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Announcement from the Global Order of Darkness

Big Z

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Controversial or not, we've got to stand by the situation or lose what remaining credibility we have.

Well, that is as honest a statement as I've seen in some time.

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Was a shame to see such gestapo tactics and then when one side asked to bring in someone else to possibly help them make sense of it all they were told they couldnt have any more people in there.

So we have a member of NPO, TPF and TORN at that point squaring off with a member of OV and a member of VE but one more member of VE coming in would be too much so yes three of them grilling two is how it should be. Nothing against TOP but they havn't left Q just yet if the rumors are even true so not exactly a completely unbiased moderator here, especially when Moo was continuously trying to point out who the moderator is when the other side in the conversation "steps out of line". Wonderful use of moderation there Emperor.

Did you feel used at all Dr. Dan? Certainly appeared that way.

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Well played sir, well played indeed. There is a certain irony to pressuring OV over accepting a screenshot while presenting evidence in the form of stolen private logs and screenshots of the OV boards.

You're just trying to cover yourself for all the screenshots your alliance leaked to us.

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Dan did a damn fine job, I think he was quite unbiased enough ;)

I have to agree with Bob - Dan and Crymson did seem to do a fine job and kept the conversation fluid and did their best to keep it constructive.

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Dan did a damn fine job, I think he was quite unbiased enough ;)

I think he has done a good job of being succinct and moving things along without directly interfering in the actual discussions themselves, especially as talks have progressed. He's a good role model for prospective third party mediators in that regard.

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I think he has done a good job of being succinct and moving things along without directly interfering in the actual discussions themselves, especially as talks have progressed. He's a good role model for prospective third party mediators in that regard.

indeed there is a growing market for prospective third party mediators

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Alright, so Dan did a good job but why did Moo try and use him so much there at the end?

He didn't want the opposing party to have the last word in the talks, if it wasn't going to be him, it should have been someone who neither opposes or supports him in the talks

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He didn't want the opposing party to have the last word in the talks, if it wasn't going to be him, it should have been someone who neither opposes or supports him in the talks

So in essence he was making sure he had the last word Besides Dr.Dan? That still makes him appear as if trying to control the talks.

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Alright, so Dan did a good job but why did Moo try and use him so much there at the end?

I think Moo was just confused, I inferred the obvious fact that it looked like we were concluded for the night, he inferred that it wasn't my place to say that, and Dan inferred that things did look in fact concluded for the night....don't blame him, we all get bewildered and say odd things sometimes.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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I try.

btw, glad to see you're at home in OV though, hopefully things go better for you and you feel more comfortable in your new home... :)

I can only assume that your well-wishes are sincere, Smash. :) I tried to make it known when I left that I had a lot of love and respect for many members of TORN. I truly did not know that such a serious schism existed between TORN & OV. Of course, I haven't been very active lately, having temporarily abdicated my position of leader of the Katatonic State due to health reasons. I thought that both alliances would forever remain friends despite their diverging political paths. It saddens me that this situation exists. Of course, I don't know anything about this situation other than what I have read on the boards. I was just commenting on the exact wording of your statement. But I really should have remained quiet. ;) My apologies, and I bow out into obscurity once again...

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i found it funny mhawk criticizing Impero guy for talking for OV during the section about NPO's problem with OV

So it's OK for VE to speak for its (apparently subservient) allies but you guys criticize GGA?

The hypocrisy here is layered on pretty thick.

Better believe that if someone was interrogating an Invicta member, it would be Invicta government speaking about it. Not anyone else.

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So it's OK for VE to speak for its (apparently subservient) allies but you guys criticize GGA?

The hypocrisy here is layered on pretty thick.

Better believe that if someone was interrogating an Invicta member, it would be Invicta government speaking about it. Not anyone else.

