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This Week in Pacifica

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Idk if its really fair to hold every member of every alliance responsible for the history of his/her alliance and every member that was ever a part of it... Especially with a large alliance such as NPO... That's a lot of members to remember.

But thats off topic.

Good story... Always love to stay on top of my Pacific News. Is this going to be a weekly edition for now on? Or has it been, and I've been missing it?

Musso kinda helped make the NPO what it is. It's like not knowing Vlad. You can't be in the NPO, and not know these things.

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OOC: For the record, I have gotten over it, I've moved on, and I could give a rat's $@!. But I'll be damned if I'm going to stop people from bringing it up every time my in-game political opponents are trying to get a footing on the moral high ground with the "OMG OOC ATTACKS" crap. It's a double-standard and it's ridiculous. I've voice numerous times that I don't think any of that belongs here; have I made transgressions? Probably, and I regret them. But as I've also said numerous times, we'd all go a long way to grow some thicker skin. As has been suggested, there was more to that exchange between Zah'ha'doooom and myself; I can't help but wonder what you'd say to the rest. We'll never know.

To conclude, I'll echo Mussolandia: I was here in July 06 and you seem to have significantly shifted your view. This is your legacy at work!

Back IC:

Much as rabblerousers and terrorists even would not deign to associate with pseudo-intellectual, egomaniacal wannabes.

I have never stated that I would not utilize certain avenues to reach a desired end en masse. The forced move against an opposing alliance by the collective body over a perceived indecency is different than the individual crying over someone picking on them in IRC, in my opinion.

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Whoops, misquoted. Anyway...

As the one who brought up the fact that resignations get moved to the secret box, I will say that the practice is perfectly acceptable, especially for an alliance of NPO's size. When/if those members re-apply, you can take a look at their reasons for leaving before letting them back in.

So, if you're going to accuse the NPO of evil treachery for moving/deleting/locking threads, mention censoring, not resignation. :P

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I have never stated that I would not utilize certain avenues to reach a desired end en masse. The forced move against an opposing alliance by the collective body over a perceived indecency is different than the individual crying over someone picking on them in IRC, in my opinion.

So you're less opposed to the concept as much as to the complete ineptitude with which people attempt to utilize it?

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So you're less opposed to the concept as much as to the complete ineptitude with which people attempt to utilize it?

I will praise good gameplay from any corner when it is good. Gameplay and the art of IC politics seems to have left this world.

Stupidity and ineptitude, especially among those proclaiming themselves "leaders" is unforgivable.

Also, since I have taken the time to read up on the ongoing topic, in my time many topics were moved to the Lock Box on the NPO forum. This may be to the cruel and heavy fisted nature of my personality, one of the reasons I was couped was that I was not personable enough with the IOs.

I am not up to date on current policy but I recall more than one occasion during my time as Emperor and Commandante (when I was commanding the Order during the second and third Great Wars) when I chastised the alliance leadership on IRC for allowing dissenting topics to remain in the Body Republic unchecked and unmoved.

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We need more leaders like Imhotep was.

I'm actually curious why you're in NATO, yet you take pride in orally pleasuring (with your well written speeches :)) the New Pacific Order? I understand that they are allies, but you're just about that close to being an NPO patriot and spy.

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I'm actually curious why you're in NATO, yet you take pride in orally pleasuring (with your well written speeches :)) the New Pacific Order? I understand that they are allies, but you're just about that close to being an NPO patriot and spy.

I don't think Pacifica would accept the dearly departed Junkalunka's descendant.

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What if they are in the kitchen but aren't cooking or cleaning?

I got warned for that earlier today, even though this is an IC forum and I was simply commenting on my personal beliefs on the position of women in the state of Sha Ka Ri as Imhotep, leader of the nation. :)

So, since the rules of the RP forum do not apply when it comes to perceived sexism (although I could post the national flag of Sha Ka Ri as a Nazi swastika according the to rules :rolleyes: ) I will refrain from commenting on that particular topic.

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I got warned for that earlier today, even though this is an IC forum and I was simply commenting on my personal beliefs on the position of women in the state of Sha Ka Ri as Imhotep, leader of the nation. :)

So, since the rules of the RP forum do not apply when it comes to perceived sexism (although I could post the national flag of Sha Ka Ri as a Nazi swastika according the to rules :rolleyes: ) I will refrain from commenting on that particular topic.

Discussing moderation actions is not allowed outside of the Moderation forum. As always it will result in a warning if done anywhere else.

For obvious reasons, nobody should reply to either of these posts.

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You routinely move resignation posts to an invisible area? That is half way to proving the detractors' point, really. I am not aware of this practice elsewhere.

It is interesting to see Imhotep admitting that such censorship did indeed occur regularly under the rule of Emperor Moldavi. And of course, you would not see a deleted thread, as it is deleted before many people can see it (otherwise there is no point).

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You routinely move resignation posts to an invisible area? That is half way to proving the detractors' point, really. I am not aware of this practice elsewhere.

It is interesting to see Imhotep admitting that such censorship did indeed occur regularly under the rule of Emperor Moldavi. And of course, you would not see a deleted thread, as it is deleted before many people can see it (otherwise there is no point).

Seems like the point of posting a resignation would be so that members could know you resigned. By not making that public knowledge I imagine that would create some confusion/suspicion. But I guess all alliances are run differently.

OP was good.

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You routinely move resignation posts to an invisible area? That is half way to proving the detractors' point, really. I am not aware of this practice elsewhere.

It is interesting to see Imhotep admitting that such censorship did indeed occur regularly under the rule of Emperor Moldavi. And of course, you would not see a deleted thread, as it is deleted before many people can see it (otherwise there is no point).

No, we don't. Lord Strider already listed the section of the board where they go.

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I did not bother to read that mess but let me guess, more tech dealing? Please please please do something else. This is 3 weeks straight of talks about how good or bad getting tech deals at NPO may or may not be. What does this do to bring them down, bore them to death? Between that Monkey guy, Blackstone and this we now have the least effective spy rings that have ever existed on Planet Bob. Remember when things would get posted and people would be like Holy !@#$ !!!!! Now we get this. Are the spys that bad now or is their just nothing of interest going on?

A bit from column A, and a bit from column B :)

Also, I wonder what percentage of NPO's combined daily nett income this 15 mil is?

Also also, at least the OP is legible. He's got THAT over Monkey_Fail etc

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It is accessible. The only ones that are moved to a lock box are the ones of people leaving, and telling people to "$%&@ off", as they aren't productive for anyone.

OOC: I am reminded of

. The threads are moved because the NPO members can't handle the truth :P
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I did not bother to read that mess but let me guess, more tech dealing? Please please please do something else. This is 3 weeks straight of talks about how good or bad getting tech deals at NPO may or may not be. What does this do to bring them down, bore them to death? Between that Monkey guy, Blackstone and this we now have the least effective spy rings that have ever existed on Planet Bob. Remember when things would get posted and people would be like Holy !@#$ !!!!! Now we get this. Are the spys that bad now or is their just nothing of interest going on?

Judging from what I've read in the Continuum leadership forum, you're this delusional in private too.

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