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Public Notice from Karma

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Dear Alliances of the Karma bloc,

I have received your surrender terms in good order. I thank you for your concern that I may not have received them properly, but I wish to let you know I have received all six of them in good order. My refusal to accept the terms and my steadfast resolution to return them to sender in no way mean to imply that I have received them in bad order.

At this point in time I would like to cancel my subscription with you, and would like to no longer receive your individual surrender options.

Kind regards, Mithgard.

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I surrendered and followed all of the guidlines, but then I was attacked again by two nations. One of the nations attacked with a nuke after I had went to defcon 5 and decomissioned all the required military. I took much damage.

To: trint7 From: whiteplague Date: 4/27/2009 12:58:45 AM

Subject: Nuclear Attack

Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by whiteplague. You lost 14577 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 178.611 miles of land, 59.537 technology, 178.611 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.

It is not right that the attacking nations will not follow surrender terms.

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I surrendered and followed all of the guidlines, but then I was attacked again by two nations. One of the nations attacked with a nuke after I had went to defcon 5 and decomissioned all the required military. I took much damage.

To: trint7 From: whiteplague Date: 4/27/2009 12:58:45 AM

Subject: Nuclear Attack

Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by whiteplague. You lost 14577 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 178.611 miles of land, 59.537 technology, 178.611 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.

It is not right that the attacking nations will not follow surrender terms.

Did you tell the nations engaged with you that you surrendered? I would message them and try contact their alliance leadership to clarify. Good luck in finding peace.

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I surrendered and followed all of the guidlines, but then I was attacked again by two nations. One of the nations attacked with a nuke after I had went to defcon 5 and decomissioned all the required military. I took much damage.

To: trint7 From: whiteplague Date: 4/27/2009 12:58:45 AM

Subject: Nuclear Attack

Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by whiteplague. You lost 14577 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 178.611 miles of land, 59.537 technology, 178.611 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.

It is not right that the attacking nations will not follow surrender terms.

Most nations are not aware one surrenders, in addition I wouldn't be shocked if said nations realized surrender terms were issued. You cannot expect every nation to simply follow suit instantly, there is always a communication lag in a process such as this one.

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Most nations are not aware one surrenders, in addition I wouldn't be shocked if said nations realized surrender terms were issued. You cannot expect every nation to simply follow suit instantly, there is always a communication lag in a process such as this one.

While this is true, shouldn't the attackers at least have the sense to glance at the AA?

I hope this is only an isolated incident though, would not want a 'cruelty to POW's' scandal to happen. That's bad for the papers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.

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While this is true, shouldn't the attackers at least have the sense to glance at the AA?

I hope this is only an isolated incident though, would not want a 'cruelty to POW's' scandal to happen. That's bad for the papers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.

You could say that, but an AA can be ghosted and exploited to provide shelter to a nation. Thus by simply flying the AA it is not enough, not to mention in the heat of battle I'd assume most nations are not checking the AA of a nation.

This incident will occur somewhat in the early days, coordination of thousands of nations tends to do that. It's simple logistics, not malicious intent.

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You could say that, but an AA can be ghosted and exploited to provide shelter to a nation. Thus by simply flying the AA it is not enough, not to mention in the heat of battle I'd assume most nations are not checking the AA of a nation.

This incident will occur somewhat in the early days, coordination of thousands of nations tends to do that. It's simple logistics, not malicious intent.

This is a reassuring thought for those thinking of surrendering. We will take your pixels even though you are trying to save them because see quote

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This is a reassuring thought for those thinking of surrendering. We will take your pixels even though you are trying to save them because see quote

This happens in every war. It is nothing but a misunderstanding and I am sure it will be dealt with properly. It is unfortunate and I hate to see it but it is the nature of the world we live in for a few people to either not follow orders or be unaware of the situation.

Edited by KingSrqt
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I surrendered and followed all of the guidlines, but then I was attacked again by two nations. One of the nations attacked with a nuke after I had went to defcon 5 and decomissioned all the required military. I took much damage.

To: trint7 From: whiteplague Date: 4/27/2009 12:58:45 AM

Subject: Nuclear Attack

Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by whiteplague. You lost 14577 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 178.611 miles of land, 59.537 technology, 178.611 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.

It is not right that the attacking nations will not follow surrender terms.

As others have already said, you should message your attackers saying you have surrendered, as stated in the terms.

Whiteplague hadn't received notification from myself at that time as I was in fact asleep. As much as I try to be online and keep my eye on the surrender thread, this thread, a million others, co-ordinate attacks myself as well as help organise my members, etc. it isn't my responsibility to babysit others, so if you didn't notify him, then there's not a lot I can do.

To: whiteplague From: Mayzie Date: 4/27/2009 9:20:47 AM

Subject: Trint7 has surrendered

I didn't send him that until later on in the day, as you can see.

Now if you still have a problem with one of my members, feel free to contact me in private and I'll see if we can come to some sort of resolution.

Edited by Mayzie
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This is a reassuring thought for those thinking of surrendering. We will take your pixels even though you are trying to save them because see quote

Such things happen in war. It can be very hectic. Allies declare on allies by accident, surrenders are not communicated perfectly and sometimes fall through the cracks. No use whining about it.

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Such things happen in war. It can be very hectic. Allies declare on allies by accident, surrenders are not communicated perfectly and sometimes fall through the cracks. No use whining about it.

Didn't this all kick off to get rid of that type of attitude? If you surrender there is a good chance you will still get hit, So deal with it and "No use Whining"

O/ To The future

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While this is true, shouldn't the attackers at least have the sense to glance at the AA?

I hope this is only an isolated incident though, would not want a 'cruelty to POW's' scandal to happen. That's bad for the papers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.

I must say, after declaring on someone I tend not to look at their AA. If my opponents wish to surrender, they'll have to tell me about it first.

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You could say that, but an AA can be ghosted and exploited to provide shelter to a nation. Thus by simply flying the AA it is not enough, not to mention in the heat of battle I'd assume most nations are not checking the AA of a nation.

This incident will occur somewhat in the early days, coordination of thousands of nations tends to do that. It's simple logistics, not malicious intent.

No one has said that. We've been saying the opposite. Stop looking for a fight where there isn't one.

i beg to differ

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Considering this is a Karma surrender thread... :rolleyes:

Try looking at the surrender thread, you'll find it about 50/50.

Jesus Christ, I hope you're not in a career field that involves math be cause you fail at it.

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