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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1341683508' post='3006018']
That's what I was referencing... the PMCs here are regulated by the state, but otherwise they are full private corporations.

I'm not sure what you mean, the PMCs I listed are barely or not at all regulated by a nation.

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[quote name='Westaxe' timestamp='1341653133' post='3005776']
I hardly see how "get out" and "join my nation, losing control over your RP" are generous choices. Perhaps it's because I've been a part of more accepting communities for far too long.

EDIT: Also, please show where I was being, to use your words, "belligerent and hostile". Please. Specific quotes.
[/quote]Accepting? Dunno about that. I [i][b][u]can[/u][/b][/i] tell you this RP is far different than anything you may be used to. Mergers have happened many times in the past between even far less compatible nations.

Also, no one is obligated to play according to the RP of the nation who previously owned the land. Just as a note. it may not be the most sporting of choices, but it isn't a required thing.

Just so you know where Owned is coming from with his statements.

[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1341665045' post='3005845']
Owned quit acting like a @#$% and let Westaxe RP in New York - you literally just rolled into North America, you shouldn't be looking to expand anywhere any time soon.

Westaxe, if you need help militarily there are private military corporations your government can hire.
[/quote]Expand? Where in the world did he say he wanted to expand? I must have missed that. Considering precedent that has been established through years of RP stuff, he isn't being entirely unreasonable. As I just explained to Westaxe.

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I was lead to believe that OY was rerolling there and had got permission from Ty and had not yet posted. IMO if you think you have permission and would post the next day or something that would be perfectly proper, and its rational to expect you have some time to post (for the record as visual memory serves it was dark outside with OY said this so it was probably pretty late). Westaxe then joined in the interim.

If this is an issue of expansion versus a new nation, I think there is plenty CB to fight it out IC. For example the player SMH often fought incarnations of the US because they represented expansionist tendencies (ironically he was based out of NY).

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1341691368' post='3006099']
Expand? Where in the world did he say he wanted to expand? I must have missed that. Considering precedent that has been established through years of RP stuff, he isn't being entirely unreasonable. As I just explained to Westaxe.

Re-read the logs, Subtle. He is being unreasonable. He just rolled into North American and is now acting like an @#$ with a new RPer, who by all accounts is one of the better ones we've had recently considering he's did all his research prior to setting up shop. Beyond this, he's actually incorporating history unlike many new RPers. As far as precedent, mind explaining where is OY's precedent considering he isn't even a year RP old in his nation?

Edit: Okay, even with OY wanting to re-roll - it's still a matter of fighting it or figuring it out diplomatically IC which I 100% back, I merely think it's a bit silly to push away a new RPer wanting to be independent for his first nation.

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1341692469' post='3006115']
Re-read the logs, Subtle. He is being unreasonable. He just rolled into North American and is now acting like an @#$ with a new RPer, who by all accounts is one of the better ones we've had recently considering he's did all his research prior to setting up shop. Beyond this, he's actually incorporating history unlike many new RPers. As far as precedent, mind explaining where is OY's precedent considering he isn't even a year RP old in his nation?

Edit: Okay, even with OY wanting to re-roll - it's still a matter of fighting it or figuring it out diplomatically IC which I 100% back, I merely think it's a bit silly to push away a new RPer wanting to be independent for his first nation.
I'm pretty sure I completely agree with this opinion, just saying.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1341692469' post='3006115']
Re-read the logs, Subtle. He is being unreasonable. He just rolled into North American and is now acting like an @#$ with a new RPer, who by all accounts is one of the better ones we've had recently considering he's did all his research prior to setting up shop. Beyond this, he's actually incorporating history unlike many new RPers. As far as precedent, mind explaining where is OY's precedent considering he isn't even a year RP old in his nation?

Edit: Okay, even with OY wanting to re-roll - it's still a matter of fighting it or figuring it out diplomatically IC which I 100% back, I merely think it's a bit silly to push away a new RPer wanting to be independent for his first nation.

