you wont accept the change and will continue to harbor ill will regardless. I have not sniped at you or STA yet you will take any oppurtunity to do so no matter what we do. I look forward to the day you eat your words.

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I would like to make it clear that I do not represent my alliance but solely represent myself. The " simple " and rather " unimportant " debate I had with Sponge is no more than a play of words. Yes, Debates of this kind are fun and need a " bright troller ". I admit...Sponge is far better than I am in this business and I congratulate him on that " seriously ".

That being said, I don't aim to attack anyone in this thread. Yes, We lost this war, We knew we were going to lose this war from the beginning, our aim was the most damage :P. However, the prior debate was nothing more than some CN politics casual fun.

I mean..who wants to miss a troll fight with Sponge? :D

P.S. I take this game at the level of seriousness it needs to be taken. If you take it TOO seriously...Get a life!

I'm out....


I think it went past basic trolling when you basically said you had not lost, and that we gave white peace simply because we had such a tough fight in the very surrender thread where we gave you mercy. Guess what, you are only not paying 100k tech because a few of us have some desire not to repeat what we felt were past mistakes, don't make us regret this. I hope to never see you post like you did here again.

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First to the loudmouth valhalla members. I just really hope that your opinion is not the one of the general membership in valhalla. Trying to spin this to a win because you were let of easy sickens me.

and also

Congrats on peace Valhalla.

Really? Not a "sorry I called you as bad as the hedgemony" or even just a "I guess some alliances do really want change". I think we deserve it.

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Its been an absolute blast fighting this war against people that can fight back, props to all those i fought (Except Sqrt,, who wouldnt accept my bet when he was SO confident :P)

We came because of our honour and we stayed (for a while at least) for the casualties and pixels slaughter.

No matter what your stance on the terms we got, its been fun. Valhalla and the alliances fighting us all exit this with a mutual respect for each other.

Raydin and James.. shut up already <_< your acting like utter idiots

Edited by Toga01
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I look forward to the day you eat your words.

Did you look at this part and decide it would look favorable for your side? Or what happened here? I'm kinda indifferent on the whole situation but things like this definitely give weight to the other side.

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