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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343242055' post='3015224']
But you don't. You instead put it into making the game an absolute hell on Earth OOC for me and anyone who plays on my side. [/quote]
it's almost as if you're talking about yourself or something.

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For god sakes. Ehestadt and Korea weren't as simple as you make it out to be, but you're attitude is that unless I accept your exact version of events which paint me as a horrible human being, you're not going to move on. I'm sorry but no. I refuse. Negotiations premised on me being the bad guy OOC when thats just not the case at all from my view point is not going to happen. I've offered a fresh start you won't take it. Fine just say you want eternal war, say it. You're not going to just get 100 percent of your way though.

Curri I'm happy to move on as I stated above, but I'm not going to accept that I $%&@ed her over when she was sick when I in fact did the EXACT OPPOSITE thing. Thats insulting to me on a very personal level. This is the !@#$ I'm talking about. She goes after my OOC personhood, its not just insults IC. I'm sorry but no.

I'll offer again we can just ignore each other, or you can treat me like a decent human being. This is so !@#$@#$ ridiculous even thinking that disagreements about tech or IC borders can be compared to these type of accusations.

Edit: For those who don't know my side of the story. Before Kankou had IRL issues she was about to get rolled by all my allies. After what happened with Japan between her, EvR, and Lavo in the winter she had really started to push every other ally of mine towards war with her. I told them to stop and I kept her from getting completely wiped out because of her IRL condition. She came back she was pushing hard to get Japan and some other areas which had gotten her almost rolled before I put a stop to it. Therefore I gave her back just the Korean peninsula and cancelled the treaty. I am so god damn sick of this accusation I kicked a sick girl while she was down. I didn't, I stopped a massive rolling and then didn't let her expand. There is a huge huge difference.

Edited by Triyun
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I am sick of the IC/OOC blurring. I just think that these attacks OOC cause of IC are unacceptable. Especially when there is this obsessive need to attack someone personally. It needs to stop now.

We need at least to have a basic level of respect despite what opinions we have of the person as this is our right as a human being. If there is a problem, you air it in private and not on the boards where everyone can see. This is not the place to insult people, this is supposed to be a game forum and not a place for these petty feuds.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343245328' post='3015263']
For god sakes. Ehestadt and Korea weren't as simple as you make it out to be, but you're attitude is that unless I accept your exact version of events which paint me as a horrible human being, you're not going to move on. I'm sorry but no. I refuse. Negotiations premised on me being the bad guy OOC when thats just not the case at all from my view point is not going to happen. I've offered a fresh start you won't take it. Fine just say you want eternal war, say it. You're not going to just get 100 percent of your way though.

Curri I'm happy to move on as I stated above, but I'm not going to accept that I $%&@ed her over when she was sick when I in fact did the EXACT OPPOSITE thing. Thats insulting to me on a very personal level. This is the !@#$ I'm talking about. She goes after my OOC personhood, its not just insults IC. I'm sorry but no.

I'll offer again we can just ignore each other, or you can treat me like a decent human being. This is so !@#$@#$ ridiculous even thinking that disagreements about tech or IC borders can be compared to these type of accusations.

Edit: For those who don't know my side of the story. Before Kankou had IRL issues she was about to get rolled by all my allies. After what happened with Japan between her, EvR, and Lavo in the winter she had really started to push every other ally of mine towards war with her. I told them to stop and I kept her from getting completely wiped out because of her IRL condition. She came back she was pushing hard to get Japan and some other areas which had gotten her almost rolled before I put a stop to it. Therefore I gave her back just the Korean peninsula and cancelled the treaty. I am so god damn sick of this accusation I kicked a sick girl while she was down. I didn't, I stopped a massive rolling and then didn't let her expand. There is a huge huge difference.

I can confirm this and believe I still have logs of it.

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Triyun: The thing is you broke your promise and acted as if you deserved what you took from me. Sorry, but whatever reasons you bring over an year after the incident, that doesn't change the fact that you never explained anything to me at the time and was acting as if I deserved whatever you did, and unless that attitude changes, I will be fighting fire with fire. I'm a nice person, willing to make up, but unless you stop acting like you're the sole victim. We tried this in queries, but that never worked out, did it? Of course, if you're still willing to talk, query me. I'm always open to reconciliation.

