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To be honest, Martenism and Francoism are extremely similar. Martenism without a doubt a fascist ideology, while Francoism is fairly similar but with more free market economics.

My history simply inserts Tahoe into the real world in the 1800's, when during the civil war Irish immigrants fought for their own nation in California. Read my wiki if you want to know more. In the 80's or so Martens took over Germany in a revolution, the Triyunica dynasty succeeded the last dynasty in RL China replacing the ROC and PRC and so on. My view on what is history in RP is probably the most plausible as far conversion from RL to RP goes, inserting the nations where they are applicable. I haven't added everybody to my history, but most I have. It probably doesn't fit with some people's versions of history, but that is because theirs is impossible or implausible (I know I'm biased, but hey, I have a Bachelors Degree in History, do you? No...I didn't think so :P)

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To be honest, Martenism and Francoism are extremely similar. Martenism without a doubt a fascist ideology, while Francoism is fairly similar but with more free market economics.

My history simply inserts Tahoe into the real world in the 1800's, when during the civil war Irish immigrants fought for their own nation in California. Read my wiki if you want to know more. In the 80's or so Martens took over Germany in a revolution, the Triyunica dynasty succeeded the last dynasty in RL China replacing the ROC and PRC and so on. My view on what is history in RP is probably the most plausible as far conversion from RL to RP goes, inserting the nations where they are applicable. I haven't added everybody to my history, but most I have. It probably doesn't fit with some people's versions of history, but that is because theirs is impossible or implausible (I know I'm biased, but hey, I have a Bachelors Degree in History, do you? No...I didn't think so :P)

Hey, in four years I will!

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What if we went back before the Black Death in Europe and said it traversed the entire world shifting the political, economic and social boundaries of the world. I doubt anyone's history goes back before the 1300s and then there would still be remnants of Byzantine, Roman culture and such. I mean I still am not sure where Francoism came from in a historical sense, but Martenism seemed to me like a Fascism of sorts. Just a thought though.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but obviously some of us in Europe go back that far or more. My nation's history began with the aftermath of one of the later Crusades, though I doubt the events that led to the formation of Ile De Noir had much influence in the world outside of our island.

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My country's far history largely involves the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire and Proto-Franzharia rising as one of the Germanic States later conquered by Otto von Bismarck in the Unification of Imperial Germany, with the Government and some people fleeing to Africa.

Edited by Ranather
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My RP history goes back to the (future) reunification of Korea, leading to a Japan-Korean Empire.

This idea ever happening the the real world rates up there with the Re-unification of Poland and Germany, Isreal and Palestine, and, my personal favorite "Yeah right" re-unification, My tax money and my wallet.

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My RP history says that a while back (unknown time), the Central American world collapsed due to some event. Tribalism became dominant, with groups combing the ruins for weapons, food, and any other devices for day-to-day living. Eventually these Tribes coalesced into Clans, which proceeded to vie for dominance. One particular clan gained dominance and subjugated the rest into a dynastic system.

Which was then succeeded by a monarchy, which was then succeeded by the Republic of Daorim, which was transformed into the Imperium of America.

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My history includes cross cloning Putin with Deng Xiaoping, making them Emperor of China and putting them incharge of a Pacific based Warsaw Pact. Also equally unrealistic. :P

To be honest, Martenism and Francoism are extremely similar. Martenism without a doubt a fascist ideology, while Francoism is fairly similar but with more free market economics.

My history simply inserts Tahoe into the real world in the 1800's, when during the civil war Irish immigrants fought for their own nation in California. Read my wiki if you want to know more. In the 80's or so Martens took over Germany in a revolution, the Triyunica dynasty succeeded the last dynasty in RL China replacing the ROC and PRC and so on. My view on what is history in RP is probably the most plausible as far conversion from RL to RP goes, inserting the nations where they are applicable. I haven't added everybody to my history, but most I have. It probably doesn't fit with some people's versions of history, but that is because theirs is impossible or implausible (I know I'm biased, but hey, I have a Bachelors Degree in History, do you? No...I didn't think so )

Francoism also doesn't care about ethnicity.

Edited by Triyun
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My history is boring. Uberstein was some rich guy in Germany, read a few books, went leftist, used his money to run a revolution in Russia, started Russany, stuff happens, he gets overthrown by a large angry populace when the economy crashes. He gets thrown into a tree by an explosion, shot twice, and then crashes a car into a metal pole before being brought into his private airship by loyalists. Then he goes to Svalbard, goes a bit crazy, and invades the wild lands of Scandinavia and starts Ubersteinia Proper.

Then he disbands it later. Then Dodmann, a loyalist, lauches a cobalt attack, and now we have the new Svalbard situation.

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Martens fights The Silver Revolution beating the Nazis and Commies at once and becomes Kaiser of a Unified Germany.

The King of Poland petitions for Slavic Independence in South East Poland and is granted almost instantly.

The King of Poland dies of a heart attack, his daughter kills herself in grief. Leaving no heirs to the Confederated Polish Crown. Bruno Zamoyski is named by the Norse Clergy and Aristocracy as Emperor of Greater Poland.

Prussia domain is formed and begins an expansionary path through Europe. Poland and Prussia become quick allies after a short cold war and unify into Greater Nordland, reunifying Germany again.

Greater Nordland dissolves in war with RUSSIA.

The Kingdom of Prussia forms as a splinter state after the war, led by Albert Tanzband--a chief liberal counter-voice in the Martencist Nordland.

Albert Tanzband declares semi-neutrality, focused on Prussia-centric thought and action. Protecting neighbors, allies and the Baltic trade routes have become key points for the Taznband dynasty and will continue as such.

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Well, J Andres has what was left of the US collapsing in 1981, so I just go off that, having myself as a secessionist movement outside J Andres until J Andres ceded the land I currently own (amongst other lands) in 2007 (according to him).

Thats after I readjusted my timeline. If you want to go by actual dates the US collapsed in 2006 when the game was formed. And the territory was ceeded in November 2008, which equates to 2007. Every RL month is one year in J Andres, hence why our news reports are dated strangely.

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Thats after I readjusted my timeline. If you want to go by actual dates the US collapsed in 2006 when the game was formed. And the territory was ceeded in November 2008, which equates to 2007. Every RL month is one year in J Andres, hence why our news reports are dated strangely.

Your new time line makes more sense, and considering I already went by the one month equaling a year, I'll just go with your's.

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