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Announcement from VE, AZTEC, ARES, and MCXA

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I have no affiliation with Echelon at this time, or with any alliance, other than my secret unilateral MADP with Pacifica

Yeah and we all know how much stock Echelon (under your leadership, anyway) puts in MADPs ...

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Yeah and we all know how much stock Echelon (under your leadership, anyway) puts in MADPs ...

I can take cheap political shots too:

Gramlins used the Continuum to destroy the NpO, then attacked those same allies when their purposes changed.

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Yeah and we all know how much stock Echelon (under your leadership, anyway) puts in MADPs ...

Are you trying to be witty and say that Echelon failed to honor a treaty? While I was there? Please refresh my memory, and I'm being serious, because my memory really blows sometimes, and I have no idea what you're inferring here.

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I can take cheap political shots too:

Gramlins used the Continuum to destroy the NpO, then attacked those same allies when their purposes changed.

:gag: again.... political climates change constantly in this game.

read my short wall of text, it pertains to this :v:

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Rubbish. People like Doctor Fresh and Gopherbashi were certainly around during the War of the Coalition.

Hey Fran,

To be fair, around the time of the war of the Coalition, Fresh really wasn't around (I don't think he was even in HC at the time though he was our senate candidate) and Gopher was getting ready to retire by taking a less active role in things. I don't think he was even in a ministry at that point. So technically yes, a lot of people who are in the MCXA were around during the war of the Coalition (indeed, during that war I was a division commander, or maybe even a lieutenant) but if I remember correctly, none of the remaining folks actually had much of a hand planning the war or saying much about the terms we wanted from NpO. I admit my memory isn't an airtight case but it's generally not completely off.

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:gag: again.... political climates change constantly in this game.

read my short wall of text, it pertains to this :v:

You mis-interpreted the meaning of my above post; which was to say that such political attacks have little meaning or salience.

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After learning of the Karma War, I began attacking MCXA nations, which I held a grudge with, but I don't belong to an alliance. I refuse to consider my involvement in this war to be opportunistic, as my intentions were to inflict as much damage to MCXA during the duration of this war, much to my own losses.

After this treaty was signed, one MCXA member messeged me with a threat that now the war is over, MCXA will ZI my nation. This MCXA member demanded surrender with restitution of 100 tech and 3,000,000 cash, which is well beyond the ability of my nation with a population less than 10,000. After a few hours from this theat, another MCXA member declared war and started attacking my nation.

So my primary interest in this treaty is whether the terms are exclusive to alliance-affliated nations, or if they equally apply to all nations that participated in this war against MCXA.

with your (first) nation, you weren't in an alliance and were tech raided by an MCXA nation. that nation was given funds as part of a growth program, and he used them to fight you. so he wrecked house, and you rerolled. so you carried a grudge against an entire alliance, declared war on myself and others, admitting to me that your wars were opportunistic:

"I never joined another alliance, to my belief that I will have to resolve this grudge alone, by my own power.

And today, THE GODS BLESS THE KARMA WAR, I am able to wage war with righteousness."

your own words, used against you.

and yes, i demanded reps from you of 3mil and 100tech and that i would personally ZI you because of your ridiculous war against me. i did several hours before this treaty was signed, because you demanded my alliance surrender to you and offer pay you reps of 1mil:

"Most importantly, your alliance will offer me 1,000,000 in reparations for the damage done to my nation by your alliance."

so you demanded reps be offered on behalf of a nation that doesn't even exist. ok. i offer your currently non-existent nation reparations of 1,000,000.

and yes, i asked that other nations declare on you because you were obviously lacking some mental faculties, but you had balls to gnash your teeth and make demands that cannot be fulfilled in any way, shape, or form.

You are either lying or shockingly ignorant. You did NOT eject TSO from MCXA, they left of their own accord. I found out what they were planning a week before it took place and warned my brothers in the alliance of what was going to transpire. Because it seemed likely that MCXA was going to disband, I suggested that they get out of MCXA. For this I was branded a traitor for the first time. I believed at the time that it was worth all the accusations of betrayal, because I wouldn't regret doing what was right and letting people know what was really going on. It makes me both sad and angry that people like YOU are forgetting the past, making my sacrifices during those difficult times seem completely insignificant and irrelevant.

what if i'm lying about being shockingly ignorant? you left because you didn't get your way in overthrowing the government, so i would classify you as irrelevant.

Or do I need to provide screenshots to jog your memory? What about the thread where I volunteered to audit any nation that requested it, because war was on the horizon? Or the countless times I brought up the war in the MCXA High Council government forum, or in #MCXA-govt?"

you do realize that providing screenshots of our forum will only bring about spy allegations.

