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Ok look I'm sorry, but if I can't see it, it doesn't exist (Except air since I'm still alive), and if it doesn't exist then this CB in my opinion is invalid.

NPO never talks with any of their allies and never posts on their private forums.

Since I can't see it, this must be true right? :rolleyes:

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"Because it is not currently raining at my house, it is not raining anywhere in the world, because I can't see it. Also, there is no such thing as love, fear, or hate."

Edit because I have to add: No alliances but your own have private boards or IRC channels, either.

If its raining at my house I flip to the weather channel then I see all the shades of green and where its raining.

I love how you put all your faith in one man, I fear that CDC will be destroyed, and I hate hip-hop.

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You're forgetting the part where someone did post evidence that clearly showed a valid CB and that at least one member of the public saw before Ivan took it down.

But, of course, you'll just forget it ever happened, call us liars and get on your merry way.

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If its raining at my house I flip to the weather channel then I see all the shades of green and where its raining.

I love how you put all your faith in one man, I fear that CDC will be destroyed, and I hate hip-hop.

Right, so you can't take anyone's word for anything? So you must not trust your own leaders then because you can't see everything they do or all the causes for war as a regular member.

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You should take our word for it just as much as Ivan's. :D

I think that the best way to respond to you is with a quote. While it's true that the alliance in the quote is not the same as the one you're in, I feel it still applies.

Did you Polar really too stupid to read?
Edited by pezstar
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Right, so you can't take anyone's word for anything? So you must not trust your own leaders then because you can't see everything they do or all the causes for war as a regular member.

I trust Moo-Cows and the Council. So your argument is invalid.

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Yes because one member is as valuable as... more then one.

Oh, just shut up. You're not seeing the evidence, and you're wrong that there's no CB here. TOOL saw the evidence, many members of the NSO government saw the evidence, and we're not about to fold to public pressure because you curious, badgering idiots feel the need to get into our business.

1. There is a legitimate CB.

2. You are not a member of NSO or TOOL, meaning you have no valid reason to see our evidence.

3. You are not a member of CDC, meaning you have no interest in preserving your nation.

There is not even a tiny, itty bitty, minuscule reason for you to even see a speck of a percentage of a slice of the evidence.

Edited by Sargun
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I trust Moo-Cows and the Council. So your argument is invalid.

His logic is incredible. It's impossible to beat, the man is brilliant. He just sits there and covers his ears and goes "nah nah nah NO U! nah nah nah".

You skimmed through the thread, and must of missed the part where everyone has agreed that their was a spy and that there are screenies. Hell, even Mr. Logan acknowledges that there was a spy and that the screenies are valid. But no, you need to see it to believe it. Very well, continue being ignorant, and make yourself look like a fool to near everyone.

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I trust Moo-Cows and the Council. So your argument is invalid.

If you trust Moo and the Council, then you should trust TOOL's judgment because they obviously do. Since your government isn't in a habit of signing treaties with someone they don't trust.

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If you trust Moo and the Council, then you should trust TOOL's judgment because they obviously do. Since your government isn't in a habit of signing treaties with someone they don't trust.

Oh I trust TOOL. I just don't like seeing an alliance getting destroyed because one person ruined it for everyone.

This isn't middle school.

Edited by kevin32891
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I've never seen the bottom of the ocean, therefore the ocean is bottomless.

Its more like you want everyone to believe the ocean has a bottom. You say the ocean has a bottom and you have irrefutable proof, we should just trust you. However you dont feel like showing proof. This seems like an exercise in faith and you want to know just who, outside NSO is blind loyal to Ivan and the NSO. Can you hear an amen? not from me!

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And also I didn't bother to read the whole thread. ( I mean who does?) But I skimmed through, and I still don't see any evidence that supports your claim NSO. But I'll wait cause I know Ivan never lies.

I like how you outright admitted to posting in total ignorance upfront. I appreciate that instead of just making idiotic posts and forcing the rest of us to actually infer your ignorance. Such a nice change.

To answer your intended hypothetical question, someone who wants to post and not look like an idiot reads the entire thread. If you don't want to understand the situation then do not comment on it.

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Oh I trust TOOL. I just don't like seeing an alliance getting destroyed because one person ruined it for everyone.

This isn't middle school.

If you trust TOOL, then this war is valid in your eyes, because the evidence presented to them was enough to not give CDC the protectorate and allow this war to happen.

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The public hasn't seen the evidence, how do we know it exists - it doesn't right now. Until Moldavi or a Sith Lord post the evidence in public view to prove this war is legitimate, for all intents and purposes - IT DOESN'T EXIST.

TOOL could easily just take Moldavi's word for it. I wouldn't rule that out. I mean, for all we know, this evidence doesn't exist. I'm not going to take Moldavi's word for it, nor TOOL's.

I mean come'on...

Yeah. Thanks. :rolleyes:

We do not need to provide the public with anything. Those involved have seen what matters. Past that, we owe nothing to anyone else.

Ok look I'm sorry, but if I can't see it, it doesn't exist (Except air since I'm still alive), and if it doesn't exist then this CB in my opinion is invalid.

You will be held to this statement. It will come back to haunt you.

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