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Hello, I know I'm a bit late to this thread, but I'm a bit confused. In all seriousness, if someone could confirm the following timeline, it would be much appreciated.

GGA Triums (including shane) let Zilla and JB off of a ZI list (was this just a single ZI or PZI?)

The release is announced (and appears to be well received)

Allies of GGA are not happy with above decision and let GGA leadership know

Shane complains (or plots?) about the anger of allies

Ironchef is recalled from Valhalla to participate in a vote to remove Shane

Shane is expelled

VE agrees to protect shane temporarily

Is this a basic outline of events, or did I miss something? And yes, I did read the thread, but it's a bit hard to draw out the facts from in between all the 'lol GGA' posts.

That's pretty much a good recap.

Add in some Bob Sanders threatening GGA on someone else's behalf, and everyone else facepalming and that'll cover the last page or 2 as well.

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Yeah, because it was 100% different and when Bilrow threw out Prodigal Chieftain, took over, and signed his soul over to an alliance GGA had previously sworn to destroy. That part was okay.

Oh hush Lafayette. You know that opposing the Order is inherently wrong. Besides, I heard that blinders and tinfoil hats are in style.

Edited by MercyFallout
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That's pretty much a good recap.

Add in some Bob Sanders threatening GGA on someone else's behalf, and everyone else facepalming and that'll cover the last page or 2 as well.

let's reaffirm though that shaneprice was asked to step down and resigned himself without conflict. It was not an expulsion in the sense that some people are thinking

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Now I understand it, and I guess your right.

Now for the rest of you, if you spent half the time you spend trolling us helping us.....

some people don't want to help out an alliance that committed coloricide by wiping out green, that rattled their sabre at Citadel over the green unity treaty AND over CTC.... You can't run around and flaunt your allies and use them to back your threats and then expect people to want to help you.

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Sorry, reality check here folks...

What the hell are you all doing?!?!? Do you realize that this is the GGA that you're mocking? They may have just let Chickenzilla and JB off of the perma-ZI list, but there's lots of room for more! I mean jeez, you guys are really beggin' for it... These are the guys that murdered VE, locked the Green Sphere down, and forced the Gramlins to leave with sheer attitude. You guys must have no idea who you're dealing with.

Start begging for forgiveness now and you might have some infra 6 months from now.


nevermind missed the sarcasm :P

Edited by SoxNation
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GGA Member: Today I brought a WRC because I was sick of everyone making fun of us, when government found out I was expelled from the alliance for not buying a Federal Aid Commission instead. FML.

(Loving the show guys, keep it up.)

pure comedy gold

FML rocks!

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let's reaffirm though that shaneprice was asked to step down and resigned himself without conflict. It was not an expulsion in the sense that some people are thinking

Don't be silly. Asking him to step down is just a polite way of going about it, in the end you're reaching the same result. Shaneprince was smart enough to know this, and kudos to him for knowing when he's not wanted and walking out in style, without conflict.

You, on the other hand, should be ashamed of yourself.

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ES, RI...

I love you guys but your comments against GGA? Why didn't you just drop them as allies if you believed all this stuff rather than risking war because of them?

Because I knew I could at least count on them to stick by us in a fight. That's something I'll never deny about GGA, they're loyal.

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VE agrees to protect shane temporarily

Actually too the best of my Knowledge Shane has membership in the Entente now with all the rights and privileges that it entails.

... Now I'm going to go back too my popcorn thankyou :lol:

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let's reaffirm though that shaneprice was asked to step down and resigned himself without conflict. It was not an expulsion in the sense that some people are thinking

I think the posts made by GGA made it quite clear that he would have been expelled if he didn't resign.

Now, this may be an unpopular post given the direction of this thread, but I'd like to defend Bilrow a little.

I own and host another alliance's forums but I would never dream of reading anything on there or interfering with it. However it has been said that Bilrow demasked shaneprince and others. This means that he has an administrator account on the forums since doing that through database editing would be far too much work to be worth the effort when compared to just having a forum admin account. If this is the case (having a forum admin account) that is the main "problem" to those who perceive Bilrow's presence as a problem. Reading hosted forums without the proper masks is too time-consuming, unless he's set up a mirror somewhere hidden :ph34r:

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Your right, But your brining up a post on the 8th page to the 32nd?

sorry i was working last night and having read through the thread, noone made that point yet ;)

If a comment is valid it is still valid 12 hours later, just because the thread exploded last night that is not negated ;)

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Because I knew I could at least count on them to stick by us in a fight. That's something I'll never deny about GGA, they're loyal.

but did they not then betray you and kick you from OV and say that all that Green sabre rattling was NpO pushing them into war? that doesn't sound very loyal to me.

Don't be silly. Asking him to step down is just a polite way of going about it, in the end you're reaching the same result. Shaneprince was smart enough to know this, and kudos to him for knowing when he's not wanted and walking out in style, without conflict.

