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Joint Announcement; End of Hostilities

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You would be wrong. You were just fortunate enough to have lenient opponents who were not hell bent on your destruction.

You were thoroughly defeated.

They also thoroughly won the negotiations and got the most favorable terms any "losing" alliance has ever gotten. They didn't just not lose anything in these terms, they actually gained things.

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Wow, one general member makes a comment without maybe fully understanding the situation and he gets that kind of a response? Easy there guys. I'm sure all of the people actually involved in this front of the war are fairly pleased with the resolution. Let's not turn this into one of those threads where uninvolved people start trolling anything that moves please.

We all recognize the honorable fight that both sides brought to the table. Let's leave it at that. I know I had fun.

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The average losses for alliances who fought up to 7 days, or peaced out before, puts Hegemony losses at 30 million, with average losses of 800k+ and Karma losses at 15 million NS and 225k+ average. I can only imagine the losses on the side of Hegemony 9-10 days into this war. Individual losses may very, but the overwhelming reality is, Hegemony is simply in survival mode in defense of honor or NPO, whatever you want to call it.

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lol @ the spartan, ya cuz we didnt have the majority of war slots nor do the majority of damge due to use having 10 wrc's and having each of our nuclear nations have a tool opponent whose only war was a single aggressive one against dt. And internal affairs? Maybe your not informed enough , either way im not going to post a log dump to prove other wise.

You talked up all your 'counter attacks' during the war, and now your trying to hog all the credit? please brother get real.

@MK sorry we gave karma a bad name again, again dt was not responsible for these terms

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o/everyone else

Been good fighting against you Sparta and DT, I now have alot of respect for you guys. Thanks to FnKa for standing with us and honouring your treaty. Also good luck with rebuilding to Andrewbw and Soyvier, was fun fighting against you :)

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[OOC]I do not spend my life in front of a computer. I quite frankly have better things to do than point out all the fallacies in the policies of alliances and bring out the lies.[/OOC]

I am not in the government of RoK and do not represent the "official" stance. If TOOL honestly came to defend TPF then I would expect them to stick it out until TPF got peace. After all isn't that what a mutual defense treaty requires them to do. If TPF and TOOL are true allies then they would have went together in the peace talks as allies. I don't believe that happened here as I don't see TPF getting peace.

As it stands TOOL still has a treaty with TPF. TPF will likely get attacked again and TOOL won't come to defend them. I'm just saying if your not willing to honor treaties, don't sign them.

ooc - And yet here you are, thinking you're doing just that. Doing a piss poor job though ;)

Honoring a MDP does not necessarily mean fighting to the death side by side. By taking out alliances that would have set sights on TPF otherwise, we are defending them. If TPF and we deem treaty obligations to have been fulfilled, then that's what counts.

Edited by Galapagos
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I hope we've proven that TOOL is no longer that paper tiger it was a couple of years ago.

ty345, I think you missed Blackhorse, although they didn't exactly post a DoW...

And I hope this proves that Sparta were being nice to you guys.

Besides, there's no reason we can't be civil, is there?

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@MK sorry we gave karma a bad name again, again dt was not responsible for these terms

Yes, you guys did. I was there. ;)

I don't see what the problem here is. There's no reason for us to crush the Hell out of TOOL, they were good opponents just defending their allies, and are a rather good bunch of folks. I don't see how you think The Brigade gave anything up in this.

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If i'd known my personal opinion was going to get such a hostile response, i would have kept my mouth shut. My point is that, although we lost significantly more NS than Sparta did (duh, they're far higher scoring than us), the situation isn't black and white as that.

In my eyes, this was a draw because although we lost big time NS (=loss) we defended TPF militarly, and now we've helped alieviate the load on them with this agreement (=win).

Win + Loss = Draw

I'm likely to get trolled again for daring to post my personal opinion (:gag: THE HORROR!), but frankly, do what you like, i couldn't care less.

Edited by Miriais
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If i'd known my personal opinion was going to get such a hostile response, i would have kept my mouth shut. My point is that, although we lost significantly more NS than Sparta did (duh, they're far higher scoring than us), the situation isn't black and white as that.

In my eyes, this was a draw because although we lost big time NS (=loss) we defended TPF militarly, and now we've helped alieviate the load on them with this agreement (=win).

