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[CNRP]Vaule calls a RUSSIAN pact Summit in Sygh-Varthys

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Vaule has taken note of the fact that the RUSSIAN charter is in dire need of reform, as the old charter is not in line with modern concerns. Although certain aspects of the charter have not been enacted in some time, we feel that we should take the formal steps of either amending the entire charter, or striking down certain articles.

We feel that this is the perfect time for a debate on these issues so that we can modify the charter accordingly. We take this opportunity to welcome the new members of the RUSSIAN pact into our organization.

Here is the text of the first RUSSIAN charter (excluding the Optional Aggression article which was approved three summits ago):

The Representative Union for Security and Stability In Asia North Pact

R. U. S. S. I. A. N. Pact

• Preamble

o The signatories below sign this pact in good faith in order to bring a new level of peace and prosperity to the Russian region. Our lands have long been plagued with numerous problems, but we now take a firm stance in a first step to resolve these problems. With the passage of this pact, Russia rightfully seeks to return to it's place of prominence on the world stage.

• Article One: Membership

o Any nation which possesses a majority* of it's lands in the area shaded below may be eligible for RUSSIAN membership and may apply. (*Note that majority is defined as 51% or more of a nation's total claims by land area.) Having applied, the nation's inception into the organization is voted on by the Administrative Council (Henceforth referred to as the “AC”), and requires unanimous concession.

• Article Two: Economic Cooperation and Coordination

o The RUSSIAN Pact, being for the benefit of the Russian people features a mandatory reduction and optional elimination of tariffs between signatories. Members also agree to the standardization of transportation methods and technologies within their borders.

• Article Three: Border Security

o All signatories agree to mutual border defense. This duty is defined as providing important intelligence to each nation in regard to the national security of each nation. Illegal international activities such as the smuggling are now an international effort, with each signatory providing support and funding alike for the Russian Border Security Organization. The RBSO is an international police force with jurisdiction in each nation signed below, only investigating crimes on an international level; not below.

o The RUSSIAN Pact also reserves the right to allow it's membership to declare war against any nation claiming land inside RUSSIAN borders which represents an international threat. This decision can be made only by the AC.

• Article Four: Mutual Defense

o To better provide for the common wellbeing of the peoples of RUSSIAN, the undersigned do hereby provide military support to one another in the event of an attack or invasion by a foreign power. This clause means that military support is only mandatory in the event of a defensive war; not in the case of an offensive one. Should an offensive war break out, member nations may declare their support, but not under the guise of the RUSSIAN pact.

• Article Five: Acts of Aggression by Non-National Organizations

o Should any acts of aggression be committed by persons not belonging to a national or government organization, then the event(s) are to be treated as an invasion by a foreign power in that any military or financial aid necessary to resolve the matter shall be provided by member nations.

• Article Six: Insurrections and Rebellion

o In the case that any signatory below should experience internal conflict, each nation will pledge it's support to the nation in question, be it in some military or economic form. Conditions for such assistance are defined as “When a nation's citizens have taken up the use of firearms against their government on a wide scale and military action on behalf of the government is required to ensure national security.” Peaceful demonstrations or weaponless struggles for power may not be defined as an insurrection or a rebellion.

• Article Seven: Weapons of Mass Destruction

o To prevent lose of life on a widespread scale, signatories pledge not to use weapons of mass destruction, and are to alert all RUSSIAN participants in the event of the use of one within their borders. Nations also pledge to ban all weapons grade radioactive elements from their nations. Radioactive elements below weapons grade are allowed for nuclear power purposes.

• Article Eight: The Administrative Council

o The AC decides on all important decisions in regard to the overall security of the RUSSIAN Pact, including the acceptance of new members, the authorization of military force in cases of internal conflict and international threat. The Administrative Council is made up of three nations. The council is made up of representatives from each nation, with each member being authorized one such representative. Nations each receive one vote in each decision.

o This pact, along with the AC have only the authority that is hereby vested in this document. This treaty may be amended at any time by the AC, but may not be amended so as to dictate a nation's policy beyond the subjects of border security and border intelligence sharing, tariffs, economic standardization, mutual defense, and military cooperation.

• Article Nine: Withdrawal

o Should any member of the RUSSIAN pact find the aims of the member nations against their own, they may voluntarily leave the pact without penalty following a three day (72 hour) grace period.

o Should any member of the RUSSIAN pact be found to have aims that are either against or counterproductive to those of it's neighbors, then the nation in question may be voted out by the AC with no less than a 75% +1 majority.

Vaule has examined the following articles and proposes the following amendments to be brought up for discussion. Other nations should feel free to discuss, debate, and add amendments of their own.

We propose the following changes:

-Striking of Article Seven as it is no longer relevant

-Modification of Article Eight to change the Administrative Council

-Modification of Article Three

-Formal entrenchment of Optional Aggression article

We propose the following:

The Representative Union for Security and Stability In Asia North Pact

R. U. S. S. I. A. N. Pact

• Preamble

o The signatories below sign this pact in good faith in order to bring a new level of peace and prosperity to the Russian region. Our lands have long been plagued with numerous problems, but we now take a firm stance in a first step to resolve these problems. With the passage of this pact, Russia rightfully seeks to return to it's place of prominence on the world stage.

