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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1342064283' post='3008724']
Is that what hes on about? Wow.
It's an educated guess given how from the start Mara wrote some pretty stupid things like her PMC hiring "non-active" military people (basically, those who have NOT retired), and also the issue of retired military people being able to buy top-of-the-line equipment.

Basically, Mara started the problems.

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I wonder if people are so dense enough to not realize they shouldn't be posting in my general news thread anything more than private reactions. But meh, people LOVE to comment, don't they?

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1342097676' post='3009091']
I wonder if people are so dense enough to not realize they shouldn't be posting in my general news thread anything more than private reactions. But meh, people LOVE to comment, don't they?

Once again, I must insist you at least have the balls to name and shame me when your referring to me. Not that I give a $%&@.

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Thank you, Kankou, you pretty much covered the basics in this particular situation. I will, however expand just a little bit more for Mara's benefit - for the second or third time.

Mara, you originally wrote that your people were being trained by inactive soldiers. Inactive does not mean retired, no matter how much you wish it to be. Nor, do you get to edit the post to change this fact when presented with evidence on IRC. You chose to insult me in public and claim ridiculous things did not hold their original definition when used by you. You were warned on IRC that Virtus International would not respond kindly to the formation/actions of your corporation. I further asked you if you understood exactly who you're messing with in the hopes you would re-think your decisions; after all, Virtus International isn't exactly the most fluffy and cuddly of organizations. There is a reason it has survived for IRL years. You chose to leave the channel after a hissy fit instead of responding to these questions and statements beyond a few fits of denial. I have a history of RPing Virtus International as an organization that is very paranoid of other PMCs (see recent land acquisition from JED's corp). In my opinion, I am one of the more reasonable and helpful members of CNRP's community, but I am also one of the more rigid RPers in regards to once I choose a style of writing for an organization or character I tend to stick with that. This approach has gotten me into trouble before (English-Irish wars, anyone?) nevertheless I rarely bend in this approach as I find it more realistic than the constant hatred turned love-fest mergers we often see. There is a recent trend in CNRP to develop new PMCs, this naturally incurs an IC response by the big three PMCs, I apologize if you do not like my or our approach, but I am afraid that it will not stop because of your dissatisfaction.

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Unless you can point to the RP before your reroll where Will Smith & Robert Denard got out of Texas safely, without being caught, they're dead.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Just a note to TBM and Cent: I will flying back home on Tuesday, so don't expect a post a day like usual in our thread until probably Thursday of next week starting today. That being said, I am not locking or going inactive and will respond fairly regularly; this is merely a notice encase something goes weird during the move.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1342105486' post='3009165']
Mara, you originally wrote that your people were being trained by inactive soldiers. Inactive does not mean retired, no matter how much you wish it to be. Nor, do you get to edit the post to change this fact when presented with evidence on IRC.

Correction - you get to get over yourself. When I wrote inactive, I damned well meant retired. I told you as much, and yet you continue to hound me AFTER I fix my mistake. Not everyone shares your precise terms. As a matter of pure fact, most people don't. In my case, "inactive" and "retired" are the same damned thing, mainly drawn from the old saying that "there are no ex-Marines, only former active duty." There are no "ex" Imperial soldiers, only former active duty. Thus my terminology was correct in my mind, yet you seem to think that because I inhabit the same CNRP world as you that I should be bound by your terminology.

This is incorrect.

Additionally, I lost my internet; I did not leave IRC of my own free will.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1342214878' post='3009842']
Correction - you get to get over yourself. When I wrote inactive, I damned well meant retired. I told you as much, and yet you continue to hound me AFTER I fix my mistake. Not everyone shares your precise terms. As a matter of pure fact, most people don't. In my case, "inactive" and "retired" are the same damned thing, mainly drawn from the old saying that "there are no ex-Marines, only former active duty." There are no "ex" Imperial soldiers, only former active duty. Thus my terminology was correct in my mind, yet you seem to think that because I inhabit the same CNRP world as you that I should be bound by your terminology.

This is incorrect.

Additionally, I lost my internet; I did not leave IRC of my own free will.

