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Announcing The Bus Doctrine

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Basically PC and others will offer diplomatic help to nations that get extorted. If its an abnormal raid where the nation decides to bully the nation and damage it way beyond the need for any particular tech raid then PC or others will step in and try and help.

Its not complicated, TPF are acting like they can't understand a basic point like that because they''ve seen a chance to snap at PC and PC and TPF hate each other.

Thats the top and bottom of this little drama. Just one question though, if the Phoenix hungers that much just damn well attack and be done with it instead of posturing with the same tired repeated meme.

I havn't even read this thread, but I'm sure it will provide plenty of headache.

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Basically PC and others will offer diplomatic help to nations that get extorted. If its an abnormal raid where the nation decides to bully the nation and damage it way beyond the need for any particular tech raid then PC or others will step in and try and help.

Its not complicated, TPF are acting like they can't understand a basic point like that because they''ve seen a chance to snap at PC and PC and TPF hate each other.

Thats the top and bottom of this little drama. Just one question though, if the Phoenix hungers that much just damn well attack and be done with it instead of posturing with the same tired repeated meme.

The problem comes from all the stuff open to interpretation. Those that they deem deserving, excessive damage, etc. Leaves it open to decide what they want it to say at any time they want to attack nations they can bully.

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Basically PC and others will offer diplomatic help to nations that get extorted. If its an abnormal raid where the nation decides to bully the nation and damage it way beyond the need for any particular tech raid then PC or others will step in and try and help.

Its not complicated, TPF are acting like they can't understand a basic point like that because they''ve seen a chance to snap at PC and PC and TPF hate each other.

Thats the top and bottom of this little drama. Just one question though, if the Phoenix hungers that much just damn well attack and be done with it instead of posturing with the same tired repeated meme.

Hey, I agree with this, how about that. The posturing isn't even humorous. Its like getting blue balled; all this talk, foreplay, and then nothing.

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One does so with honor and earns respect...one doesn't.

Wait I thought NPO's Revenge Doctrine was there in order to create access to more trades considering the enforcement of the Moldavi Doctrine ensures they are the only alliance in the sphere. However if creating policy which betters your alliance is considered honourable and worthy of respect this deserves credit in the same way.

The Phoenix Hungers

At this rate it'll starve to death.

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The problem comes from all the stuff open to interpretation. Those that they deem deserving, excessive damage, etc. Leaves it open to decide what they want it to say at any time they want to attack nations they can bully.

No not at all.

This is what any AA does for its own members across the entire of CN. PC etc. have simply said they'll do it for pink nations not signed up to their AA.

You run an AA if someone attacks TPF you head to their IRC and sort it out with all those options in the background. If this is not how you do it, when dealing with mistaken tech raids or rogues, then please tell me what happens?

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Hey, I agree with this, how about that. The posturing isn't even humorous. Its like getting blue balled; all this talk, foreplay, and then nothing.

I wouldn't get to excited, not only are they a tease, they are prone to premature ejacu...yeah, you get the point. ;)

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Hi yourself sailor.

Yeah we put all of our efforts into the spy catching game now. We're all running around the joint accusing each other of being spais. It's actually quite fun. Just the other night I caught myself spying on my own nation and turned myself in. Mhawk told me that me paying my own bills wasn't spying, it was actually counter-espionage and it was a good thing. We're all really confused now so we mainly just get together and sing karaoke with Ethiopian Pop Songs from the 60's. Of course our Italian isn't that great so none of us can understand the other but it keeps the kids quiet.

SO....what have you been up to?

Not much, been really busy lately. But in my spare time I get a kick out of stirring up drama since everyone now-a-days is way to stiff and boring.

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The problem comes from all the stuff open to interpretation. Those that they deem deserving, excessive damage, etc. Leaves it open to decide what they want it to say at any time they want to attack nations they can bully.

Now there's something for hypocrisy.

The Phoenix Flames.

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Hey, I agree with this, how about that. The posturing isn't even humorous. Its like getting blue balled; all this talk, foreplay, and then nothing.

I believe that was called compromise and diplomacy, the no war part of your equation.

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* Feels like someone is watching him!!!!

Yet another excellent retort my good gentleman.

Bravo, bravo.

I must point out one little detail for you though. This fine joust would be a tad more true to the medieval tradition if you actually tried to stay on your horse and focus on your lance instead of strolling around making proclamations like a common buffoon.


Your replies, where are they? (Or do you accept defeat already)

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I believe that was called compromise and diplomacy, the no war part of your equation.

Hey, Mhawk got some new vocabulary words this week. Good job working them into a post!

Now let's try and work them into a negotiation, it will be a little tougher, but keep at it big guy. ;)

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I'll go ahead and respond here for those to lazy to actually look it up. THIS post is what I was refering to. If you are going to jump in mid conversation, at least read back to catch up.

Ok great, I'm not sure why you're linking me to that post, I don't care about it and it's just the same nonsense posturing as the one I quoted anyway. Determinations as to who to attack are yours alone? Why does TPF's raiding policy prevent raids on the red team? Because you decided that? Or because NPO decided it for you? You won't 'call the phonix out' on any nation regardless of colour. That's a fact, and your very own raiding policy proves it.

The difference between The Red Doctrine and this one?? NPO doesn't tech raid and says stay out of our lawn.

PC says don't attack but raids themselves.

The other difference being that this document doesn't say don't tech raid pink. All pink nations have the right to request protection, at which point their case will be judged. The doctrine states that one of the stipulations is that excessive force is used. It's a stipulation, meaning it's a condition that must be fulfilled. Excessive force has been defined several times in this very thread as the use of cruise missiles, navy and aircraft. It would take a monumental level of stupidity not to have realised what they mean by excessive force. Given that it is a stipulation for excessive force to be used before the signatories will consider worthy of protection, PC is not at all saying do not raid. It's saying do not use excessive force.

