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Trouble at the MCXA?

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It almost sounds like you should get an understanding of the different situations, before you start spitting out accusing and ignorant posts.

I suppose reading "Almost all of MCXA's government left to form a new alliance and is protected by TOP," and remembering a circumstance something like "Almost all of TOP's government left to form a new alliance is being attacked by TOP" should qualify me as mentally unhealthy.

Are you claiming you don't see the similarities in the CEN debacle? I've kept the tone of my posts polite and the nature of my inquiry respectful in the interests of my personal respect for your alliance and the stimulation of honest discourse. I have no axe to grind when it comes to TOP, but as a member of this community, with something of a long memory, certain events sometimes jump off the page, in a manner of speaking. Tony and jstep have responded to me with courtesy and respect, and I have responded so in turn.

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And that is why you've been branded as a traitor by those you served.

oh and you made your video announcement unreachable.. thats too bad.. I should have saved it.. it was worth the laughs

it was the best resignation to laugh at..

Edited by maxfiles
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oh and you made your video announcement unreachable.. thats too bad.. I should have saved it.. it was worth the laughs

it was the best resignation to laugh at..

Well, videos are a thing I do and well like it or not, I really don't care. Most people have heard my voice or seen my face I'm not too worried about that or my public opinion, but I don't understand why you're so rude. I've done nothing to you.

Edit: I personally thought Jose's was the biggest joke.

Edited by theArrowheadian
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Well, maybe it's a difference of degree, and I can't confess to know much about this, but fundamentally it appears pretty similar.

I mean, the TSO movement was obviously planned, regardless of Libera saying everyone had different reasons. Different reasons or no, this was a coordinated effort to leave MCXA for reasons no one is disclosing, and forums and (clearly) a protectorate were already established. If I understand you correctly, the primary difference was MCXA leadership saying "Hey, we're going to abandon you in a week," as opposed to "I'm going to abandon you now."

The primary difference is that common courtesy and proper protocall were followed in the instance of TSO. There were talks within the MCXA alliance between all parties involved in this, and they came to a decision to part ways for various reasons which don't warrant public discussion. TOP talked with everyone leading up to this, made sure it was a parting on good terms between friends, and TSO is now a reality.

CEN was a different story. No courtesy was given to TOP, and proper protocalls were broken. There were no talks within TOP between the members, and no reasons were given for leaving. A decision was made to form a shadow alliance called CEN, recuit secretly from within TOP and secretly outside of TOP while still in elected office in TOP. This made sure the parting was on bad terms, and we took people to task for it.

This event was not lost on us, and indeed came up in TOP's internal discussions reguarding this protectorate agreement. I can tell you that TOP would never loose sight of our history as an alliance, and we rightfully concluded that these 2 events are completely different.

Edited by TonytheTiger
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I suppose reading "Almost all of MCXA's government left to form a new alliance and is protected by TOP," and remembering a circumstance something like "Almost all of TOP's government left to form a new alliance is being attacked by TOP" should qualify me as mentally unhealthy.

Are you claiming you don't see the similarities in the CEN debacle? I've kept the tone of my posts polite and the nature of my inquiry respectful in the interests of my personal respect for your alliance and the stimulation of honest discourse. I have no axe to grind when it comes to TOP, but as a member of this community, with something of a long memory, certain events sometimes jump off the page, in a manner of speaking. Tony and jstep have responded to me with courtesy and respect, and I have responded so in turn.

I will gladly redirect you to Tonys posts in this thread, i was slightly annoyed by various people instantly coming out and calling CEN CEN CEN CEN, before they even know what is going on.

Except you Proko, the issue is hardly addressed outside of calling names

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I will gladly redirect you to Tonys posts in this thread, i was slightly annoyed by various people instantly coming out and calling CEN CEN CEN CEN, before they even know what is going on.

Except you Proko, the issue is hardly addressed outside of calling names <Modedit: removed due to content>

Was that needed?

Modedit: No, it wasn't.

Edited by Vetinari
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Again, it just seems a difference of degree, not of principle.

It is indeed but in this case that's what counts. Their was no talk of war with CEN in till we found they had been hiding their actions. TSO did not hide their actions form MCXA and as such we feel no unrest about the treaty with TSO.

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I will gladly redirect you to Tonys posts in this thread, i was slightly annoyed by various people instantly coming out and calling CEN CEN CEN CEN, before they even know what is going on.

Except you Proko, the issue is hardly addressed outside of calling names <modedit: Removed>


I'm sorry that I find this situation a tad bit ironic.

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all i see here is members of one alliance wishing a brand new start.

i do not see the downfall of MCXA for this, or any sort of strife between allies...

this is just a DoE by one alliance, and a protecturate announcement by another.

i see no reason for all this hostility.

i say let them bicker and argue if MCXA, TOP and TSO wish. if they are all cool with it, then i say we let past events die, and let these three alliances go about their own paths...

the name calling and flaming in this topic is rediculously irrelivent since it wont change anything and to continue would be a waste of everyones time.

for this i say

goodluck TSO

hail TOP

and congrats MCXA on a somewhat new start

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I will gladly redirect you to Tonys posts in this thread, i was slightly annoyed by various people instantly coming out and calling CEN CEN CEN CEN, before they even know what is going on.

Except you Proko, the issue is hardly addressed outside of calling names <Modedit: removed>

I won't comment on the CEN situation as it was long before my time and, despite the synopsis I have been given, I'm hardly qualified to make any judgements. I will, however, gladly respond to your charming suggestion to Vanguard and OPArsenal.

The next time you have a thought,

Let it go.

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Yes, there are similarities with the CEN-thing. That was in fact the main subject of discussion internally in TOP before we agreed on protecting TSO. There are however differences.

Major one is that TSO did what CEN did not. The creators of CEN was told by one of TOP's allies, before they formed, that they would have to talk with us about it and get our approval. They did not, and as I recall, Ski has mentioned a couple of times that we let them off lightly for that, at least compared to what others have endured for similar things.

TSO did talk with MCXA, and so did we. We did not go forward with this without knowing that the split would be on good terms, MCXA is our ally, if they where not fine with this, we would not sign the treaty. With that issue out of the world, it was effectively be a new alliance wanting our protection, one that we judged to be worthy of receiving it.

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