• Article One: Membership

o Any nation which possesses a majority* of it's lands in the area shaded below may be eligible for RUSSIAN membership and may apply. (*Note that majority is defined as 51% or more of a nation's total claims by land area.) Having applied, the nation's inception into the organization is voted on by the Administrative Council (Henceforth referred to as the “AC”), and requires unanimous concession.

• Article Two: Economic Cooperation and Coordination

o The RUSSIAN Pact, being for the benefit of the Russian people features a mandatory reduction and optional elimination of tariffs between signatories. Members also agree to the standardization of transportation methods and technologies within their borders.

o Signatories of this pact agree to promote trade and investment across the RUSSIAN Economic zone by lowering (or elimination of tariffs), however determining economic policy shall be the right of each member nation.

o Signatories should endeavor to have a common economic policy, but this is optional.

• Article Three: Border Security

o All signatories agree to mutual border defense and security. All signatories shall endeavor to share information, technology and border transit information and co-operate to reduce cross border illegal activity.

o All signatories shall compile and maintain a database of border information, wanted criminals and illegal immigrants to facilitate joint border security

o Each member nation shall retain the sovereign right to their own border and immigration policy.

• Article Four: Mutual Defense

o To better provide for the common wellbeing of the peoples of RUSSIAN, the undersigned do hereby provide military support to one another in the event of an attack or invasion by a foreign power. This clause means that military support is only mandatory in the event of a defensive war; not in the case of an offensive one. Should an offensive war break out, member nations may declare their support, but not under the guise of the RUSSIAN pact.

• Article Five: Acts of Aggression by Non-National Organizations

o Should any acts of aggression be committed by persons not belonging to a national or government organization, then the event(s) are to be treated as an invasion by a foreign power in that any military or financial aid necessary to resolve the matter shall be provided by member nations.

• Article Six: Insurrections and Rebellion

o In the case that any signatory below should experience internal conflict, each nation will pledge it's support to the nation in question, be it in some military or economic form. Conditions for such assistance are defined as “When a nation's citizens have taken up the use of firearms against their government on a wide scale and military action on behalf of the government is required to ensure national security.” Peaceful demonstrations or weaponless struggles for power may not be defined as an insurrection or a rebellion.

• Article Seven: Weapons of Mass Destruction

o To prevent lose of life on a widespread scale, signatories pledge not to use weapons of mass destruction, and are to alert all RUSSIAN participants in the event of the use of one within their borders. Nations also pledge to ban all weapons grade radioactive elements from their nations. Radioactive elements below weapons grade are allowed for nuclear power purposes.

• Article Eight: The Administrative Council

o The Administrative Council is made up of all RUSSIAN member nations and is led by a rotating Presidency.

o The RUSSIAN pact has only the authority that is outlined in this document. Any authority not vested in the RUSSIAN organization by this charter is considered to reside with the respective member nation’s government. This treaty may be amended at any time by the AC, but may not be amended so as to dictate a nation's policy beyond the mutual defense, and military cooperation clauses.

• Article Nine: The Presidency

o The Administrative Council shall be led by the President who shall be selected from the active RUSSIAN pact members to serve a three month term. The Presidency shall rotate between each active RUSSIAN member nation. The elected President must have the support of the Administrative Council in order to remain in office.

o The President may be removed by a vote of no confidence by the Administrative Council.

o It shall be the duty of the President to chair RUSSIAN pact meetings, oversee voting in the AC, call emergency summits, updating the charter and other powers granted to the Presidency by the Administrative Council

• Article Ten: Optional Aggression

o Should a RUSSIAN signatory engage in an aggressive war with a non-RUSSIAN nation, the other members of this pact are not required to render assistance, but may do so at their own risk.

o RUSSIAN member nations who engage in an aggressive war, or those who join them under this article, may not cite the mutual defense portion of this pact if they are attacked by the nation that they have entered into an aggressive war with, or any of that nation’s treatied allies.

• Article Eleven: Withdrawal

o Should any member of the RUSSIAN pact find the aims of the member nations against their own, they may voluntarily leave the pact without penalty following a three day (72 hour) grace period.

o Should any member of the RUSSIAN pact be found to have aims that are either against or counterproductive to those of it's neighbors, then the nation in question may be voted out by the AC with no less than a 75% +1 majority.

I now give the floor to other RUSSIAN pact members to discuss any other matters, as well as to discuss the amendments."

Vaule's Rep sits down.

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"I think Slavorussians would prefer if we left article seven in the charter, but amended it to a no first strike policy. This seems to be the most common policy used my nuclear capable countries today, and would keep RUSSIAN countries from incurring the ire of their allies by launching the first nuclear attack."

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"I think Slavorussians would prefer if we left article seven in the charter, but amended it to a no first strike policy. This seems to be the most common policy used my nuclear capable countries today, and would keep RUSSIAN countries from incurring the ire of their allies by launching the first nuclear attack."