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I protest. I see no indication whatsoever [b]in this post[/b] that there is metagaming of any sort. There is a [b]reason[/b] for the character to be sent into space, that being the partial completion of the space station.
It is completely relevant and good RP in my opinion.

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Was there any previous indications that they were going to make the station their home? And I do not mean something edited in (like how Mara sometimes does to get out of a hole).

If the purpose of the station was indicated in a previous RP (like how I used Laplace as the residence of the Grand Papua Chancellor), then we can't say it is a metagaming. But if there were no previous indications, then why the sudden change? Due to the OOC information.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343250237' post='3015295']
Was there any previous indications that they were going to make the station their home? And I do not mean something edited in (like how Mara sometimes does to get out of a hole).

If the purpose of the station was indicated in a previous RP (like how I used Laplace as the residence of the Grand Papua Chancellor), then we can't say it is a metagaming. But if there were no previous indications, then why the sudden change? Due to the OOC information.

She admitted to it on irc and made the post 25 minutes after reading the pre-plan pm.

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[quote name='Relm Arrowny' timestamp='1343377159' post='3016123']
Please keep this thread civil. I understand that you all have strong differences of opinion on how this should work, but you still need to be respectful towards other users.
If you have ever bene on #CNRP this is about as civil as the community gets :P

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343521231' post='3016549']
I believe there needs to be the USNA in CNRP.

United States of Nordic America

[url="http://www.zbrushcentral.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=156693"]The Great Zepplin Fleet[/url]

Maybe I'll re-roll there shortly and try my luck again...with more of a fascist punch. Martens and I talked a lot about Nordism and stuff, I want to make him proud.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343521231' post='3016549']
I believe there needs to be the USNA in CNRP.

United States of Nordic America
[/quote]Oh god...NO!

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1343522304' post='3016556']
[url="http://www.zbrushcentral.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=156693"]The Great Zepplin Fleet[/url]

Maybe I'll re-roll there shortly and try my luck again...with more of a fascist punch. Martens and I talked a lot about Nordism and stuff, I want to make him proud.
[/quote] :o:ph34r: *hides*

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1343522901' post='3016558']
Only Sarah can wear the mantle of Martenicism.
[/quote]I thought that was Martens...though it'll be bound to be...interesting, at least. I'm still staying far away from it though.

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Transcript of Secret Session of the CNRP UN

[quote]21:02 Triyun Now you scum bags
21:02 Triyun we're going to negotiate a new world order
21:03 Triyun in CN RP
21:03 Triyun personally
21:03 Triyun I think
21:03 Triyun we should make the CN RP UN
21:03 Triyun With a security council
21:03 Triyun Dibs on America
21:03 Yawoo I call China
21:03 Voodoo Dibs on DPRK
21:04 Triyun Justits gets Russia
21:04 Voodoo or Mexico
21:04 Triyun Cent gets France
21:04 Voodoo I'll take Mexico
21:04 Voodoo xD
21:04 Triyun We get to authorize military action
21:04 Triyun against anyone in the world
21:04 Triyun and its a valid CB
21:04 Triyun but anything done against us or our allies
21:04 Triyun we can veto
21:04 Triyun sound good?
21:04 Voodoo In that case, I'll take the UK
21:05 Triyun good
21:05 Triyun done
21:05 Kankou lulz
21:06 Triyun Now because I'm America, and therefore the greatest country ever, I will be leading all military coalitions and anybody who disagrees with me is a rogue state
21:06 Kankou lulz
21:07 JEDCJT can I be Iran? :B
21:07 Yawoo disagrees
21:07 Triyun first proposal Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
21:07 Triyun I propose
21:07 Triyun only
21:07 Yawoo I
21:07 Triyun the P-5 can have nukes
21:07 Triyun everyone else
21:07 Triyun cannot
21:07 Triyun and anyone who disagrees with that
21:07 Yawoo Well, obviously
21:07 Triyun gets a coalition of the willing up their ass
21:08 Triyun Which Sumer's probably into
21:08 Triyun but thats beside the point
21:08 Triyun all in agreement say aye!
21:08 Voodoo Aye
21:08 Kankou keeps record for public publishment
21:09 Triyun go for it
21:09 JEDCJT why do I read that as 'public punishment'? :v[/quote]

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Oh...would you look at that...it's August 1st.

Also a new state in Britain appears, Mr. Kral, I wish you the best and Kankou did his appearance have anything to do with you asking me about Anna and Lady Jane last night? Or a mere coincidence?

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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