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Congrats to Sparta


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Well, looks like this is a good topic to bust this one out:


Congrats guys. ^_^

That doesn't make any sense. Why would member stay in NPO while getting pounded, but leave afterwards? They know the NPO can't kill them at the moment because they have their hands full...

I think the point he was trying to make was that there are currently people who definitely want out of the NPO, but who won't leave because of the fear that the NPO will inflict EZI on anyone who dares to betray the alliance by deserting while it is at war. Thus, they'd wind up waiting for terms (unless things get REALLY bad, and it starts looking like the NPO won't survive at all), before trying to leave.

It's not entirely unlikely. Realize that there are probably a lot of low-level NPO members who only joined because they thought they'd be relatively safe in the largest alliance who are really annoyed right now. And some of the rank and file may be upset about how the leadership has handled the recent crisis. There may even be people who prefer the quick and easy path and who would rather simply jump to a stronger alliance after the war ends rather than stay behind and try to help rebuild their own one.

Alliance desertions don't ALWAYS happen all up front during wartime. A fair number tend to come after the war ends, especially if the alliance was on the losing side. Doubly so if the surrender terms are overly harsh, and individual nations are allowed to bail.

I look forward to the "Has Sparta ruined the game?" topics.

I don't know, I don't remember too many topics like that about the GPA when they were #1.

Well, actually, I do, but nearly all of them were by the alliance in the #2 spot and its allies, so I tended to ignore them like the blustery hot air that they were.

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I see this as more of a virtue than anything else.

It's something that has stuck with us from our early days. When we were founded we were hounded by many alliances that were in TI, but eventually made up UJP. So often times the CN forums were off limits except for certain topics.

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Your sig is awesome.

Also, if TOP ever gets to #1, the puns will be endless.

If it gets anything close to the "We're TORN over this LoSS" pun fest, I will give up on the human race.

What arbitrary number or statistic are we using to determine who is the #1 alliance?

To be honest, I consider TOP the new "number 1" alliance.

1. They are part of a strong defense-oriented bloc (which Sparta is not anymore).

2. They have the largest nuclear stockpile in the world (1400 more than Sparta)

3. They will soon have the largest total strength in the world (and are already stronger than Sparta)

4. They are sanctioned.

5. They have influence and respect around the world (obviously some people aren't exactly fans of Sparta. )): AUT )): )

6. They are only a handful of points behind Sparta, and are still growing at a steady pace.

So, Sparta may have the score for now, but in my honest opinion TOP already has ascended to the proverbial "throne" as the strongest and most powerful alliance on planet bob. How long until NPO recovers, one can not know. But if they possess even an ounce of the determination of it's sister alliance, both Sparta's and TOP's advances in ranking will be shorter lived than everyone here expects.

edit: proof reading still didn't catch every error <_<

Edited by Hyperion321
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Yes Sparta will definately pass NPO and take the #1 spot for sure. I'd say the possibility exists that they'd fall and TOP would take #1 before they would, but then again Sparta is under-engaged (only 406 wars for the entire alliance as opposed to 2143 for NPO - especially at the upper tiers where it matters most), so I don't see them losing enough strength to make for major losses, whereas NPO is heavily engaged.

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If the members wanted to jump ship, they would have done so by now regardless.

Looking at NPO alliance listing, sorted by Alliance Seniority, 10 PAGES of members have joined since the war started.

I guess some could have came from other alliance names, I don't know how to explain it, since it's a drop down box. Those extra members would explain why the NPO "Loss Slope" isn't as steep as IRON's.

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Thanks for all the congratulations everyone, but I don't feel there's anything we need to be congratulated for. We were just fine with third place. Sure, before the war we were growing pretty steadily but we were still pretty far from NPO and IRON. I think the better question here is do we care? The war happened and this was a direct result of it. Do we really care that we got 2nd place? No. Will we really care if we lose 2nd place? No. Not that we're going to halt any programs or growth so that we drop from 2nd place, but we aren't going to make any ridiculous extra effort to hold it. We plan to simply keep on keepin' on, just like everyone else once this war is over. Obtaining second place would mean a lot more to us if it were in peace time and not a direct result from the top two alliances getting hammered to Hell.

Being proud of gang banging alliances at the top and "ascending" isn't an accomplishment. In fact, this is probably the only way you guys would've been able to be no. 1.

Did we make this thread? We almost always keep our accomplishments to ourselves instead of broadcasting them to the entire planet. In the beginning, this war was far from a gangbang. It may have lost quite a bit of balance now, but the sides were predicted to be quite even in the days before the war started. It's not our fault that few people want to be on your side or to ultimately defend whatever it is that you stand for.

You realize I had fought for BLEU, right? The Sparta-Polaris treaty was very tight, almost as tight as the ODN-Polar one. Of course, like all ambitious alliances, staying afloat is more important than honoring treaties. Is NPO a classic case of this? Hell yeah. But so is Sparta. ;)

You realize we were members of the Continuum and that that treaty trumps all others, right? We canceled on NpO, yes, but we didn't attack them. We partly engaged Greenland Republic and that was it, and zomg we're friends now. D: You, on the other hand, fought for the other side and then switched sides with this re-roll once you were threatened with EZI, so apparently staying afloat is more important than principles. Are we a classic case of this? I really don't think so... But you are. ;)

For your information we had a Q&A scheduled on our forum between us and the NpO the day the war broke out, in an effort to figure out what was going on and see if our friendship could be rekindled under Grub. The war kind of canceled that...

