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Tired of the cult of personality

General Bragg

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I have no problem with him surrenduring. If everyone hates him for deserting his alliance for war, then why are individual surrender terms available. I know as well that NPO leadership could not give a flying turd over their regular members and his decision was reasonable, seeing how he feels.

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Wait, so this sap is a miserable traitor for putting the needs of his nation over those of his alliance? Aren't the leadership doing the exact same thing, putting the needs of their nation over those of the alliance by staying in peace mode? He just followed example.

Oh please. So dramatic.

You all love these threads.

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I told you so.

You enjoy saying that far too much :v:

I am interested in meeting this one nation that held the 4 of your WRCs that seem to have disappeared mysteriously in the last 24 hours :v:
This made me chuckle.
Moo-cows and the IOs' cult of personality?

I lol'd in real life.

If you believe that Moo is the center of a personality cult, and is also little more then a puppet in the hands of his IO's, then you could pretty easily call it a Cult of Personality run by multiple people.

So why are you laughing? Because your own inability to understand another persons post is somehow humorous?

Koona deleted? What a terrible terrible shame.
Is it?
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Surrender. Don't betray your alliance. Though some feel surrendering is betrayal, it isn't compared to being a traitor. Learn from the experience and move on.

You are aware that this is an OOC forum right? Also it's the 21st century... and the only way to 'die' in CN is to be banned and even that doesn't always stick.

You're incorrect on so many levels. OOC or IC, he is right - Die with honor.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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If you believe that Moo is the center of a personality cult, and is also little more then a puppet in the hands of his IO's, then you could pretty easily call it a Cult of Personality run by multiple people.

So why are you laughing? Because your own inability to understand another persons post is somehow humorous?

What? You think I was laughing at 'personality' being singular? Try again.

Is it?

My people are in mourning.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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On May 8, 1945 Alfred Jodl stood before the Western Allies and surrendered the forces of Nazi Germany. Today on May 8, I too must take the regretable step and surrender to the forces of Karma.

Like the French troops of May 1917 entering a 3rd year of war, my troops are entering a 3rd week of non-stop war while the bourgesois masters of Pacifica relax in peace mode. My troops will defend their homes, but refuse anymore offensive attacks in the name Moo and the IO's.

Finally, I have opted to end this war not because I am abandoning Pacifica, but because she abandoned me. Pacifica was hailed as a "meritocracy", yet whenever one dares to criticizes the regime in order to improve it they are mocked and scoffed. Instead of a true meritocracy dedicated to Francoist ideals we have a cult of personality dedicated to Moo and IO's that would have made Stalin or Kim Il Sung proud.

The final straw was to find my forum access has been denied. No warning, no counsel; just dropped like a hot potato. At this point I can only conclude that either Pacifica is dead or that I am persona non grata because no one returns my calls and my letters have a green glow when marked "return to sender, address unkown."

Given my shabby treatment by Moo, et al., once I have had time and aid to rebuild I would be open to re-entering this war on Karma's side if they will grant me release from terms.


I offered you aid , Money and troops. At the time you tried to accept it I was under attack and had to cancel. I messaged you and explained the situation and then instructed you to contact me and tell me when you'd be on to coordinate the transaction instead of letting it hang out in the open. You opened those messages...and didn't respond to them. At that point I didn't feel the need to reoffer. The funny thing is...General Bragg...is that if you had just cordinated with me I still would have sent you the aid. Aid out of my own coffers that I needed to fight my enemies with.

On a personal note. I have never been treated poorly for making a suggestion. I have neither been mocked or scoffed at. We all have different ideas and opinions.....be that as it may.....while we think that it may be a great idea, it may just not work for the group as a whole. Under the circumstances, in the middle of a major war...perhaps the best thing to do would have been to do your job and save it for another day.

I see no dishonor in surrender under certain conditions. I do see dishonor in surrendering and then offering to join in against the very people you were aligned with at wars start. It's simply traitorous. Don't forget that many other nations you have fought beside have lost much much more than you have......on both sides

As far as your forum access...I can't accurately answer why it was revoked. Surrendering may have alot to do with it.


Dorian Polemarch.

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On May 8, 1945 Alfred Jodl stood before the Western Allies and surrendered the forces of Nazi Germany. Today on May 8, I too must take the regretable step and surrender to the forces of Karma.

Like the French troops of May 1917 entering a 3rd year of war, my troops are entering a 3rd week of non-stop war while the bourgesois masters of Pacifica relax in peace mode. My troops will defend their homes, but refuse anymore offensive attacks in the name Moo and the IO's.

