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Get your warslots here!!!


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You can *address* it all you want, it wont go away. It was something to be ashamed of for the rest of your life.

Oh yes, I will forever be ashamed of wiping out NoV on an online game. I really can't sleep well at night because of it.

A "clearinghouse" for lies and random hallucinations? Is that supposed to make you less culpable?

I think I know quite a bit more than you think I do. You can deny all you want, but the NoR is hardly what I call an equal-opportunity community.

But what you did is. Fortunately for you none of the children you attacked appear to have money to spare for lawyers though.

Apparently someone did and I was contacted and threatened with a lawsuit. I pointed out that as a part of my defense it would open up every member of NoV to discovery. If I proved that there were members of NoV with ties to WS/WN groups, the lawsuit against me would fail. Additionally, such a discovery would expose RL info and not just pseudonyms.

Hmmm you sound like this guy guy I grew up with's Dad, actually. He would cheat any way he could for his kid, just ridiculous stuff, and when he got called out for it he said the *other* people were taking the game too seriously.

I'm not taking the game seriously here. *You took this out of the game.*

Huh? How do you figure? I didn't bring RL ideologies into the game, members of NoV did.

The real issue...and something I told Weiss after he re-rolled...is that the idea that members of NoV were using the game as a tool of recruitment. As I stated, I do not believe a lot of NoV was WS/WN....or that such activities were sanctioned by NoV, but it was prevalent enough to be a concern. The idea was to have NoV be up front about their WS leanings rather than trying to operate in stealth mode. If NoV came out and said, "Yeah, we are sympathetic to WS/WN causes...so what?" We would have dropped the issue. Then again, being up front about their members' leanings would have harmed recruitment efforts.

As for the rest on the topic, you'll have to wait for my memoirs.

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Slayer, I'll miss you. Hopefully you'll stick around on IRC so I can bug you every now and then.

To some of the attacks in this thread, just wow. You go after a guy for this, and then level the same amount of attacks at him. If anything, that just makes you worse. There's absolutely no need for it whatsoever. Want to be bitter about an online game? Get off the internet.

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The real issue...and something I told Weiss after he re-rolled...is that the idea that members of NoV were using the game as a tool of recruitment. As I stated, I do not believe a lot of NoV was WS/WN....or that such activities were sanctioned by NoV, but it was prevalent enough to be a concern. The idea was to have NoV be up front about their WS leanings rather than trying to operate in stealth mode. If NoV came out and said, "Yeah, we are sympathetic to WS/WN causes...so what?" We would have dropped the issue. Then again, being up front about their members' leanings would have harmed recruitment efforts.

As for the rest on the topic, you'll have to wait for my memoirs.

You must be off your rocker if you believe a word of it. Infact, You can't. Because it makes no sense.

Please, Try and explain this, I doubt you can.

First piece of nonsense:

You can not say...

The real issue....is that the idea that members of NoV were using the game as a tool of recruitment.

And then say!!!!

I do not believe a lot of NoV was WS/WN....or that such activities were sanctioned by NoV,

Second piece of nonsesne:

You can not say...

The real issue....is that the idea that members of NoV were using the game as a tool of recruitment.

And then say!!!

If NoV came out and said, "Yeah, we are sympathetic to WS/WN causes...so what?" We would have dropped the issue.


Oh yeah,

P.S. The only "Stealth" involved was trying to keep you and your busybody crew out of our sovereign alliance.

What more, I was the recruitment minister, And the only place I recruited people was from CN, and CN alone. And The very small number of Recruitment officers I had under me did the same as well.

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Who's RL identity did we expose? Nobody's. There's only one RL name that we knew and we didn't expose that pseudonym because it easily tied back to his RL identity. In fact, Thor was the one that exposed it, not myself or anyone tied to us.

Well i remember a night in the SoM irc, you and TvM got in a pretty frank discussion about who he is in RL (including his name) and what you would do to that poor alliance because his RL political views. Pretty sure you did it to Wartides aswell in the NoV channel. I am sure one of them have the logs of these convos to refresh your memory.

Pretty sad when you have to go outside the game to try find a CB. Anyways goodbye and try to live your life better then you did here.

Edited by SF Austin
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Well i remember a night in the SoM irc, you and TvM got in a pretty frank discussion about who he is in RL (including his name) and what you would do to that poor alliance because his RL political views. Pretty sure you did it to Wartides aswell in the NoV channel. I am sure one of them have the logs of these convos to refresh your memory.

Pretty sad when you have to go outside the game to try find a CB. Anyways goodbye and try to live your life better then you did here.

I have the logs, and I never revealed either's RL identity. That being said after a discussion with Thor and TvM and a tour of their forums, we left SoM alone.

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Suddenly no one cares about this game anymore on the hegemony side.

Did you even read the OP? Slayer's been planning to quit regardless, but wanted to stick around for one last war.


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I have the logs, and I never revealed either's RL identity. That being said after a discussion with Thor and TvM and a tour of their forums, we left SoM alone.

Didn't you put up a picture of Wartides, either in your IRC topic or in that 'CB' of yours?

I know you did it with Martens. But I seem to remember you, or one of your partners in toughguyness, posting an unflattering image of Wartides. 'for the lulz'.

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Didn't you put up a picture of Wartides, either in your IRC topic or in that 'CB' of yours?

I know you did it with Martens. But I seem to remember you, or one of your partners in toughguyness, posting an unflattering image of Wartides. 'for the lulz'.

You are incorrect.

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Very well. My memory fails me.

But one of 'you types' DID put up a pic of Wartides.

the only RL picture used in the IRC topic link was a picture of Martens (I think) being Nazi hailed outside some building, and I'm pretty sure the caption with that basically said it was there more for humor than for CB reasons.

