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Godwins law, CN style


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"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

The original Godwins law made a statement about the increasing chance of Nazi's and or Hitler getting involved in a discussion.

I think we can state that a similar law is true to Planet Bob.

"As a CN discussion grows longer, the probability that a Vox vs NPO discussion will start approaches one."

Lets just call that the Vox Law.

And lets just avoid it, its getting tiresome that about every topic gets hijacked by either side.

I also call on the mods to be more assertive in stopping these discussions from happening. And added to that, its rather counterproductive to close a topic if it derails, people will just move to another topic. Its better to close a topic, remove the posts that are completely off topic, and re-open the topic with a clear warning.

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Well technically all threads become about Vox, FAN, or Great War 1 as they grow. ;)

It'd be interesting to map the tendencies of threads with particular OPs to see which OPs spawn Vox threads, which spawn FAN threads, and which spawn GW1 threads.

Any math majors wanna give it a whirl?

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I knew saving this quote we come in handy for something

While I have come to understand that the new "Godwin's Law" of Cyber Nations is that all threads must mention Vox Populi, they are not the topic here. So lets try to get this thread back on track.

Seems that you have been beaten to your point OP :P

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People who get antagonized too easily are really what causes this problem imo. If fewer people felt the need to respond to or defend themselves or their alliance against every single insult by a small minority of trolls, then posts would stay on topic rather than escallating as they do, and the vox/NPO comments would remain in vox/NPO related threads.

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Psh, this announcement wouldn't needed if NPO wasn't so disgusting.


I see what you did there.

More originality in how people conduct business will lead to more original arguments. Every thread ends up about Vox/NPO because Vox are the only ones willing and able to openly defy NPO and their running dogs. If more organized groups of people would openly disagree with the hegemony then it wouldn't be about Vox anymore. I know that there are tons of people out there who don't like it, but they aren't talking so it ends up being all about us.

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I see what you did there.

More originality in how people conduct business will lead to more original arguments. Every thread ends up about Vox/NPO because Vox are the only ones willing and able to openly defy NPO and their running dogs. If more organized groups of people would openly disagree with the hegemony then it wouldn't be about Vox anymore. I know that there are tons of people out there who don't like it, but they aren't talking so it ends up being all about us.

That still doesn't justify hijacking every topic.

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Wouldn't it make sense that as any discussion grows the probability of anything being brought up approaches one?

I propose Sal's Law (not to be confused with Salic Law): "as a CN discussion grows longer, the probability of a woman inheriting the throne of France approaches one.

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The original Godwins law made a statement about the increasing chance of Nazi's and or Hitler getting involved in a discussion.

I think we can state that a similar law is true to Planet Bob.

Lets just call that the Vox Law.

And lets just avoid it, its getting tiresome that about every topic gets hijacked by either side.

Nah. That's giving way too much credit to vox, but i agree the constant baiting is more than mildly annoying.

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This is thread is entirely groundless and I can prove that by citing the 3rd month of the Vox vs NPO conflict, Schattenman made a thread that did not grow and Pacifica was not mentioned.

Thus, Vox and NPO conflict blah blah blah blah etc.

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Wouldn't it make sense that as any discussion grows the probability of anything being brought up approaches one?

I propose Sal's Law (not to be confused with Salic Law): "as a CN discussion grows longer, the probability of a woman inheriting the throne of France approaches one.

What throne of France?

Vive la Republique!

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That still doesn't justify hijacking every topic.

I'm sorry but that's complete and utter crap. Every single time I make a criticism about anyone or anything it becomes about who I am, what I've done, or my alliance. I mean it's standard deflection but it's not like we intentionally hijack threads by saying "you're full of it" -- generally the hijacking comes in responce. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a thread go from "you guys are scum" to a discussion of what scum Electron Sponge was during the Unjust War because nobody can come up with anything new. Or what scum I was just because I used to be in the NPO (no examples are even given! there are plenty of them damnit!).

I'm not saying we're not a little bit at fault here, maybe we are. But maybe if somebody else in this goddamn game would show an ounce of testicular fortitude and say something bold for once there'd be an argument centred around them. Instead, every time that happens the person's alliance comes in and shoves a goat leg down their throat and yanks them off the stage.

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I'm not saying we're not a little bit at fault here, maybe we are. But maybe if somebody else in this goddamn game would show an ounce of testicular fortitude and say something bold for once there'd be an argument centred around them. Instead, every time that happens the person's alliance comes in and shoves a goat leg down their throat and yanks them off the stage.

If I started doing that I'd almost certainly get myself and my alliance in trouble with somebody or other.

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If I started doing that I'd almost certainly get myself and my alliance in trouble with somebody or other.

That is exactly our point. So until you all fix your little problem with speaking frankly, we will continue to do it for you and we will continue to be the centre of every conversation. It is not our fault that everyone else is too busy cowering in their hidey-hole to elucidate the words "you're wrong".

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That is exactly our point. So until you all fix your little problem with speaking frankly, we will continue to do it for you and we will continue to be the centre of every conversation. It is not our fault that everyone else is too busy cowering in their hidey-hole to elucidate the words "you're wrong".

I personally don't care that all threads are about Vox right now though. It's fun, even though I know some people don't think so.

However, you're not really speaking for me, since who I dislike right now and who you dislike right now aren't necessarily the same, especially in this multi-faceted diplomatic world where there is more than just black and white.

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