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The Will Of The Norns

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Also, this thread has really confirmed my theory on leftism.

My definition of leftism is: Pseudo-intellectual nitpicking.

Pseudo-intellectualism, right?

/me points to your theory

Pseudo intellectual nitpickers are not real leftists, they are whiners.

Enough said.

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With FAN seeming to be on its way to peace, and now NoR back, I predict a NoR-FAN-Commie love triangle coming up...yeah...love triangle...


I like this concept. Would be hard to execute though ^_^

Edited by Sovyet Gelibolu
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With FAN seeming to be on its way to peace....

Have you guys signed a peace treaty with FAN yet? (You were at war with them, right?) If not, why not?

Just thought I'd ask.

Been a long time since we've spoken. (Not long after you started TORN, I think.) We should fix that sometime.

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I like this concept. Would be hard to execute though ^_^

Not really.

NoR's offensive slots would be full of INT, and their defensive slots would be full of FAN.

INT's O = FAN, D = NoR

FAN's O = NoR, D = INT

Pretty simple stuff.

No wonder the commies always lost :P

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Not really.

NoR's offensive slots would be full of INT, and their defensive slots would be full of FAN.

INT's O = FAN, D = NoR

FAN's O = NoR, D = INT

Pretty simple stuff.

First, kudos on doing the math. I'd thought the same thing, but was worried about posting it for fear of being told "Yeah, but..." (I'd love to do that, btw. MAD ftw!)


No wonder the commies always lost :P

You're mean.

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Not really.

NoR's offensive slots would be full of INT, and their defensive slots would be full of FAN.

INT's O = FAN, D = NoR

FAN's O = NoR, D = INT

Pretty simple stuff.

No wonder the commies always lost :P

What I meant was "it'd be hard to keep it to those three alliances, without having everybody's friends [NV for NoR, Vox for FAN (they have an MADP, donchaknow?), LEO/ODN/PR/TGE/DR/etc. for INT] jump in too".

I wonder when I stopped valuing clarity...

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Good lord I hate that thing. Every time I see it I think of some cannibalistic tribal bushman. What the hell.

I...have to agree.

With FAN seeming to be on its way to peace, and now NoR back, I predict a NoR-FAN-Commie love triangle coming up...yeah...love triangle...

Just imagine the sex :v:

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I'm surprised noone's suggested one side execute a three-way break-off flanking maneuver to win the war in one shot.



[OOC: Just like Patton's attack on Morocco with the western task force in Operation Torch.]

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[OOC: Just like Patton's attack on Morocco with the western task force in Operation Torch.]

well i m sure he had in mind the strategy that guy from IRAN said they followed with two other alliances from OPP

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well i m sure he had in mind the strategy that guy from IRAN said they followed with two other alliances from OPP

I actually thought OvB was referring to his planned attack on Mogar with that brilliant maneuver. Either way, I fear its implementation at the hands of Nordreich, FAN, The International or any other force. Warfare on the face of this planet shall never ever be the same again when its power is finally unleashed.

Or something.

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