You, on the other hand, should be ashamed of yourself.

This... Whenever my work fires someone they've always left to pursue other opportunities... It's, your getting fired, wanna quit?

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They're not your friends. They're opportuunists who will take any and every chance to get a swipe in at the GGA.

That's just crazy. If I took a swipe at GGA every time the opportunity presented itself I'd be worn out before I even had breakfast.

You and Bob can keep up the charade to make the rest of Planet Bob look like the bad guy while you make GGA believe that they'd be hunted down if they ever left your ever so gracious wing of protection. The fact that you guys think we give a rat's $@! about hitting GGA only speaks volumes on your own character and how you would act in such a situation, because I can assure you that the only targets on GGA's back at the moment are the cheap forum one-liners that are often too much to resist.

I dare say that GGA will find herself attacked by her ex-allies if she left One Vision long before anyone else even turned their head towards her.

Next time come back with a clue, leave the generic insults and half-assed justifications at home.

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They're not your friends. They're opportuunists who will take any and every chance to get a swipe in at the GGA.

Indeed this man is right, a lot of you are being quite hypocritical in hailing VE (not that I'm complaining) seeing as not so long ago you we're posting these...


(we love it btw the colours are great...)

:rolleyes: They may have publicly screwed up, but that's nothing new we all mess up once in a while. But the same crew will be out banging on about the status quo NPO, GGA and the puppet regime next week because they all have ulterior motives.

The World turns and the game moves on.

Anyway here be The Doctor, Proud member of the Puppet Regime signing off

EDITED for late night incoherance

Edited by The Doctor
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Quick, Moo! Get GGA into a "war" so you can stop them all from joining NSO!

Until you get that Berlin Wall up on your protectorate, NSO is accepting membership applications from competent former GGA members (edit:lol censor) who would like to see what real leadership is, as embodied in Ivan Moldavi. Click my sig for our recruitment message.

If my post seems unnecessarily nasty, maybe it's because the "omg NPO censors" resonates as I was banned from #nsa by Bilrow yesterday by having the gall to question why NPO was spreading lies about me having uncompleted tech deals. The log is available if you PM me.

Now this is just a really poor show. This thread is sad, hilarious, and a poor show, but this is just terrible I don't think anyone on both sides can condone a recruitment campaign in such a topic (regardless if people are leaving an alliance or not). There is a section for recruitment for a reason go use it.

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It's a shame my attention span won't let me read all the GDA fail.

Obviously someone wasn't paying attention either when they read, or when they typed. It's GGA. With two G's. Not GDA. That one has a D in it.

Now this is just a really poor show. This thread is sad, hilarious, and a poor show, but this is just terrible I don't think anyone on both sides can condone a recruitment campaign in such a topic (regardless if people are leaving an alliance or not). There is a section for recruitment for a reason go use it.

I'm going to have to agree with you here, Fireandthepassion.

This is not the place to poach members, unless you're already at war with the people you're poaching from (eg. Vox).

That said, it's not like GGA membership should need anyone to tell them there are greener pastures out there.

Edited by Arrnea
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Indeed this man is right, a lot of you are being quite hypocritical in hailing VE (not that I'm complaining) seeing as not so long ago you we're posting these...


(we love it btw the colours are great...)

:rolleyes: They may have publicly screwed up, but that's nothing new we all mess up once in a while. But the same crew will be out banging on about the status quo NPO, GGA and the puppet regime next week because they all have ulterior motives.

The World turns and the game moves on.

Anyway here be The Doctor, Proud member of the Puppet Regime signing off

EDITED for late night incoherance

Or, perhaps, those ridiculing you in the past are big enough to give you credit when you do something right. It doesn't make them hypocrites, maybe they are just calling it as they see it. ;)

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:rolleyes: They may have publicly screwed up, but that's nothing new we all mess up once in a while. But the same crew will be out banging on about the status quo NPO, GGA and the puppet regime next week because they all have ulterior motives.

No ulterior motives needed my friend, a Chancellor of the GGA confirmed that the puppet regime exists in this very thread by explaining what happened to shaneprice.

I just read through everything and it was worth every second. If you only read one announcement and it's responses this year, make it this one, it's a gem.

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Quick, Moo! Get GGA into a "war" so you can stop them all from joining NSO!

Until you get that Berlin Wall up on your protectorate, NSO is accepting membership applications from competent former GGA members (edit:lol censor) who would like to see what real leadership is, as embodied in Ivan Moldavi. Click my sig for our recruitment message.

If my post seems unnecessarily nasty, maybe it's because the "omg NPO censors" resonates as I was banned from #nsa by Bilrow yesterday by having the gall to question why NPO was spreading lies about me having uncompleted tech deals. The log is available if you PM me.

NPO doesn't need to spread lies about you. You've just given GGA a casus belli for attack should they choose to use it.

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