So to correct your second paragraph there. PC says don't destroy nations for no gain with senseless CMs and Aircraft attacks and, oh wait, they don't do this themselves either. Both doctrines are alliances preventing that which they do not practice themselves.

The Doctrine has been changing and yet still is rather vague about things, seemingly on purpose.

The Doctrine changed because Tyga pointed out that it was ambiguous. Now the stipulation is clearly stated. A nation must be on the receiving end of excessive force to be considered for their protection.

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No not at all.

This is what any AA does for its own members across the entire of CN. PC etc. have simply said they'll do it for pink nations not signed up to their AA.

You run an AA if someone attacks TPF you head to their IRC and sort it out with all those options in the background. If this is not how you do it, when dealing with mistaken tech raids or rogues, then please tell me what happens?

The difference being that if someone attacks TPF and doesn't back down, that is an aggressive action against TPF and TPF has the full backing of the MDP web in dealing with them. If someone attacks an unaffiliated nation and PC steps in, that is an aggressive action by PC against the initial raider's alliance and they get rolled.

It is exactly the same legal situation as CNARF and we all remember how successful that was. (Or, if you don't, I suggest you read about it.) The NPO can only pull it off because no-one dares to call their bluff, and because the NPO could single-handedly defeat the sections of the web which might think about it.

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Hey, Mhawk got some new vocabulary words this week. Good job working them into a post!

Now let's try and work them into a negotiation, it will be a little tougher, but keep at it big guy. ;)

I'll just say your statement is incredibly rude and I'd like to hear what your reasoning is for such condescension.

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First of all, I'm not trying to say that might makes right, but the difference between this and the Revenge Doctrine is that NPO has the strength to back it up. Also, they're the sole alliance on Red, while there are more alliances than just PC on Pink. What if the rest of Pink does not recognize your status as protector of Pink?

Second of all, hypocrisy much? PC is a raiding alliance, no?


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Going through 12 pages or so, selecting one line out of my posts and making it out to be my argument doesn't make it my argument. That line was more do with me being annoyed at the way he responded (shouting & calling me a dick) than any argument I had. And yes, I say much worse in private, that doesn't mean I have to take kindly to it when and someone calls me name's for posting my thoughts on this.

Could you please point out where he called you a dick?

You do realize that all the stuff you are !@#$%*ing about wasn't included in the OP utill Tyga brought up how unclear it all was and CTB clarified it right? Maybe you should be the one reading the whole thread before you start !@#$%*ing.

I believe he posted that for the people who are still posting blindly even after the OP edits. The post under yours, for example.

Personally, I rather like this policy, and I think it's going to shape up to be a great help for the Pink Sphere.

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So you've totally butchered the hypothetical, but whatever, let's run with it. How about you switch to pink and attack TPF and see what happens? Of course you wouldn't do that because you know there is no way you will get support from PC, or any other signatories, for your aggressive actions.

Not sure I quite understand why we wouldn't support TPF starting a Civil War.

The difference being that if someone attacks TPF and doesn't back down, that is an aggressive action against TPF and TPF has the full backing of the MDP web in dealing with them. If someone attacks an unaffiliated nation and PC steps in, that is an aggressive action by PC against the initial raider's alliance and they get rolled.

It is exactly the same legal situation as CNARF and we all remember how successful that was. (Or, if you don't, I suggest you read about it.) The NPO can only pull it off because no-one dares to call their bluff, and because the NPO could single-handedly defeat the sections of the web which might think about it.

...so you're saying that a treaty TPF has with another alliance is more important than this document?

I mean... what's your reasoning? The fact that TPF and *other alliance that's saving TPF's asses* have both signed the treaty whereas we leave ours open-ended to any nation on Pink?

I can understand ranking treaties when they're similar but some are slightly more powerful than others (MDP vs. MADP), however I don't see how you can justify ranking any MADP over this document.

Sure, we could simplify the treaty part, make a new alliance titled 'Pink', give it a protectorate, and tell all of the Pink unaligned's to move there... but that's more of a hassle than dealing with the OWF crowd.

Edited by Syrik
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Hey, Mhawk got some new vocabulary words this week. Good job working them into a post!

Now let's try and work them into a negotiation, it will be a little tougher, but keep at it big guy. ;)

Please sir, stop adding so much to this thread! :rolleyes:

Seriously though, this looks to be interesting, and I look forward to seeing how things play out for the Pink Sphere (also, you should try to get more alliances in on this).

Edit: grammar

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This is flat out stupid. You won't defend against someone like Valhalla or IRON, if you try to you will get crushed by the MDP web, and therefore any action you do take against weaker alliances is itself bullying. Chinatownbus: the new Walford. Who'd have thought it?

If you think that then you clearly dont know much about RAD, PC, and TCB

Let me break this down into parts that even you could understand.

-I don't care about tech raiding. If others want to do it, fine. I, however, don't really care to.

-This is clearly me mocking this doctrine.

-I am saying that I would destroy a pink nation to provoke a response from alliances such as PC

I hope this outline version helps you comprehend a little better.

Have fun with that. No. Seriously, try it. Id love to see what happens

Problems with that policy can be addressed to me outside of this forum, or just try me.

From one war minister to another, No You. try ME.

NPO does not raid there fore they say this sphere will not be raided your saying its ok to raid, we will raid, but if we think your being a jerk we reserve the right to attack you via this doctrine.

NPO doesnt raid? lol

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