We agree with this motion and further agree of the proposed changes. Especially the Presidency though we wonder how the first nation will be chosen

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"I think Slavorussians would prefer if we left article seven in the charter, but amended it to a no first strike policy. This seems to be the most common policy used my nuclear capable countries today, and would keep RUSSIAN countries from incurring the ire of their allies by launching the first nuclear attack."

"We feel that the decision to use a nuclear weapon or not should rest with the individual RUSSIAN nations who have such weapons, or those who have the capacity of nuclear weapons proliferation. Should such a weapon be used aggressively, i.e. in a first strike scenario, then the response of the RUSSIAN pact can be dictated by the Optional Aggression clause. We feel that the nuclear members of the RUSSIAN pact are more than capable of properly using the weapons in their arsenal.

Should a RUSSIAN nation use a nuclear weapon in a first strike condition, then the response of any other nation as a result of the first strike shall not result in the activation of the Defense portion of the RUSSIAN pact."

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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"Nuclear weapons should be used as a deterrent, not as an actual weapon. We have seen the destruction of Central Europe, the Middle East the South Pacific and East Asia because of nuclear weapons, and the world has grown tired of it. Slavorussia has already aligned ourselves with nuclear capable lunatics in the past, and we will not allow it to happen again. We want assurances that our allies will not strike first with nuclear weapons.

Not only that, if we all adopt a no first strike policy our nuclear capable signatories can safeguard themselves from anyone claiming they cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. In the end you would be defending ourselves from outside forces who may try to take your nuclear arsenals off of you, and gaining the respect of countless countries around the world."

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"Vaule looks forward to seeing a proposed draft for the new Article Seven, however if we feel that the article infringes upon our sovereign right to determine how the weapons at the disposal of our government are used, then we shall object."

OOC: Rossiskaya is accepted with 4-0 vote in favor.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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"The Vaule representative is waiting for a draft proposal of this new Article Seven with the no-first strike clause. Regarding the expansion of the areas eligible to become RUSSIAN members, we feel that the current definition of RUSSIAN works, though we will support an adjustment of the exact borders that define the limits of eligibility."

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Ambassador Ushakov, scribbles on a piece of notebook paper with his pencil, "It just takes a little rewording, and presto!"

He slides the piece of paper across the table to the Vaule representative.

Article Seven: Weapons of Mass Destruction

To prevent lose of life on a widespread scale, signatories pledge not to use weapons of mass destruction, unless first attacked by an enemy with weapons of mass destruction. All Signatories should alert all RUSSIAN participants in the event of the use of one within their borders.

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Article Seven: Weapons of Mass Destruction

To prevent lose of life on a widespread scale, signatories pledge should endeavor to not use weapons of mass destruction, unless first attacked by an enemy with weapons of mass destruction. All Signatories should alert all RUSSIAN participants in the event of the use of one within their borders.

A weapon of mass destruction is defined as a device which utilizes a nuclear, biological or chemical weapon, which has the potential to cause massive civilian casualties. (White Phosphorus and similar weaponry do not constitute WMDs when used responsibly)

"May we suggest that small modification"

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: Hah hah, very funny... :P they aren't going THAT far back to define it...at least, I don't think so... :unsure:
"Regarding the expansion of the areas eligible to become RUSSIAN members, we feel that the current definition of RUSSIAN works, though we will support an adjustment of the exact borders that define the limits of eligibility."

OOC: Well it makes me think, since Alaska was historically part of Russia in the 18th and early to mid-19th century. But then this is CNRP, history doesn't matter.....much.

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RUSSIAN Members are asked to vote on which version of the new Article Seven to adopt:

Proposal #1:

Article Seven: Weapons of Mass Destruction

To prevent lose of life on a widespread scale, signatories should endeavor to not use weapons of mass destruction, unless first attacked by an enemy with weapons of mass destruction. All Signatories should alert all RUSSIAN participants in the event of the use of one within their borders.

A weapon of mass destruction is defined as a device which utilizes a nuclear, biological or chemical weapon, which has the potential to cause massive civilian casualties. (White Phosphorus and similar weaponry do not constitute WMDs when used responsibly)


Proposal #2:

Article Seven: Weapons of Mass Destruction

To prevent lose of life on a widespread scale, signatories pledge not to use weapons of mass destruction, unless first attacked by an enemy with weapons of mass destruction. All Signatories should alert all RUSSIAN participants in the event of the use of one within their borders.



#1: 3

#2: 1

No to both: 1

"As stated before, Vaule reiterates our position regarding Proposal # 2 and states our opposal to the RUSSIAN pact dictating what member nations can and can not do with nuclear weaponry. We feel that this entire issue is covered by the Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression portions of the treaty. If a RUSSIAN member uses a nuclear or chemical weapon in a first strike, then the other members reserve the right not to provide assistance to that member."

OOC: On a side note, the Official RUSSIAN IRC Channel is #RUSSIAN

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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