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It's better than the massive number of people who will just say, as you invade them "YOU CAN NO GOEZ THERE! I HAZ BUILT 90 FOOT WALLZ!!"

And the people who will build bigger things (IE Cities) in two posts one day apart

And the people who will claim their entire population is better armed than your army, and are all so loyal that they will fight until they all die

And the people who claim to have both universal hits and destroys with unguided missiles regardless of the target

And the people go Neutral to try and avoid eventual war because the narcissistic basterd loves his land

Oh wait

Well, anyway, there have been worse godmods, and, all things considered, he started building them, he finished building them, he described them well and he put time in between starting and finishing. Good RP, not really. God mod, no.

By the way, the whole thread this is causing a problem in is a very good case of "What to do if you want to God Mod" on every involved party <_<

Just cause other people did it, does it make it ok for people to do the same?

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On the matter of the tunnels...

What I am about to say may be harsh; however it will be objective and honest. Most of us, well rather some of us did not simply come to RP on our own accord we were recruited in by another veteran player. In cases such as that; that recruiter and the recruited have a unique bond as the recruiter is often the mentor of the latter, and serves to be the initial protector of the recruited. That being said I take no pleasure in having to say this, especially considering I was the one who recruited LZ into the game. Dispite this if I were doing something similar (and I did at one point) I would expect coursca, the one who recruited me into the game, to do the same. That being said I ask that LZ not take offense to this because regardless of what strategic interests are at stake, RP should reflect a measure of reality; and bad RP shouldn't be rewarded regardless of who is doing the analysis or passing judgement.

There are several reasons why these tunnels in question shouldn't be recognized. The first being we are not talking about a small island or plot of land, we are talking but the southern half of the Arabian peninsula. Regardless of the geography, or climate, or anything else this reality should reign above everything else. The shear scope of such a network which can link EVERY SINGLE city, and every government building, and every fort that you built is absolutely and utterly impossible to ever construct. No nation on the planet has ever done anything like that. The costs of such a system, and the manpower to construct them (as well as to maintain them) are unimaginable and again impossible to sholder. The only way something like that could ever be achieved is if it was undertaken by a technologically advanced world superpower within a limited scope of area. So even if we want to grant that for some nations such a system is acceptable. LZ frankly does not have a high enough infastructure or tech level to justify such a project existing. While it is perhaps unfair to penalize him or anyone else in NPO who got completely leveled in the most recent war; the rulings on saved stats are the rulings and as such both your technology and your infastructure fail to warrant the ability to build such a system.

Second; the RP creating such a system was to be honest insufficient to justify the tunnel system. I am all for creativity and allowing RPers to go outside the box when it comes to creative nation level RPing. However if you want to do something out of the ordinary, say a massive network of tunnels encompassing the entirety of the Arabian peninsula then you must be specific and extensive in your explanation of how such a system would exist. There has been alot of talk of the desert sands, and the inability to build things within them. That is really only partially true. It is possible to build structures in the sand, in the middle east sewer systems exist, as do military bunkers and many other sub-terranian structures. Concievably you could create some sort of oversized sewer system and simply have a concrete and steel reinforced tube with a road inside. And theoretically it may be possible to dig down far enough to hit the bedrock and proceed to build a tunnel within it (just as the chunnel was constructed into the bedrock of the English channel). As lynneth stated some of the desert is itself surface rock (examples; the deserts in California, a lot of the Sahara and yes parts of Arabia). However despite the possible plausibility of the rp in theory NO SUCH RP SPECIFICATION WAS EVER ISSUED. No explanations were ever made. The RP itself is tantamount to a one liner which states "A tunnel system beneath Arabia was build to connect every important structure". Idk about anyone else but that is not acceptable in my book. The arguments being used to justify it are purely implications made by the time since the original post, and rp's which made use of the system. Thats really not sufficient when it comes to something like this which should have explicit RP's about construction, and testing.

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As I said realistically the roads don't cover the whole continent. THAT is propaganda to make us seem cool ICly. Theres really only three Major roads covering the coasts where there is monumentally less sand. I would like to say I built a rail system though, as that wouldn't be as illogical as a crisscrossing network of roads. Seeing as I just started the RP and I just wanted something cool to build so I skipped on the details, as would all of you if you built it and weren't challenged, if need be I can look up the details of making a rail system that covers my forts(which I have only RPed having three rings of it done to be realistic :P) and give them now seeing as they were already built. As Iamthey mentioned they have sewer systems running through the desert, so a Rail system wouldn't be implausible.

If all of it MUST be scrapped because of this then I think Underground bunkers that aren't interconnected would be ok, because I would love to have built SOMETHING.

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As I said realistically the roads don't cover the whole continent. THAT is propaganda to make us seem cool ICly. Theres really only three Major roads covering the coasts where there is monumentally less sand. I would like to say I built a rail system though, as that wouldn't be as illogical as a crisscrossing network of roads. Seeing as I just started the RP and I just wanted something cool to build so I skipped on the details, as would all of you if you built it and weren't challenged, if need be I can look up the details of making a rail system that covers my forts(which I have only RPed having three rings of it done to be realistic :P) and give them now seeing as they were already built. As Iamthey mentioned they have sewer systems running through the desert, so a Rail system wouldn't be implausible.

If all of it MUST be scrapped because of this then I think Underground bunkers that aren't interconnected would be ok, because I would love to have built SOMETHING.

Not true. No one's challenged my base on El Hierro and I'm still RPing it out. If it's something that big, I say it has to be RP'd out.

