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And? Like nobody new this

Well Valhalla itself have rudundant treaties with Q alliances.

If you guys think that redundant treaties are meaningless so you have meaningless treaties with: NPO, Sparta, IRON, MCXA, TORN, ML, NATO and TOP.

My question is:

If they are meaningless why not cancel all?

Edit: AvengerNL beats me :P

Edited by D34th
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What is also a joke is watching the very same people here condemn ZI lists and grovel that people should not be held accountable for their actions past a certain point. Yet the very same people carry on and on about something an Alliance or an Alliance leader who is no longer even playing the game did over a year ago. Example: JB is back, and wants to play the game, but should not be held accountable for anything he did in the past as Jonathan Brookbank. However. noWedge PZI'd an entire alliance. He has since been removed, ejected and attacked for his actions and is no longer in the game, yet you still hold myself and Valhalla accountable for those things. LOL. Careful there.. You may just choke on your own hypocrisies.

Did Valhalla re-roll while I wasn't looking?

Good for TPF on both counts. Won't matter too much until Q explodes or implodes.

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It's cute that you have such strong faith that Q will stay together forever. Let me be the first to coin the term "political bubble" in Cyber Nations.
It's cuter watching you play mind reader ocho. What other tricks do you do? sit? heel? mebbe roll over? :awesome:
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What is also a joke is watching the very same people here condemn ZI lists and grovel that people should not be held accountable for their actions past a certain point. Yet the very same people carry on and on about something an Alliance or an Alliance leader who is no longer even playing the game did over a year ago. Example: JB is back, and wants to play the game, but should not be held accountable for anything he did in the past as Jonathan Brookbank. However. noWedge PZI'd an entire alliance. He has since been removed, ejected and attacked for his actions and is no longer in the game, yet you still hold myself and Valhalla accountable for those things. LOL. Careful there.. You may just choke on your own hypocrisies.

Uh.. unless people are saying Valhalla should be EZI'd and prevented from existing then its really, really not the same thing. At all.

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Too much conjecture. We will see just whether TPF truly believes in these words or if it is just an attempt at good PR. Such will be shown by the company they keep (treaties). If they will enter into wars beside those that would inflict PZI and EZI on alliances then it matters not if they wouldn't do such because those they fight against will still end up on a list of that nature.

I can't say it makes much sense to cancel an individual treaty with an alliance that you are tied to in a bloc if it isn't meant to go further with continued cancellations. I understand maybe its a political statement that those they end up cancelling individual treaties with do not agree with the statement in the OP. If that is the case then I would expect some more individual treaties dropped between TPF and other Q alliances.

The truth will come out in the near future and it really doesn't matter whether or not Vox called it or not. The ball is in TPF's hands as this is their show. You have everyone's attention but the moment for applause has not yet been reached. Which side of the crowd are you going to get that applause from?

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I quite agree with the presented policy against preventing people from organizing their nations based solely on IC actions.

I'd like to point out that it allows an exception made for OOC actions, which I also agree with.

This man's opinion accurately reflects my own, therefore I have chosen to quote his post.

Good show TPF. :wub:


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Wow Alterego, this is even better then the posts you make responding to me :huh: Im not really sure what warranted that response considering it was Slayer who pulled Valhalla off us in the war. I would know being the leader of TDSM8 and stuff. Not pleased about the way Purge handled the war maybe? Or not happy about the way hes making his argument?

Thanks Stumpy. Despite others opinions of us, E-ZI/P-ZI is not something we practiced and something TPF has been against as an alliance and in private. In the case of TDSM8, nW wanted the entire alliance p-ZI....something I was dead-set against. NW blew up on me, I threatened to cancel our treaty with Val, Chefjoe calmed things down, and TDSM8 got terms.

The only difference now is that our unofficial policy has been codified.

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It's cuter watching you play mind reader ocho. What other tricks do you do? sit? heel? mebbe roll over? :awesome:

My best trick is identifying people with bad senses of humor.

Ok, I'll tell you how I do it: they advertise that they actually find "On a Boat" amusing.