I think the difference is OV's leaders were busy with other affairs (OOC: RL). GGA lets their owners speak for them whether they're around or not. VE was there supporting OV, not supplanting them, anyway. It's pretty silly for you to suggest that's not okay when there were multiple alliances there to try and pressure OV into admitting guilt.

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So it's OK for VE to speak for its (apparently subservient) allies but you guys criticize GGA?

The hypocrisy here is layered on pretty thick.

Better believe that if someone was interrogating an Invicta member, it would be Invicta government speaking about it. Not anyone else.

Sheesh, man, give over. I have seen you march out here and trumpet about (and please forgive me for paraphrasing here) how "outspoken" you are. Too bad your lines are direct from the cue cards of the Q party line. Really, since when is OV "subservient" to VE? We have a great relationship with them, but guess what? No VE member has access to our gov-level, or even private alliance IRC channel.

Edited by Alaric the Great
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I think the difference is OV's leaders were busy with other affairs (OOC: RL). GGA lets their owners speak for them whether they're around or not. VE was there supporting OV, not supplanting them, anyway. It's pretty silly for you to suggest that's not okay when there were multiple alliances there to try and pressure OV into admitting guilt.

If there wasn't a single Invicta government member available (wait, how big is OV's government anyway?) then we'd postpone.

Letting your allies manage your affairs is bad for business. Admittedly GGA's a more extreme case, but these are the little signs that make me think an ally is going to develop a culture of dependency, which isn't just bad for them, it's bad for me as well.

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Sheesh, man, give over. I have seen you march out here and trumpet about (and please forgive me for paraphrasing here) how "outspoken" you are. Too bad your lines are direct from the cue cards of the Q party line. Really, since when is OV "subservient" to VE? We have a great relationship with them, but guess what? No VE member has access to our gov-level, or even private alliance IRC channel.

You might wanna take a look at my posts on the GGA before accusing me of towing the party line, lol

I'm glad to hear it about the channels. Still I don't like that a VE government member was sent to speak on behalf of your alliance.

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If there wasn't a single Invicta government member available (wait, how big is OV's government anyway?) then we'd postpone.

Letting your allies manage your affairs is bad for business. Admittedly GGA's a more extreme case, but these are the little signs that make me think an ally is going to develop a culture of dependency, which isn't just bad for them, it's bad for me as well.

I don't think you'd postpone if the alternative to "hold the meeting" was "end the world." I'm pretty sure I recall seeing your face around these forums quite a bit lately, so I'll assume you're aware of how tense things are right now. These kinds of meetings don't really get to be postponed.

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You might wanna take a look at my posts on the GGA before accusing me of towing the party line, lol

I'm glad to hear it about the channels. Still I don't like that a VE government member was sent to speak on behalf of your alliance.

Trust me, I have, and I still stand by it.

And yeah, still doesn't matter what you like or don't like when it comes to actually supporting an ally.

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Dan didn't show any bias at all, I applaud him for it.

I agree. He made it clear that no positions had changed near the end, and that the talks were basically at a stand still. So it was wrapped up fairly quickly, and now we wait. :)

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I can only assume that your well-wishes are sincere, Smash. :) I tried to make it known when I left that I had a lot of love and respect for many members of TORN. I truly did not know that such a serious schism existed between TORN & OV. Of course, I haven't been very active lately, having temporarily abdicated my position of leader of the Katatonic State due to health reasons. I thought that both alliances would forever remain friends despite their diverging political paths. It saddens me that this situation exists. Of course, I don't know anything about this situation other than what I have read on the boards. I was just commenting on the exact wording of your statement. But I really should have remained quiet. ;) My apologies, and I bow out into obscurity once again...

heh, my wishes are sincere.

but again, we may be able to amend the situation given time to do so...

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You might wanna take a look at my posts on the GGA before accusing me of towing the party line, lol

I'm glad to hear it about the channels. Still I don't like that a VE government member was sent to speak on behalf of your alliance.

You know...i could comment here about past things Invicta has done. But whats the point?

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