Win + Loss = Draw

I'm likely to get trolled again for daring to post my personal opinion (:gag: THE HORROR!), but frankly, do what you like, i couldn't care less.

I find it disrespectful and unhelpful for you to even make such comments, TOOL's goal was to help TPF and others, you did this by making sure Sparta, DT, Brig and AO did not declare on TPF maybe you should leave it at that.

To call it a draw or a win even a lost just proves how very little you know.

maybe you should just stop posting.

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In my eyes, this was a draw because although we lost big time NS (=loss) we defended TPF militarly, and now we've helped alieviate the load on them with this agreement (=win).

Win + Loss = Draw

But then again Sparta, etc. made you lose NS big time (=win) and got you out of the war (=win).

Win + Win = Win!


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No, you surrendered. Stop trying to spin this because quite frankly, it's not true at all and we all know it.
I find it disrespectful and unhelpful for you to even make such comments, TOOL's goal was to help TPF and others, you did this by making sure Sparta, DT, Brig and AO did not declare on TPF maybe you should leave it at that.

To call it a draw or a win even a lost just proves how very little you know.

maybe you should just stop posting.

He is a member and he is allowed to state his opinion. He may not know everything or may have his own view on things which he is allowed to have. Both sides fought honorably and I am proud to have seen such honorable foes at battle. It has been a decent fight and the kind that is fun. You can't ask for more than that.

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I find it disrespectful and unhelpful for you to even make such comments, TOOL's goal was to help TPF and others, you did this by making sure Sparta, DT, Brig and AO did not declare on TPF maybe you should leave it at that.

To call it a draw or a win even a lost just proves how very little you know.

maybe you should just stop posting.

I have to agree w/ this guy

The point is it didn't matter who wins or lose, what matters is that we all can live to fight another day and was able to end the conflict w/ terms favorable to both parties. so like WB said, let's leave it at that plz

Edited by dragonknight1000
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It's truly enlightening to see how some of you Karma types (not all or even most, but some) feel about your comrades giving out these lenient terms. ;)

Once again, it was truly an honor fighting all of you. I've gained a huge amount of respect for you guys, both for your honorable fight and for these honorable terms.


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Our goal was to get TOOL out of the war and this was accomplished. TOOL wanted to make sure their allies would be safe from attacks from us and that wasn't an issue, so we accepted. If any of us had any intentions of hitting any of TOOLs allies, I could understand why people would be complaining about the terms but we weren't.

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That's funny, cause according to the stats you were making a GGAesque nose dive. Please take a plane trip back to reality. Just because you got off with very lenient terms, does not mean you didn't lose the fight.

Meh, we fought well, and did what we were aiming to do.

lol @ the spartan, ya cuz we didnt have the majority of war slots nor do the majority of damge due to use having 10 wrc's and having each of our nuclear nations have a tool opponent whose only war was a single aggressive one against dt. And internal affairs? Maybe your not informed enough , either way im not going to post a log dump to prove other wise.

You talked up all your 'counter attacks' during the war, and now your trying to hog all the credit? please brother get real.

@MK sorry we gave karma a bad name again, again dt was not responsible for these terms

Aww diddums. Sorry, but get over it. The hostilities are over. It was signed by one of your leadership, therefore, DT was responsible, in part, for these terms. Thats how it works, believe it or not.

Guess what? Some of TOOL, including myself, had 4 wars to take care of by the end of this. Simple enough, you co-ordinate your attacks with your allies - I know that the Spartans I was against sure as hell were... ;) (Good show guys, I got quite a pasting, but it was thoroughly enjoyable doing so.)

I, like Bama, am finding it faintly amusing to see quite so many Karma members screaming bloody murder at these terms. Amusing, to say the least.

Edited by Squiggers
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I Lol'd. I Lol'd for truth and Justice.

The way I look at it is this, TOOL was ready to go down fighting for our allies, and we were ready to hit Sparta with everything we had. SPARTA knew this and knew that their efforts would be better put in other places, therefore we signed peace. Either way, everyone agreed to the terms, and everyone is in a better position now than they were yesterday, what's the big problem?

TOOL has done it's duty, we've protected many of our allies from potential attack.

Hail TOOL.

Luck to Sparta and the others.

Makes me proud to see a former DefCon so happy within TOOL and willing to fight for them.

I was beginning to feel bad about the 3 who did leave during the war so thank you Tempus.

Sell me some tech after this war? :awesome:

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