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Official Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations Foreign Affairs Announcement

This past recent week has provided a subtle change to the way in which the government works within the Commonwealth. As per an addendum passed with overwhelming support by our general membership, the position of Deputy Minister and Deputy Director have officially been added to each ministry and department respective of their titles.

What is different about this, however, is that the addendum specifically aimed to change the monotony of an autocratic system by allowing dynamic influences to enter the government conclave. As such, and again with overwhelming support by the general membership, it is no official that the aforementioned deputies be elected by the membership, with the majority vote deciding the victor.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

GOWFANATIC, Arouet, and Ironsoldier820 went at it for the position if Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Right off the bat it was a close race between Arouet and Ironsoldier820 (GOWFANATIC received a resounding 3 votes by election's end), but ultimately Ironsoldier820 edged out his major competitor, Arouet, and clinched the position of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Ministry of Defense

Well, in this race Bernard55, GOWFANATIC, and Verdale all went at it for the position for Deputy Minister of Defense. This really wasn't a race from the start (GOWFANATIC received another resounding 3 votes ironically) as Bernard55 took off like a rocket, thus clinching him the pleasure of Deputy Minister of Defense.

On that note, however, it is also with great honor and gratitude that we welcome CaptainImpavid as our Minister of Defense (Grand Emperor Brian had to step down). Give him a nice round of applause.

Department of Finance

Niciplatt won this race. She deserves no loving and I shall give her none. Welcome our new Deputy Director of Finance.

Department of Education

GOWFANATIC, who was a familiar face on the ballots, and fugocci7211 went at it on this race for a close race all the way. Ultimately, fugocci7211 was named the official Deputy Director of Education.

Department of Recruitment

GOWFANATIC had much more success in this race as he went unopposed. He technically did win the Dept. of Education race, but stepped down from the campaign and took the position of Deputy Director of Recruitment.

On that note, it is with great honor and gratitude that we welcome dejarue as our Director of Recruitment (Warmech stepped down some time ago due to real life constraints).

Give a round of applause to all of the elected victors! :awesome:

Our current government now is the following:


Executive Leaders

Head of State: The Black Watch Goose

Deputy Head of State: Allied_Threat


Minister of Defense: Grand Emperor Brian CaptainImpavid

Minister of Foreign Affairs: SpacingOutMan

Minister of Interior: VACANT No longer exists. :ph34r:


Director of Education: Vyper

Director of Finance: Lord Brendan

Director of Recruitment: Warmech Dejarue


Deputy Minister of Defense: Bernard55

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ironsoldier820

Deputy Director of Finance: Niciplatt

Deputy Director of Recruitment: GOWFANATIC

Deputy Director of Education: fugocci7211

This concludes this announcement.


<niciplatt[csn]> I DEMAND A PUBLIC APOLOGY!

This is an apology to Nici, who I do have much lovings for. :wub: She just won her race because nobody else ran, but even if they did, Nici has done so much for us. I love you Nici. :wub:

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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I curse the day that Democracy was invented. I look forward to enslaving working with the new Deputies as we move forward.

So wait....Goose, Impavid AND SOM all in .gov? Dear lord no wonder its snowing in April

/grats to those elected

You could have WickedJ in your government. That huggling fool will be the death of me. Edited by Goose
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OH lawd with this govt I dont know what is going to happen

Congrats to those elected dont forget to change Goose every three hours.

I resent your comments that I am old and incontinent. I will always love you though.


What is that new position Allied_Threat is currently listed as holding?

The position of Deputy Head of State has long been a staple of The Commonwealth, but after Arouet disappeared, we left it unfilled in mourning.
Goose allowing democracy? I think you are being far too soft and merciful on your slaves fellow alliance mates. :jihad:
I really like that finance team... :wub:

congrats on keeping democracy alive CSN.

I assure you that my iron fist of tyranny remains unfettered. How easily the masses can be placated with elections for secretarial positions.

Though, I hope that the deputies shall be more than secretaries, that is the bottom end of expectations from them. Keeping coffee cups filled, taking dictation, and coming up with good ideas for their superiors to steal.

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Department of Finance

Niciplatt won this race. She deserves no loving and I shall give her none. Welcome our new Deputy Director of Finance.

No, she deserves all my loving, and the head brace required to withstand it. Go Nici!

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Goose allowing democracy? I think you are being far too soft and merciful on your slaves fellow alliance mates. :jihad:
I assure you that my iron fist of tyranny remains unfettered. How easily the masses can be placated with elections for secretarial positions.

Though, I hope that the deputies shall be more than secretaries, that is the bottom end of expectations from them. Keeping coffee cups filled, taking dictation, and coming up with good ideas for their superiors to steal.

I was beginning to worry there. Good luck to the tough road ahead.

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