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A Joint Announcement

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You still can. Leave IRON and take up arms against them. Burn the traitors ;)

I have resigned, I for one am disgusted with their decision and can no longer be apart of an alliance were I have lost respect

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This is exactly what they wanted all along.

IRON, you've done some !@#$%* things over the years but this is the first time I'm actually ashamed to even admit I was once a proud member of the invertebrate republic of orange nations. You will burn and so will the rest of you scum.

That's not the IRON I helped build and that's not the IRON you were once a part of.

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Such cowardice does not surprise me. No wonder Valhalla was telling me they weren't going to surrender in this war, you had no intention of even fighting it!

Seriously though, why is anyone surprised? Every single one of these alliances (except OG) betrayed the New Polar Order when the going was looking tough. Why should anyone trust pathetic excuses for alliances such as IRON, MCXA, etc. None of you are any better than NPO, you are just their toadies that fought willingly for all of their evils when they ran the show and now you are trying to wash the blood from your hands.

I don't think KARMA is done with you just yet, clowns.

Hey Penchuk.. Long time no see!

I highly doubt this thread is a joke, all these alliance got their motive on doing this.

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I hope you don't expect to be let off just because your allies bailed on you Crohl, but they deserve the same punishment.

I dont think any of us are looking to be "let off" due to our... I dont know what to call them anymore.... turned their backs on us. We are in this for a fight and if we must fight it standing side by side with our Pacifican Brothers and Sisters only? Well all the more fun.

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