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To Kronos


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Yeah, I am so shattered that people on teh interwebz will be laughing at me. It doesn't effect a thing I am going to do today, I will still go to work, I will still practice the guitar. Hell, it likely won't change a thing next week either, I should be picking up parts for my six AR-15 builds.

Then surely if nothing changes in your real life, you're not *actually* concerned about what happens in a trivial game that you've repeatedly denied caring about.

Its a game. Some people are taking it too seriously "omfg.... ucoward!!111". Twas a knee jerk reaction, oh well.

Lolwut. We're taking it too seriously?

Edit: Sorry for fueling this... This thread is going nowhere. Discussions between Wolverine and Kronos are closed until something constructive can come of them.

Edited by Tryptamine
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Bill-lock is too good for this guy.

Fully agree

What kind of worthless rat

1) Accepts the protection of an alliance

2) Refuses to aid the smaller newer nations of that alliance, either through direct aid or tech deals

3) Bails on that alliance when they need him most, at the first sign of danger to his pixels

A more useless selfish infra hugging prat I have yet to meet

Seems like GGA and him were made for each other

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Ender, you better nuke him so many times.

P.S - Nobody doubts that you don't have as much interest in Cybernations than your rl activities, so don't try to play that card. You still chose to fly the GGA AA instead of a neutral alliance's like GPA or TDO. If GGA couldn't have warned you in advance about the war so you could get out of there than you obviously chose the wrong alliance.

Edited by Drai
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Neutral alliance? Sure. Reading about make believe politics?Short answer, no.

Bow down before "-Wolverine-", the man who has risen above us less folk and our make believe politics.

- - -

By the way, you should probably check out the loyalty oath you signed to get into the GGA. I'll bold the fun parts:

"I _________________ wish to join the GGA and am willing to follow the code of conduct of this alliance fully. I will loyally stand by my brother nations in both peace and in war, to the end. I fully understand that breaking of this oath will result in expulsion from the GGA and/or any other means of action deemed fit from the members in the alliance."

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As the Director of Foreign Affairs of the FCC, I fully support anybody who wishes to completely ZI this !@#$%*. He bailed on us when it looked like we were going to war and went to GGA, who he then bailed on when it looked like they were going to war. He is a coward who will not stand with his friends, and deserves to die in shame.

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Maybe these three nations are his best friends:



http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=49022 (LOL, I love his casualty numbers)

Infra huggers and all. Ask The Legion, Genesis, GPA about the last two nations and they will tell you, they are the biggest p...p...p... infra huggers in the game. I hope I don't give anybody ideas but when this war is over, and if I was a big nation with the same NS as the last two NS nations, I would go nuke rogue on them. Heck, if there were even rumors if TDO getting attacked, those two nations would either leave TDO immediately or go to peace mode.

Edited by LoPro4u2c
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I don't have one. I buy infras.

I have already admitted to "jumping the gun" a bit. I should have waited a bit to see how it played out, instead of "OMFG, I LOST RANKS!!!111" and doing stupid things. IF I get peace, awesome, if not, whatever. I have been playing for a while, I will likely never be in the top 100 again. So it doesn't matter. I can say one thing, if my peace offers are not accepted, I can nuke them each ten times.

I don't give a !@#$ anymore, they have more to loose than me. :awesome:

wow, you are unbelievable.


I have been in about every major war, eaten 65 nukes, have 5.5mil casualties(and rising fast :P ) and I was in the top 90(like it matters much lol) of Bob still.

So your argument of this "ruining" your game is bs, you just dont want to put in the work to rebuild. Why? Its either because your lazy or just a plain ol wuss.

mebbe both

Get a grip, its an experience. War is part of it, maybe if you tried it you might have some fun and actually get what Bob has to offer.

Doubtfull, but call me an optomist...

edit- spelling

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I just wonder.

why do you play Cybernations?

Because "you are in the top 100 wowow"

I play this for FUN!!!

you know, politics,war,drama,social talks.

And I just KNOW that almost everybody is doing this for fun.

Well, I know now that you don't :gag:

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Well, I am going to change the way I play.

I am going to a different alliance, (a) I will send money to new members and (B) wage war if need be. War can certainly be more fun if I am actually prepared for such. Having a warchest should make a difference......

Oh well, I guess a lite dose of CN politics could be fun again.

Edited by -Wolverine-
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Well, I am going to change the way I play.

I am going to a different alliance, (a) I will send money to new members and (B) wage war if need be. War can certainly be more fun if I am actually prepared for such. Having a warchest should make a difference......

Oh well, I guess a lite dose of CN politics could be fun again.

Well, if you don't want to play the game we play, that's fine. Just join WTF, GPA, etc.

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Well, I am going to change the way I play.

I am going to a different alliance, (a) I will send money to new members and ( B) wage war if need be. War can certainly be more fun if I am actually prepared for such. Having a warchest should make a difference......

Oh well, I guess a lite dose of CN politics could be fun again.

watch out, large doses of CN could cause death due to brain trauma (too much facepalming: the way people responded in this thread is an example)

If i had anything productive to do, the way i would CN would be to log on once a week or so, spend what i collect with a warchest, maybe get some tech deals maybe not, but send off money to random alliance members (just a tip :P )

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The GGA has always been filled with too many members like this unfortunately. Kind of sad. If they cared about real reform internally to fix problems, they would have removed members like this months ago.

He's a good objectivist, if he can wriggle his way out of this war, it means that he's better than us peasants... moreso! :)

Anyway, just fight it out and wait for surrender terms like the rest of us plebs.

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