Finally, I have opted to end this war not because I am abandoning Pacifica, but because she abandoned me. Pacifica was hailed as a "meritocracy", yet whenever one dares to criticizes the regime in order to improve it they are mocked and scoffed. Instead of a true meritocracy dedicated to Francoist ideals we have a cult of personality dedicated to Moo and IO's that would have made Stalin or Kim Il Sung proud.

The final straw was to find my forum access has been denied. No warning, no counsel; just dropped like a hot potato. At this point I can only conclude that either Pacifica is dead or that I am persona non grata because no one returns my calls and my letters have a green glow when marked "return to sender, address unkown."

Given my shabby treatment by Moo, et al., once I have had time and aid to rebuild I would be open to re-entering this war on Karma's side if they will grant me release from terms.

Im not sure if im interpreting this right but the way he is phrasing things it seems to me he had lost forum access BEFORE he surrendered. If it is indeed the case i don't blame the guy for wanting payback and blowing up some NPO nations might make him feel better...thus said I don't think defecting and wanting to fight for the other side was really the right way to go about it since the ppl he is angry with are still in Peace mode.

Edited by Jarlaxle
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What? You think I was laughing at 'personality' being singular? Try again.
So...you're actually more ignorant then I thought you were?

Facts are facts. The Emperors' are symbols of power, and the unquestioned autocrats of the Orders'. As such, cults of personality, or at the very least massive amounts of unnatural reverence, grow up around them naturally.

Don't believe me? Well look at the public persona's that I, as a long time Order foot soldier, was constantly exposed to during my time in Polar:

Ivan the Strong. Tygaland the Martyr. Sponge the Cunning (which ironically after the UJW evolved into Sponge the Just :v:). Dilber the Diplomatic God. Moo the Game-Winner.

My people are in mourning.
May I ask what types of drugs you use to sedate and/or manipulate the population of your country into such unnatural moods? I would assuredly like to use them in order to make my people devoted members of the Church of Walford.
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May I ask what types of drugs you use to sedate and/or manipulate the population of your country into such unnatural moods? I would assuredly like to use them in order to make my people devoted members of the Church of Walford.

Sarkastik, coming to drug stores near you.

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So...you're actually more ignorant then I thought you were?

Facts are facts. The Emperors' are symbols of power, and the unquestioned autocrats of the Orders'. As such, cults of personality, or at the very least massive amounts of unnatural reverence, grow up around them naturally.

Don't believe me? Well look at the public persona's that I, as a long time Order foot soldier, was constantly exposed to during my time in Polar:

Ivan the Strong. Tygaland the Martyr. Sponge the Cunning (which ironically after the UJW evolved into Sponge the Just :v:). Dilber the Diplomatic God. Moo the Game-Winner.

I was trying to say that Moo and the IOs don't have personalities. FFS, do I have to tie it to a club and bash you over the head with it?

Edited by Sal Paradise
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It is indeed a tragedy for the community :3

It is? What contribution did he make? Maybe to Pacifica it is a loss, but anywhere else? The community in general? I would say his decisions are what got him on the path to deletion in the first place. So my opinion... "meh".

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You're incorrect on so many levels. OOC or IC, he is right - Die with honor.

I was going to comment on how needlessly dramatic this sentiment is in this context and then I clicked one of your rap songs in your signature... I can see you are... er... invested heavily... in CyberNations.

@Sal: I chuckled...

@world: It is interesting to see such large nations opting to go directly from peace mode to the memory hole. It sounds like Pacifica morale is flying high right now... Sheeesh, at least nuke a few people before you delete imo.

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I don't know the details of this particular incident, but 90% of the time people who make these whiny self-righteous threads about how NPO doesn't support them actually deserved what they got. I feel bad for the 10%, but my impression is you're not in it.

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I was going to comment on how needlessly dramatic this sentiment is in this context and then I clicked one of your rap songs in your signature... I can see you are... er... invested heavily... in CyberNations.

@Sal: I chuckled...

@world: It is interesting to see such large nations opting to go directly from peace mode to the memory hole. It sounds like Pacifica morale is flying high right now... Sheeesh, at least nuke a few people before you delete imo.

You mine as well complain to all of those who make image propaganda as well, surely they are heavily dedicated as well.

Dramatic? It isn't dramatic. It is actually simple really, shouldn't require any more effort than it does for you to sit and move fingers to attempt to evade a valid point and resort to some sort of petulant insult. I would imagine any individual currently in the military would laugh at your sentiments. Thanks though. Hope you liked the raps.

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