I do enjoy a good story, and Mara you spin quite a tale. There is, however, many problems with your fictionalized story. First, I will never get over myself. I have been "Woo[ing] for Yawoo!" for something like six years on CN. You will not change this, but feel free to try. Second, you wrote what you did and when presented with a link to a reputable dictionary you decided to say that it didn't matter and you wouldn't use the definition's term because it meant something different to you. I am sorry, but it is a rule that on this board the English language must be used - if you have a problem comprehending or understanding the English language then I urge you to take a break from CNRP and find someone who can tutor you up to the necessary speed. Otherwise, you need to accept the dictionary definition of the word. You may not edit something at a whim in order to fix a mistake, if we were able to do so there would be very, very few wars in CNRP (that or they would be solved extremely fast). Additionally, there are such things as ex-Marines, you throwing out a quote here and there will not change reality the same as reality says that you were training your troops with active duty soldiers per you original wording. Furthermore, it doesn't matter if your terminology was correct in your mind - what does matter is if the terminology reflects the definition from a reputable source of the language. You failed to achieve this. Finally, I have never 'hounded' you. I made an IC reaction to an IC event. I have never reached out to you on IRC, but rather you felt the need to curse at me in public and then demand a favor in private. This does not sit well with me, but nevertheless I gave you the opportunity to re-think your position. You decided to insult me and spout off things full of denial - you then left. I find it highly amusing that you claim to have internet problems despite the fact that during the whole day where I was on IRC and you were on IRC you faced no internet difficulties until a few days later when I counter your so called argument.

Again, though I do enjoy a good story. As an old friend of mine used to say in CNRP, "Either nut up or shut up". I expect either an IC reaction or for you to quit whining. Consider this my last response to your OOC drivel. We have enough OOC crap and I will not continue to indulge your melancholy.

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Melancholy? Seriously?

Okay, so a person isn't allowed to fix their mistakes in terminology. Noted.

Secondly, jackarse, it's called dialect. Different places DO place different connotations on words. I place a different connotation on the word than you do. To you it's wrong, to me it's an option.

Thirdly, when did I insult you before this blasted thread? Point it out. Logs.

And your constant harping on the ONE thing I changed IS hounding.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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You were given the chance to nicely discuss things with Yawoo, but you decided to snipe at him in public at #cnrp. Given the historical background of people !@#$%*ing after mentioning problems in public even after efforts to discuss things privately have repeatedly failed, Yawoo had every right to go hardcore on you, given you never put any effort to work things out. Furthermore, no person in the military would say "inactive = retired". Any idiot who cannot differentiate those two needs to sit down and go under detention writing "Inactive does not mean retired" ten thousand times, since this is a matter of being uneducated, not of dialect.

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As a member of the armed forces, the only time the word inactive is used is for the "Inactive Ready Reserve" or IRR, part of the 8 year enlistment people sign to join the US military. Officially, the 'active' part of the contract is usually 4 years and the other 4 in IRR.

It is often heard in my short time span in the military that either they are ex-whatever branch they served or retired military member or veteran. If your inactive, you can be called back, so it's not official retirement.

I do see at a nitpicking on the party who called it out, but it's their call and using the word inactive in an improper way can lead to... less than desired IC response to whatever creation you made regardless.

/ends two cents

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OK hold on guys, admittedly Mara, you do not take people questioning your rp very well at all. You have said some pretty rotten things to folks when asked or called out in the past. You need to think a little where you are going with this.

Thus far, Yawoo has kept his response ICly, and you are dragging it to OOC.

Why not just respond ICly?

"The Empress wishes all concerned to know the Fail Legion that is in no way as awesome as the African Legion is composed of private citizens who are not employed by the government of the Imperium."

That's all you gotta say and most folks will believe you. Top it off, not even that many people care. It's a he said she said deal icly then and one you ICly can just ignore and go back to molesting polar bears or whatever it is you do in Alaska.



God damn woman, settle down for @#$# sake.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1342266092' post='3010087']
I always knew that was how it worked with women! They called me crazy, BUT I KNEW!
[/quote]Bah, a man can never truly know something for certain about a woman...not the character stuff anyway. ;)

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1342297158' post='3010222']Bah, a man can never truly know something for certain about a woman...not the character stuff anyway. ;)[/quote]

I have a hypothesis about this. I think it's futile for anyone, even women to try and truly know something about other women. After all, according to the stereotype (and we all know that in conversations like this, only the stereotype matters), women rely more on emotions rather then on logic... even though I also trust my emotions more then logic these days as well, after logic told me to jump off a bridge. What an ass, I know. In any event, if women rely more on emotions then on logic, then that means that attempting to logically figure them out is going about it completely wrong. For a man to truly 'get' a women, he has to stop trying to 'truly know' her and instead, he has to try and truly get a feeling about her, not a physical feeling, sorry Kaiser, but an emotional feeling about her. For the most part (going by the stereotype), we're not too good at that, but at least then, I think we'd be on the right track.

I've just hit 44 pages of joy and I am now about 30% done :). (In Standard mass-paper-back form, that's 128 pages)

Edited by Zarfef
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