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Freeing FAN


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Don't see why not, so I signed.

Even if FAN did do something really really bad, over 1 year of forced occupation is definitely excessive. Bought time for it to end.

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The revisionism is strong with this one...

Actually he is dead on, I remember facepalming when I saw Solie order those attacks on GOONS. Its really a shame that I lost all my logs from back then.

I also have asked friends of mine who were in WUT gov positions and every single one of them told me that GOONS was the last holdout and they turned because of those attacks. Considering the expulsion and attack came less than 7 days after the attacks on GOONS that should be obvious to any casual observer anyway.

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Thanks for the history lesson, but it doesn't change anything.

Also: No thanks, it's barely worth the aid slots. However if you can take back the deceitful actions they took I'll forgive them.

EDIT: Or if they boot those members. I know one was Ammo-Nation. A sincere apology to FEAR would probably do too.

So in other words you don't care about the ACTUAL historical events leading to VietFAN and their current state of things? Instead of providing erroneous information as in:

As far as I can tell FAN did have an agreement in.. GWIII was it? With one of the alliances they fought to take it easy on each other b/c FAN planned to turn on NPO later. NPO claimed to have found evidence of this, and thus attacked FAN.

In an obvious attempt to discredit them, (it was the NAAC, I do believe, if you need to know) especially since it makes no sense when you attempt to paint it as part of a motive to turn on and destroy the NPO. Conspiracy theorists would be proud (or ashamed, whichever comes first).

Also, I see quite a few of your smaller nations without any filled aid slots, you sure it isn't worth it?

Also, how praytell do you expect them to take back an event that already happened? Wait...I see. They must TIME TRAVEL back to the past! :ph34r:

Is 6 million really warrant being booted? I use to shell out 3 million to smaller nations for long-term trades, only to have them canceled on me a few weeks later when they join a TC (that was before I started joining TCs myself). It's not that big a deal, and it's not that much money.

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I wish I could encourage the NPO to give peace to FAN: their "disagreement" is now very old and FAN isn't much a threat anymore for Pacifica. While it's true that FAN kept trying to harm the NPO, they can't be blamed for having fought the war the (legitimate) way they chose to.

On the other hand I don't see the MHA giving an unilateral white peace to FAN: they need to repent for their unwarranted aggression, they need to stop their hostile operations against us and also to show interest for concluding a deal with us.

Being this the situation, I encourage the NPO to stay at war against FAN, to support our just cause against them.

(Besides, the appeal is anyway vague. Was it addressed to the NPO only, or what?)


This forum is Out Of Character and you shouldn't need to be worried for what expressing your opinions might bring to you.

Well, this is rare. Someone at war with FAN who isn't NPO trying to defend their position. NPO deserve heat for their attitude, but you guys are still at war with FAN too and you're just as much in the wrong as the NPO so it's good to see one of you at least trying to justify yourselves instead of letting the red menace take all of the blame. It's rather easy to forget that you're complicit in the whole affair when you maintain complete silence on the issue. Ignore it and hopefully it'll go away right? At least you are talking about it now though...

Your cause is not just. No alliance should be crushed for as long as FAN have, whatever the reason for the war. I cannot believe you have the arrogance to complain about unwarranted aggression and hostile operations when YOU declared on THEM in support of such a spurious CB and YOU have continued the war on THEM for a shameful length of time. I know you'd prefer that FAN just rolled over and admitted defeat, but that's not the nature of the beast you're dealing with, so you are going to have to take some responsibility to end what you started with this one. You know this has gone on too long, so instead of sitting on the fence waiting for FAN to fulfill X, Y and Z unreasonable demand why don't you take a position, do what's right, and give the offer of peace. MHA helped start this nauseating chapter in CN history and you can very well help to end it.

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...I don't see the MHA giving an unilateral white peace to FAN: they need to repent for their unwarranted aggression, they need to stop their hostile operations against us and also to show interest for concluding a deal with us.

Jerdge, you are usually a well informed person but in this case your post and reality are quite far apart. PM me if you would like me to explain in private.

Edited by Bad JuJu
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I don't think FAN is a threat to NPO, but I don't know if FAN is salvageable after being a terrorist organization for so long. I doubt if they remember how to be a respectable alliance.

Plus, during this war they've pissed off a lot of other alliances. Like FEAR.

Yikes, move over NPO.

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I don't see you doing anything about it, like declaring war on them or something, so your argument is null and void.

If FAN knows peace is coming they had best come talk to FEAR and work something out with us, or else I guarantee you at the very least some of us will be declaring.

So in other words you don't care about the ACTUAL historical events leading to VietFAN and their current state of things? Instead of providing erroneous information as in:

Correct, because that is none of my concern. What is my concern is when alliances take aggressive action towards FEAR.

In an obvious attempt to discredit them, (it was the NAAC, I do believe, if you need to know) especially since it makes no sense when you attempt to paint it as part of a motive to turn on and destroy the NPO. Conspiracy theorists would be proud (or ashamed, whichever comes first).