Back to the point: the post I quoted and snipped implied that Continuum would still be together in thirty days, and therefore the treaty between TPF and Valhalla was not necessary. In CN, thirty days is basically equatable to forever.

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My best trick is identifying people with bad senses of humor.

Ok, I'll tell you how I do it: they advertise that they actually find "On a Boat" amusing.

Back to the point: the post I quoted and snipped implied that Continuum would still be together in thirty days, and therefore the treaty between TPF and Valhalla was not necessary. In CN, thirty days is basically equatable to forever.

Ok, if 30 days = Forever then yes I did say that. Pardon my ignorance of the time frame of CN.

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Ok, if 30 days = Forever then yes I did say that. Pardon my ignorance of the time frame of CN.

Well, assuming that one believes in the continuity of time, it really is implied. Of course thirty days is forever.

But you are excused this one time.

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Our Treaty IS cancelled. That is not a joke.

What is a joke, is that the same people who think we need to re-evaluate treaties and get rid of meaningless treaties piss and moan about jokes when you actually do so. Is it a meaningless treaty? Of course it is. TPF have an MDoAP with Valhalla through Q. In 15 more days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. in 30 days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. Unless Valhalla or TPF are planning another announcement soon to leave Q, then this is a meaningless treaty. It's canceled. It's not April Fools Day. No MADP has come across my desk yet. Get over it.

What is also a joke is watching the very same people here condemn ZI lists and grovel that people should not be held accountable for their actions past a certain point. Yet the very same people carry on and on about something an Alliance or an Alliance leader who is no longer even playing the game did over a year ago. Example: JB is back, and wants to play the game, but should not be held accountable for anything he did in the past as Jonathan Brookbank. However. noWedge PZI'd an entire alliance. He has since been removed, ejected and attacked for his actions and is no longer in the game, yet you still hold myself and Valhalla accountable for those things. LOL. Careful there.. You may just choke on your own hypocrisies.

My personal opinion of the matter is that if someone wants to reroll and come back, so be it.. its like a reset button, its a whole new game. They are free to start anew. However I will not be sitting here in the OWF baawing about it over and over trying to push my views or opinions of the matter upon other sovereign Alliances. I'd rather spend the time making my Alliance itself better within. I'd rather make sure Valhalla's military is always primed and ready. Id rather keep to making sure everyone is properly trained and ready to put the curbstomp down at the drop of a dime. By looking at some of you and your alliances, I can see why you are here. It would be a waste of time to do any of these things. You'll never be anything except a stain on the game board.

If you have a problem with TPF or Valhalla, step up and do something about it. But don't sit and whine about things that happened in the past with someone else in charge and then in the same breathe condemn holding a nation accountable for something THEY did themselves in the past. How can you NOT see the hypocrisy in that?

Whats next? Condemning personal attacks and then posting personal attacks yourselves? Oh that's right, some of you have done that too.

How about wishing someone good luck or "getting behind" an Alliances war against someone who was spying, when your alliance is full of spies yourself? Oh that's been done too.

Owell I guess all the jokes are old.

Wake up.. your moral high ground is sitting in a cesspool of hate and hypocrisy.

-Tron(oh and please GROW up too)ix

I wish you had been in gov't during the no CB war ...

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My best trick is identifying people with bad senses of humor.

Ok, I'll tell you how I do it: they advertise that they actually find "On a Boat" amusing.

My sig is mocking that meme (i hate it) :P

Edited by KingSuck
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/rips off the muzzle

That's better.

If you have a problem with TPF or Valhalla, step up and do something about it. But don't sit and whine about things that happened in the past with someone else in charge and then in the same breathe condemn holding a nation accountable for something THEY did themselves in the past. How can you NOT see the hypocrisy in that?

Because when they do it, it's correct, silly. <_<

FYI: TRON and I are in almost complete agreement on this issue. Someone wants to reroll and come back, so be it. I leave the door open for PZI simply because some "characters" just need to go away and a new ruler come into being. Rok can tell you all about this of course. Terry Howard has re-rolled countless times and come back as...Terry Howard. He's Rok's favorite target practice dummy.

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