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A Joint Announcement

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I was expelled for trying to get this very same thing to happen two weeks ago when you wouldn't have had to violate your treaties and look like epic cowards. I was branded as a traitor for suggesting we betray NPO, I look at this not with horror but with amusement. I knew most of you were cowards and MCXA was severely lacking in real leadership, but I never dreampt you would sink this low.


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You all have no honor. I knew it all along. You use the NPO to futher your own interests, but then when it comes to the showdown, you're not there for your friends?

All of you have lost my respect.

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Man, I saw this and I felt bad for NPO. I mean MADP's dropped collectively like that? What happened to the great honor and friendship you guys had? It evaporated over one war with a shaky CB? After all the shaky CB's you folks happily supported when numbers were on your side?

I understand it sucks to be facing down a buzzsaw. Hell, I did it back when FS had to come in to defend OTS and we had 16 non-nuclear nations against a Coalition of Q members and others numbering in the thousands. It sucks, but ultimately, you get through it.

I'm just shocked at how quickly they were tossed aside because of actions you wholly supported in the past which were far shakier.

Good luck, I guess.

Cowards, Inc. indeed.


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Has anyone conseidered they may have a legitimate reason for dropping the MADP? Like, say, NPO attacking OV without warning or something. I'm sure a lot goes on in smoke filled back rooms that we don't know about.

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Has anyone conseidered they may have a legitimate reason for dropping the MADP? Like, say, NPO attacking OV without warning or something. I'm sure a lot goes on in smoke filled back rooms that we don't know about.

Or a war tactic designed to make the enemy lower their guard thinking this'll be an easy walk through Pacifica.

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Has anyone conseidered they may have a legitimate reason for dropping the MADP? Like, say, NPO attacking OV without warning or something. I'm sure a lot goes on in smoke filled back rooms that we don't know about.

Yes thats reasonable but when that rational is counter balanced by the behaviors of prior incidents involving the alliances cancelling it results in such a strong backlash.

The Kharma theme seems to be the appropriate context in which to put the events of the last 24 hours and what will likely be the long term effects of these cancellations.

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Has anyone conseidered they may have a legitimate reason for dropping the MADP? Like, say, NPO attacking OV without warning or something. I'm sure a lot goes on in smoke filled back rooms that we don't know about.

If there had been a legitimate reason it would have been jumped on by them harder than NPO was jumped on at update.

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Has anyone conseidered they may have a legitimate reason for dropping the MADP? Like, say, NPO attacking OV without warning or something. I'm sure a lot goes on in smoke filled back rooms that we don't know about.

How would this matter? The MADP has no clause about the agression part only being valid if the others is given notice in advance.

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Has anyone conseidered they may have a legitimate reason for dropping the MADP? Like, say, NPO attacking OV without warning or something. I'm sure a lot goes on in smoke filled back rooms that we don't know about.

Yes, i'm sure these allies didn't know about it! I thought they were using a military tactic in peace mode a few days prior.

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