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Yeah sure but my regular soldiers without armor suits will kick their $@!. That is basically how it works.

Of course the suits I had in mind are only power suits by general term, really I would call them strength suits as I would only have a very small amount for a heavy infantry company of about 100 men and the suits don't provide much more protection against small arms. Instead they provide extra strength and stability to allow them to fire things like chain guns and rocket launchers on the move and as a single soldier.

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Of course the suits I had in mind are only power suits by general term, really I would call them strength suits as I would only have a very small amount for a heavy infantry company of about 100 men and the suits don't provide much more protection against small arms. Instead they provide extra strength and stability to allow them to fire things like chain guns and rocket launchers on the move and as a single soldier.

That makes sense. i have no problem with it.

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I'm wondering. Why have we never defined a time for CNRP? Some people do 1 month=1 year, some do 3 months=1 year. We can't accurately record years and lives either, without actual years. Shouldn't we decide on a timescale, so we can actually accurately RP the time it takes to build something?

because not everyone agrees on everything. Be reasonable and nothing matters. The only reason why I have a defined calendar system, is because i need i way for my politicians to age.

See calendar system in sig for reference

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If your looking at Shadow's troop RP'ing in Diberia, the men in suits are his shock troops, not his entire army. His regular troops have some armor for protection, but not much.

I know, thats what my small amount would also be doing as their role. Shock Troops and Suppresive Fire.

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When I can I'm going to RP my Super-Heavy Infantry... ie, Starcraft I marines... nothing fancy, and such infantry will be treated like equipment, not soldiers, like the hunters from halo...

Of course, I'll only be RPing them when I finally reach the 1st world... any mention of them now would be in reference to the times before my nation's technological dark age.

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What happens when the suit is disabled and the person is trapped inside? I'll stick with conventional soldiers for now, thanks.

There are a lot of downsides to powered armor suits. If you want them, go for it. Just expect them to get out maneuvered, out-numbered and be high-caliber weapon magnets.

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I think that may be referring to getting crashed, the suit getting much smaller and trapping the user inside, unable to be removed.

That's why a good old fashioned Light Mech is the way to go :P

...until its legs are blown off or simply bent out of shape. :P

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Alright, since I know I'm gonna have to reroll (like my war against Slavorussia, no way in hell I can come out of this alive) I have a question regarding nation names:

If I kept the ruler alive, and rerolled, I know I can use the character again, but can I use the nation name again?

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Alright, since I know I'm gonna have to reroll (like my war against Slavorussia, no way in hell I can come out of this alive) I have a question regarding nation names:

If I kept the ruler alive, and rerolled, I know I can use the character again, but can I use the nation name again?

Technically I did the same thing after leaving Helsinki after the Great European War. So I don't see why not.

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