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As I said realistically the roads don't cover the whole continent. THAT is propaganda to make us seem cool ICly. Theres really only three Major roads covering the coasts where there is monumentally less sand. I would like to say I built a rail system though, as that wouldn't be as illogical as a crisscrossing network of roads. Seeing as I just started the RP and I just wanted something cool to build so I skipped on the details, as would all of you if you built it and weren't challenged, if need be I can look up the details of making a rail system that covers my forts(which I have only RPed having three rings of it done to be realistic :P ) and give them now seeing as they were already built. As Iamthey mentioned they have sewer systems running through the desert, so a Rail system wouldn't be implausible.

If all of it MUST be scrapped because of this then I think Underground bunkers that aren't interconnected would be ok, because I would love to have built SOMETHING.

See, there is a massive difference between a sewer system and an underground road/rail system. The time it takes to build a sewer system, and the effort it takes is minuscule compared to building an underground system like that. There is a reason why we havn't seen underground systems like that done in Saudi Arabia and other desert nations like Egypt. Really, you are better off just having normal railways and roads. Also, need to RP out construction. A post every 2-3 days detailing the construction until completion is fine. It's what I did for the Slavic Empire of Novak.

Underground bunkers are seen even in the desert and if you RPed the construction for those, no issues with me on that (expect a ton of sand though being tracked in :P ).

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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For what it's worth if you really want to RP out tunnels in deserts u could try driving concrete piles to the bed rock and use saline and concrete impregnation on the sand near the tunnel to compact it. Of course you would have to read up on it to give it a modicum of reality. And regarding bunkers, not impossible. Saddam had concealed hangars in the middle of desert, sand desert, in which the jets power up and only come out of the shell for actual lift off in a carrier type operation.

Anything is possible. Only thing you should RP it. Once cant just claim something and expect it to accepted. Back it up.

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Why do people start RP'ing in CNRP and get all rilled up when they find out that others interact with them and cross their plans? What did they think CNRP was?

honestly, i thought it was the place to go to write a back story up on your nation... I had no idea it was like this, being a newb back then.

Why do people throw out loaded questions like the above? What will they gain?

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honestly, i thought it was the place to go to write a back story up on your nation... I had no idea it was like this, being a newb back then.

Why do people throw out loaded questions like the above? What will they gain?

Mr. Executive Minister,

Nope. That is Game-Related RP. As a newb of sorts, I saw "a world far apart from the traditional politics" in the description of this subforum.

Why do people throw out sarcastic comments when they could have simply answered the question respectfully?

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honestly, i thought it was the place to go to write a back story up on your nation... I had no idea it was like this, being a newb back then.

Why do people throw out loaded questions like the above? What will they gain?

No, serious, I'm curious why people start playing CNRP without knowing what it is and what the house rules are? And even when they know they still sometimes get really agitated when things IC don't go their planned way. If someone RP's an invasion of your country you RP along. You can't expect to be left alone all the time.....

Its like someone starting a game of Civilization and shouting at other people when they attack him......... I just don't get it.

Edited by Sitethief
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So I've been looking at some of my older posts, and I saw some instances where I bought weapons and stuff from other people. Those nations are now gone or are in another incarnation. So I ask you...

How much tech would it take for me to reverse engineer and mass-produce this, also this, and this too.

I get the feeling that last one isn't going to be accepted but oh well, might as well ask since they are theoretically sitting in a storehouse somewhere.

Also for the second one, I bought the IIIi. And in the third one, the first two kinds of suits.

Sorry, had to edit, I forgot some of them were selling more than one thing.

Edited by Vedran
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The Mauler easy, but the other two? Very hard.

Mostly because techrules weren't active back when those tanks/suits were posted. It was more RuleOfCool RP instead of Realism.

Warning: The links may lead to highly addicting material.

What Lynneth said.

Come on Verdran, those suits are !@#$@#$ Metroid-like. :lol1:

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So can I have the powersuit?








Sure, why not */incredibleBias*

Nah, but seriously. Get someone who's highly advanced to build it for you. 3 nations qualify. Viniland, Rebel Army and Austria. One of them is in civil war. The others may not be working on highly miniaturised fission or fusion power to power such a suit.

It'd require a lot of RP for a single such suit. Imo, at least.

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Sure, why not */incredibleBias*

Nah, but seriously. Get someone who's highly advanced to build it for you. 3 nations qualify. Viniland, Rebel Army and Austria. One of them is in civil war. The others may not be working on highly miniaturised fission or fusion power to power such a suit.

It'd require a lot of RP for a single such suit. Imo, at least.

And you are going to need truck loads of money if the nation that is building it for you isn't your best friend.

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Sure, why not */incredibleBias*

Nah, but seriously. Get someone who's highly advanced to build it for you. 3 nations qualify. Viniland, Rebel Army and Austria. One of them is in civil war. The others may not be working on highly miniaturised fission or fusion power to power such a suit.

It'd require a lot of RP for a single such suit. Imo, at least.

I refuse to transform CNRP into science fiction, so it's up to Lavo.

EDIT: I don't really abhor the concept of power suits, but a Samus-like one is 100% unfeasible - you'd need like a few dozen reactors going on to power all that jazz.

Edited by V The King
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Nah, but seriously. Get someone who's highly advanced to build it for you. 3 nations qualify. Viniland, Rebel Army and Austria. One of them is in civil war. The others may not be working on highly miniaturised fission or fusion power to power such a suit.

It'd require a lot of RP for a single such suit. Imo, at least.

What, I dont qualify? :v:

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