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the only RL picture used in the IRC topic link was a picture of Martens (I think) being Nazi hailed outside some building, and I'm pretty sure the caption with that basically said it was there more for humor than for CB reasons.

/me goes to check

Nope. There is nothing to suggest it's there for humorous purposes only. But yes....being 'Nazi hailed' by a group of suspiciously brown-looking friends is surely grounds for calling someone names.

OMFG....the horror! The fascistic horror!

(Also, folks seem to forget the fantastic balance Martens was displaying in that pic.)

Also, let's not forget that the very first quote in that POS document was a statement by a very loyal NoV member....whose wife happens to be Jewish. (And very attractive....unlike the NoV member himself, who would probably be the first to admit it. [No offense if you're out there somewhere, Chancellor, but more than once we've each admitted that we married well above our 'station'.])

So, a 100% OOC CB with a BS beginning and a BS ending. Yep. Good times.

I simply cannot understand why more people are not hailing Slayer on his way out.

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/me goes to check

Nope. There is nothing to suggest it's there for humorous purposes only. But yes....being 'Nazi hailed' by a group of suspiciously brown-looking friends is surely grounds for calling someone names.

OMFG....the horror! The fascistic horror!

(Also, folks seem to forget the fantastic balance Martens was displaying in that pic.)

Also, let's not forget that the very first quote in that POS document was a statement by a very loyal NoV member....whose wife happens to be Jewish. (And very attractive....unlike the NoV member himself, who would probably be the first to admit it. [No offense if you're out there somewhere, Chancellor, but more than once we've each admitted that we married well above our 'station'.])

So, a 100% OOC CB with a BS beginning and a BS ending. Yep. Good times.

I simply cannot understand why more people are not hailing Slayer on his way out.

For those of you in the cheap seats...I really don't care what you think of me...and I never really did. I know who my friends are and who they're not..

The picture was of Martens...but it's not something I knew until after Weiss said it was in the thread. I was being a smart-$@! by making a comment: "Kaiser Martens? LOL." I've personally and publicly apologized to Kaiser Martens on numerous occasions for that action. Martens and I have made our peace so the rest of you should let it go.

As for outing someone's OOC identity....Thor did more to out people than we did with his ridiculous post redirecting to his offsites shortly after the war began.

As for the rest of the NoV community? Do you really think everyone is dumb enough to believe members of NoV were perfectly innocent of the charges levied? The issue was always NoV. Hell, even Martens admitted that a WWII German motif wasn't such a good idea. After the war, NoV members moved on and we didn't chase after them.

You still have the NoR off-sites so it isn't like we killed the community...we killed NoV, not the spirit or the people. Get over it.

Edited by Slayer99
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For those of you in the cheap seats...I really don't care what you think of me...and I never really did. I know who my friends are and who they're not..

Actually our seats are much better than the so called Elitist Crowd you hang with, as I said earlier to some of my closest friends, I'm done as you are slayer, The game is a time pit on RL I know, however I will drop by from time to time and my nation will still remain with that " Break Glass in case of War" message adhered to all my border walls..

As you I have had a fun time playing this game, however I always tried to stay as honorable as possible to those that allowed me all the fun I've had, can you say the same ? If so I bid you farewell, if not, the first steps to recovery is admitting you have a problem..

Jump right to step 8 and make a mends with all those you harmed.

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this thread delivers on so many levels.

I wish i had one last snarky comment i could throw at slayer just so i could be cool :(

enjoy RL Slayer, try not to beat yourself up too much after finishing 2nd to bilrow O:

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Do you really think everyone is dumb enough to believe members of NoV were perfectly innocent of the charges levied? The issue was always NoV.

What charges would those be? That you didn't like the theme of their alliance?

Hell, even Martens admitted that a WWII German motif wasn't such a good idea.

Naturally anyone would say that... when you destroy their alliance because of it.[/i] I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were the good-taste police. Why, exactly, do you feel as though it is any of your business what the "motif" of anyone's alliance should be? Being a former Fark member, one would think you would be a little more understanding towards alliances being attacked solely because of their identity. I suppose not though.

After the war, NoV members moved on and we didn't chase after them.

That's not what I've heard.

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Actually our seats are much better than the so called Elitist Crowd you hang with, as I said earlier to some of my closest friends, I'm done as you are slayer, The game is a time pit on RL I know, however I will drop by from time to time and my nation will still remain with that " Break Glass in case of War" message adhered to all my border walls..

As you I have had a fun time playing this game, however I always tried to stay as honorable as possible to those that allowed me all the fun I've had, can you say the same ? If so I bid you farewell, if not, the first steps to recovery is admitting you have a problem..

Jump right to step 8 and make a mends with all those you harmed.

I'm an elitist? really?

I like Slayer.

Deal with it.


I also happen to like Slayer.

What charges would those be? That you didn't like the theme of their alliance?

So what if we declared on your alliance for the same reason FAN did and just wiped out NoV using the you guys are Germans CB, would that have worked better?

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As for the rest of the NoV community? Do you really think everyone is dumb enough to believe members of NoV were perfectly innocent of the charges levied?

What exactly were those charges again? Recruiting for racist ideologies and for Stormfront? Where exactly was the evidence for that claim? Have any messages on CN, the NoV forums, or the CN forums ever come up to confirm that claim? Why is it that you decided to sentence NoV to destruction on the premises of being guilty until proven innocent like you did SoM?

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I'm an elitist? really?

Mogar you are someone who has way to much time on his hands.. :P

So what if we declared on your alliance for the same reason FAN did and just wiped out NoV using the you guys are Germans CB, would that have worked better?

They did it with style and flair, on DDay remember, now you being in IRAN as Sponge said could have some deadly results with an almost predicable ending, I would start researching Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini..

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