Edited by George the Great
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Looking at NPO alliance listing, sorted by Alliance Seniority, 10 PAGES of members have joined since the war started.

I guess some could have came from other alliance names, I don't know how to explain it, since it's a drop down box. Those extra members would explain why the NPO "Loss Slope" isn't as steep as IRON's.

so, it just felt like a good day to break out the ultra recruitment megadrive now instead of during peacetime where it actually would have contributed massive growth to the alliance? sure thing.
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Judging by how great we are at deciding names for our wars, maybe we should start planning the names for when we all hate Sparta in a couple of years.

There are tons of reference out there to help you start planning :awesome:

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Being proud of gang banging alliances at the top and "ascending" isn't an accomplishment. In fact, this is probably the only way you guys would've been able to be no. 1.

LOL, Please explain more. You seem to imply sparta can simply "grow" big enough to take down the NPO. :lol: My brain cannot compute exactly how you expect the smaller, and considerably younger, of two fully developed alliances to simply "grow" big enough to take down the biggest alliance in the game. I think my favorite part of you post, is how easily you imply score growth is. Dont we all play the game the same? I am fairly confident we at sparta buy infra and tech the same way the members of NPO do. As such, we are subject to the same aid/trade restrictions as any member of the NPO and CN.

Idk everybody, maybe I am wrong. I could be very wrong on that. Maybe Spartans aren't limited to the same restrictions and limitations as everyone else in CN. :o *Ephiphany* Maybe that explains how The Aut grows so fast! Aut, I am one of Spartans economic gurus. If you have any secrets for me. Im on sparta's IRC chan quite a bit. I would love to hear from you. :rolleyes: It would be my honor to enact your economic plans within Sparta. Be it then, Sparta could redeem themselves in your eyes. /end gross sarcasm

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Looking at NPO alliance listing, sorted by Alliance Seniority, 10 PAGES of members have joined since the war started.

I guess some could have came from other alliance names, I don't know how to explain it, since it's a drop down box. Those extra members would explain why the NPO "Loss Slope" isn't as steep as IRON's.

So are these strong nations coming back, or are they new?

It definately seems the banks are coming home, but is it just the banks?

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LOL, Please explain more. You seem to imply sparta can simply "grow" big enough to take down the NPO. :lol: My brain cannot compute exactly how you expect the smaller, and considerably younger, of two fully developed alliances to simply "grow" big enough to take down the biggest alliance in the game. I think my favorite part of you post, is how easily you imply score growth is. Dont we all play the game the same? I am fairly confident we at sparta buy infra and tech the same way the members of NPO do. As such, we are subject to the same aid/trade restrictions as any member of the NPO and CN.

Your alliance isn't currently being gang banged into non existence, so it does put a damper on NPO's NS growth when any member out of peace mode gets three defending slots filled with nations more than happy to nuke them, so pretty much yes, you can just sit there and grow past NPO.

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So are these strong nations coming back, or are they new?

It definately seems the banks are coming home, but is it just the banks?

It's a mix, a lot of small to mid-sized, and some large nations. When looking at Detailed alliance statistics, click on the up arrow under "Seniority" to sort.

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Your alliance isn't currently being gang banged into non existence, so it does put a damper on NPO's NS growth when any member out of peace mode gets three defending slots filled with nations more than happy to nuke them, so pretty much yes, you can just sit there and grow past NPO.

Im sorry, I made that unclear. I was saying that from the standpoint of no war at all.

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Im sorry, I made that unclear. I was saying that from the standpoint of no war at all.

If NPO wasn't at war you'd have never caught up with them, they have more nations so they can grow faster.

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If NPO wasn't at war you'd have never caught up with them, they have more nations so they can grow faster.

Which I believe was his point...

Pearl said that you can't just expect us to simply grow past NPO during peace times as they have the advantage in numbers and age.

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Being proud of gang banging alliances at the top and "ascending" isn't an accomplishment. In fact, this is probably the only way you guys would've been able to be no. 1.

What do you think this game is? How did those who were previously ahead of us get there? Don't kid yourself whatever frustration you now feel stems only from where you stand in relation to it. I will say that Sparta will be a far more just #1 alliance should be in fact ascend to it. To those who have claimed that IRON merely lost ground rather than us gaining: in fact both are true. We would not have surpassed IRON if they were not losing strength from this war but what sort of a statement is that? I wouldn't be only 6 feet tall if I had grown for another 2 years?

There are always going to be people who are bitter or nay say for whatever reasons they may have. But Sparta will always try its best to be reasonable/honourable of that much I am assured. I thank those who have shown their support here and of course all Spartans will acknowledge that we could never have survived so long and gotten so big without good friends and a lot of help along the way. I have no doubt that IRON will mount a formidable comeback and they have always seemed like a good alliance. I sincerely do hope that they rebuild (but only after giving us a bit of a headstart). heh.

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What do you think this game is?

There was a point in time where alliances took chances, rolled the dice, and had fun. However, I understand this sentiment due to your current Alliance Affiliation.

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