Are you trying to say that I am attempting to discredit them, or the original accusations of them working with NAAC was an attempt to discredit them? I don't need to discredit them, they're already discredited. I was just stating what I thought had happened, and I know they were in fact accused of that.

Also, I see quite a few of your smaller nations without any filled aid slots, you sure it isn't worth it?

Yes, I'm sure. FEAR has plenty of cash and we need those trade slots open and/or for tech deals.

Also, how praytell do you expect them to take back an event that already happened? Wait...I see. They must TIME TRAVEL back to the past!

What? Doesn't everybody know the secret to time travel? Anyway that's FAN's problem not mine.

Is 6 million really warrant being booted? I use to shell out 3 million to smaller nations for long-term trades, only to have them canceled on me a few weeks later when they join a TC (that was before I started joining TCs myself). It's not that big a deal, and it's not that much money.

Oh right, it's not a big deal. We should set the precedent for FEAR that any alliance can exploit us and as long as it isn't too much cash they don't have to suffer any consequences.

Hear that everyone, open season on FEAR nations!

(Not really, if you try to exploit us you will suffer our wrath.)


Also, only fools are enslaved by time and space...
Edited by Canik
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Who wants to see peace for FAN? Think about it, hard.. As long as they remain "Terriorist" of planet bob, it keeps something going in CN.. All during this peace drought we are in, and all the you can't attack here or raid there cause so and so says its bad, or the MDP web makes them our friends due to them being allied with someone 20 alliances down the chain from us mode we are stuck in.... We all log in just to see if we are lucky to catch one FAN nation outta peace. Or log in to see if they are making a bold move... There not withered away to nothing, and probably have some secret up there sleeve with some alliance that when the time is right to come out and suprise everyone..

FAN actually is the only thing keeping this game interesting atm.. Honestly I think FAN would come out and fight Pacific if all the other bandwagons would stay out the war.. Cough Fea... Cough.. <<< that has no bearing on what my alliance thinks.. just my personal blabbing on opinion.

Other words, if everyone wants Peace for FAN.. Then let Pacific handle there Problem.. There a big boy alliance.

Seriously half the people posting they wanna see a free fan, are the first ones that will jump on FAN as soon as they leave peace mode. And laugh about it..

War is really fun when its 29k nations vs 100 right.

Edited by CloudGT4
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Because there's nothing to argue with because it's !@#$@#$ true.

Did you not read the post you were responding to? Terms were laid out, FAN knows what they have to do to end the war, FAN has shown no signs of recant, thus the ball is in their court, thus the NPO is not "eternally" at war with them. Although I guess you can now say that Pacifica is conducting an overseas contingency operation if it makes you feel better.

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Did you not read the post you were responding to? Terms were laid out, FAN knows what they have to do to end the war, FAN has shown no signs of recant, thus the ball is in their court, thus the NPO is not "eternally" at war with them. Although I guess you can now say that Pacifica is conducting an overseas contingency operation if it makes you feel better.

And have you not read the topic? They did fight. They then asked to surrender. Zhadum told them to die (he seems to like doing that) and so they are now peace mode warriors. NPO is indeed eternally at war with them.

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And have you not read the topic? They did fight. They then asked to surrender. Zhadum told them to die (he seems to like doing that) and so they are now peace mode warriors. NPO is indeed eternally at war with them.

And Indeed the public face that FAN has put on since them has definitely been one of outreach to their so named oppressors. So I encircle my point back to the post you originally responded to.

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And Indeed the public face that FAN has put on since them has definitely been one of outreach to their so named oppressors. So I encircle my point back to the post you originally responded to.

And I go back to my point which you obviously have no clue on what your talking about.

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What point? You made no point. You may at some point make a point, then perhaps there will be a chance to get a clue.

I've made several points.

Maybe they wouldn't be dedicated to your destruction if you weren't at eternal war with them.
And have you not read the topic? They did fight. They then asked to surrender. Zhadum told them to die (he seems to like doing that) and so they are now peace mode warriors. NPO is indeed eternally at war with them.
And I go back to my point which you obviously have no clue on what your talking about.

All of which you effectively said NO U to.

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How long was it after you attacked NoV that the war started?

How long was it after you attacked GOONS that the war started?

The NoV attacked did play a large roll in putting you on a shot leash but it was the attack on GOONS that sealed your fate.

We attacked NoV for the nazi thing. Guess who was the next alliance to attack NoV? Oh that was NPO...strangely enough for the nazi thing.

Funny how things like that happen.

FAN attacks NoV for nazi thing= Bad FAN, how dare you!

NPO attacks NoV for nazi thing= Hail Moo, what a courageous move. (because to believe NPO isn't running the show at tC is to lie to yourself)

Those who fear the truth do their best to attack it. NPO's propaganda arm is very good at creating their own truth a la 1984.

Some of you may get this reference, some of you may not, but it is a basic concept in FAN.

A is A.

Edited by SirSqueeboo
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