Edited by Parandiac
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Hey Fran,

To be fair, around the time of the war of the Coalition, Fresh really wasn't around (I don't think he was even in HC at the time though he was our senate candidate) and Gopher was getting ready to retire by taking a less active role in things. I don't think he was even in a ministry at that point. So technically yes, a lot of people who are in the MCXA were around during the war of the Coalition (indeed, during that war I was a division commander, or maybe even a lieutenant) but if I remember correctly, none of the remaining folks actually had much of a hand planning the war or saying much about the terms we wanted from NpO. I admit my memory isn't an airtight case but it's generally not completely off.

Since we went down this path, I was absent from government from May 16th until October 1st, and Dr. Fresh was absent from government from June 19th until August 20th. The war in question started August 11th.

*shrug* Y'all wanted to know.

Edited by Gopherbashi
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You mis-interpreted the meaning of my above post; which was to say that such political attacks have little meaning or salience.

erm, uh.... well... i thought you?!....

walks away from podium and takes a seat

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Since we went down this path, I was absent from government from May 16th until October 1st, and Dr. Fresh was absent from government from June 19th until August 20th. The war in question started August 11th.

yeah it was mostly tso and me in gov.... man i hate to have my name on anything with them <_<

but we were all pretty united as was the rest of the coalition members i had contact with.

so looking back..... maybe it wasnt NpO maybe we were all brain washed by :lol1: jk

edit: just edit

Edited by logan1
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Lady Gaga;

I assure you I have no grudge against Echelon, however, I do still have my memories, and the idea that (as someone put it) we are doing EXACTLY what Echelon did back then is laughable.

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with your (first) nation, you weren't in an alliance and were tech raided by an MCXA nation. that nation was given funds as part of a growth program, and he used them to fight you. so he wrecked house, and you rerolled. so you carried a grudge against an entire alliance, declared war on myself and others, admitting to me that your wars were opportunistic:

"I never joined another alliance, to my belief that I will have to resolve this grudge alone, by my own power.

And today, THE GODS BLESS THE KARMA WAR, I am able to wage war with righteousness."

your own words, used against you.

and yes, i demanded reps from you of 3mil and 100tech and that i would personally ZI you because of your ridiculous war against me. i did several hours before this treaty was signed, because you demanded my alliance surrender to you and offer pay you reps of 1mil:

"Most importantly, your alliance will offer me 1,000,000 in reparations for the damage done to my nation by your alliance."

so you demanded reps be offered on behalf of a nation that doesn't even exist. ok. i offer your currently non-existent nation reparations of 1,000,000.

and yes, i asked that other nations declare on you because you were obviously lacking some mental faculties, but you had balls to gnash your teeth and make demands that cannot be fulfilled in any way, shape, or form.

Seems I have touched some nerve. It's only a shame that your alliance surrendered before I can cause some significant damage on your nation.

I was never serious about my demands of surrender. One of you actually promised to meet my demands, but I said it was for the fun of the game and passed up on it.

I believe many alliances joined the Karma War in order to resolve past grudges, so if that is to be opportunistic, then I am as opportunistic as any of them. However, my partake in this war was never for materialistic profit.

THE GODS BLESS THE KARMA WAR, I am able to wage war with righteousness.

If you don't know what that means, then I suggest you stop accusing other people of lacking mental faculties. Thank you.

Edited by prandgatriarch
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Lady Gaga;

I assure you I have no grudge against Echelon, however, I do still have my memories, and the idea that (as someone put it) we are doing EXACTLY what Echelon did back then is laughable.

Did I mention NV anywhere in this thread?

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Did I mention NV anywhere in this thread?

true enough... You said it about TOP. However, this thread is about MCXA, VE, NV, 1TF, ARES, and the Lodge. If you want to talk about TOP go do it in another thread that's about them. Stay on-topic. I know it's hard, but it's the rules.

Anyway, I've been impressed with how MCXA has responded thus far.

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yeah it was mostly tso and me in gov.... man i hate to have my name on anything with them <_<

but we were all pretty united as was the rest of the coalition members i had contact with.

Said the person who left, came back, left, came back, left, came back....

Anyways, glad to see MCXA get peace and hopefully see them prosper once more.

Edited by Vandal
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Hey Fran,

To be fair, around the time of the war of the Coalition, Fresh really wasn't around (I don't think he was even in HC at the time though he was our senate candidate) and Gopher was getting ready to retire by taking a less active role in things. I don't think he was even in a ministry at that point. So technically yes, a lot of people who are in the MCXA were around during the war of the Coalition (indeed, during that war I was a division commander, or maybe even a lieutenant) but if I remember correctly, none of the remaining folks actually had much of a hand planning the war or saying much about the terms we wanted from NpO. I admit my memory isn't an airtight case but it's generally not completely off.

Since we went down this path, I was absent from government from May 16th until October 1st, and Dr. Fresh was absent from government from June 19th until August 20th. The war in question started August 11th.

*shrug* Y'all wanted to know.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I wasn't actually aware. You were, however, full MCXA members at the time, and you had spent extensive periods of time in government previously. You had enormous influence in MCXA, and you did not oppose the NpO war.

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