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A Message from the Grand Global Alliance

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So GGA decided not to ZI someone and it got a 24 page thread? Or did I miss something

You missed the announcement that Dephire has decided to log dump this weekend the way DJ joked about doing. Basically, this thread backfired massively.

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You missed the announcement that Dephire has decided to log dump this weekend the way DJ joked about doing. Basically, this thread backfired massively.

I've spent the last 6 hours next to the microwave making popcorn. I'm now sitting waist-high in a delicious crunchy snack with a tumour growing out of the side of my head.

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:P Good luck to the GGA on whipping the yoke off your face, you guys might also consider a bath and some new cloths, I might consider offering something out of my wardrobe, but you have to promisse not to were it for all of tC, just TPF and OPP. ^_^
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Slevin, I'd just like to point out that you misspelled your nation name in your profile ^_^.

GGA has evidently stepped into some quicksand and they are thrashing about so much they're sinking much faster then I expected. If you stop moving (posting) you stop sinking! Heed my advice...or continue to post and provide the best entertainment I've experienced in my 1 year and 15 days here on Bob ^_^.

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I've spent the last 6 hours next to the microwave making popcorn. I'm now sitting waist-high in a delicious crunchy snack with a tumour growing out of the side of my head.

Mind if I come over with some beer, and we have a romantic night watching this blow up?

Also: Thank you GGA for making my Easter much more interesting. The people of Salernoland don´t get to celebrate any holidays, but you are on all of the front pages. We are discussing making a GGA-memorial day where we hand out green badges and medals to just about everyone.

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Mind if I come over with some beer, and we have a romantic night watching this blow up?

Also: Thank you GGA for making my Easter much more interesting. The people of Salernoland don´t get to celebrate any holidays, but you are on all of the front pages. We are discussing making a GGA-memorial day where we hand out green badges and medals to just about everyone.

I insist. In fact, I think I'll host an international Planet Bob Party complete with a year-in-review of GGA with a look back on all the previous threads, coupled with hilarious quotes from around the forums, before the grand finale of the night.

Edited by hizzy
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Please do, I could do with the sophomoric humour to brighten my day after hard work in the Air Force. Even though I get enough from the fresh E-1s from BMT.

Air Force? Why don't you join a real branch of the military?

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Working hard in the Air Force, wow. That's even better then laying next to your wife for making a guy feel good about himself.

I'm not feeling good about myself, I just hope that people on the internet with vast amounts of more material to work with would actually come up with some better humour then friday night stand-up at the local pub.

I feel this is not much to ask.

Air Force? Why don't you join a real branch of the military?

You're welcome to enlist yourself if you believe it so easy to get in. We can always use fresh faces to go on donut runs for the NCO.

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I'm not feeling good about myself, I just hope that people on the internet with vast amounts of more material to work with would actually come up with some better humour then friday night stand-up at the local pub.

I feel this is not much to ask.

You're welcome to enlist yourself if you believe it so easy to get in. We can always use fresh faces to go on donut runs for the NCO.

Isn't it a bit oxymoronic for a GGA member to be talking about military in any capacity?

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it seems as if he was saying that as a joke, not like he actually will send them out... I don't think it was extremely wise of you to go out and say you have a huge problem that we might see arise in the cyberverse. And, how can you expect your allies or others to take you seriously when you state that there are logs out there that would incriminate or make alliances look down upon you. I think it would be in your best interest to release those logs before he can.

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Isn't it a bit oxymoronic for a GGA member to be talking about military in any capacity?

Now there's some AAA-grade humour right there! :awesome:

Edit : FYI, you're fully invited to join us in the Boiler Room for some good ole' intellectual jousting if you believe I speak in jest.

Edited by SilverHawk
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I don't think people running around in propeller beanies constitutes an airforce.

I'll have you know we recently upgraded to the ABU propeller beanies, because the Army stopped being our sugar daddy with the BDUs. Don't even have to iron them anymore.

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it seems as if he was saying that as a joke, not like he actually will send them out... I don't think it was extremely wise of you to go out and say you have a huge problem that we might see arise in the cyberverse. And, how can you expect your allies or others to take you seriously when you state that there are logs out there that would incriminate or make alliances look down upon you. I think it would be in your best interest to release those logs before he can.

Heed his warning. Let us see just how well your editing staff is compared to the realism of which myself, and others, hold. ;)

Translation: GGA has edited logs, posts, and the liking before...how else do you think their leadership is able to control the minds of their members?

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Air Force? Why don't you join a real branch of the military?
I'm not feeling good about myself, I just hope that people on the internet with vast amounts of more material to work with would actually come up with some better humour then friday night stand-up at the local pub.

I feel this is not much to ask.

You're welcome to enlist yourself if you believe it so easy to get in. We can always use fresh faces to go on donut runs for the NCO.

[OOC]Sorry for pseudo-modding, but keep it IC.[/OOC]

How does a ruler of a nation fly in his air force, anyway?

Heed his warning. Let us see just how well your editing staff is compared to the realism of which myself, and others, hold. ;)

Translation: GGA has edited logs, posts, and the liking before...how else do you think their leadership is able to control the minds of their members?

You must be a ChickenZilla re-roll, talking like that.

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