I have not had a nation since the 4th of July. I had arranged my transfer to to New York earlier that same day, I did not IC'ly dissolve Indianapolis until I had that agreement made with Greenland & the American Commonwealth. It was late that night and I did not see the need to immediately post a DoE declaring New York my own. I wanted to set up some back story and the like for a few days to describe the gradual change into Vinsalia. Instead I awoke on the 5th of July to a nation claiming the lands I had already intent to reroll towards. It's not being unreasonable to find conflict with said player in that context. This isn't a matter of expansion it's a matter of bad circumstances.

Westaxe has made it clear that we would handle it IC. So let us see where the proverbial dice rolls.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1341692469' post='3006115']
Re-read the logs, Subtle. He is being unreasonable. He just rolled into North American and is now acting like an @#$ with a new RPer, who by all accounts is one of the better ones we've had recently considering he's did all his research prior to setting up shop. Beyond this, he's actually incorporating history unlike many new RPers. As far as precedent, mind explaining where is OY's precedent considering he isn't even a year RP old in his nation?

Edit: Okay, even with OY wanting to re-roll - it's still a matter of fighting it or figuring it out diplomatically IC which I 100% back, I merely think it's a bit silly to push away a new RPer wanting to be independent for his first nation.
[/quote]I read the logs--how is he being unreasonable--offering to share the place? Nowhere do I see him pushing the guy away.

As for precedent, I refer to several things...mergers, asking people before you roll into a place they own or even just protect, etc. In other words, according to what he's seen here, he's being MORE than reasonable. Not saying it would be on another site, RP'ing elsewhere, but according to precedent through years of RP [b]HERE[/b], he was bending over backwards to reach a solution that was workable IC for them both.

And nowhere did I say anything about how it should be done in an OOC manner. However, it is generally considered at [i]least[/i] polite here to ask OOC-wise for the land before you establish anything IC-wise.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1341699191' post='3006240']
I read the logs--how is he being unreasonable--offering to share the place? Nowhere do I see him pushing the guy away.

As for precedent, I refer to several things...mergers, asking people before you roll into a place they own or even just protect, etc. In other words, according to what he's seen here, he's being MORE than reasonable. Not saying it would be on another site, RP'ing elsewhere, but according to precedent through years of RP [b]HERE[/b], he was bending over backwards to reach a solution that was workable IC for them both.

And nowhere did I say anything about how it should be done in an OOC manner. However, it is generally considered at [i]least[/i] polite here to ask OOC-wise for the land before you establish anything IC-wise.

Capitalizing and bolding words does in no way change my ability to comprehend the English language. Just, fyi.

Your precedent is nothing more than vague generalizations very few of which refer to situations involving a brand new RPer. Furthermore, nowhere did I say you said anything about OOC nor IC actions.If it was in regards to my point, then that was referencing the fact they're solving it IC, as both have claimed to be trying. The fact of the matter remains we have always put the most emphasis on who places a claim IC first - it seems both parties wish to settle this in an IC manner, so good for them - quite a breath of fresh air to a community that seeks to resolve things so often in an OOC realm. I do, however, remember a time when new RPers were given quite a bit of leeway in their initial actions considering they tend to be unaware of our 'precedent' - after all, very few seem to be written down as official rules. Then again, if they aren't written down as official rules it's hard to see how a so called 'precedent' should weigh on a situation, especially with a new RPer involved.

Now, to answer your question - I, personally, find it unreasonable to immediately plunge a new RPer into a conflict over land that the new RPer claimed ICly before anyone else, especially when the person seeking the land just rolled into North America and expanded all within the span of a RL month. Regardless of what OOC agreements were made - West claimed the land first. Just because the protectorate owner needs to confirm a claim does not mean that the initial claim is any less valid. Now, this will be my final post on the subject as I will not continue to debate something when both parties have settled on a course of action, that is a waste of my time and every body else's.

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There, that was what I was looking for. :P

I too agree it's a fine idea that they are willing to settle this IC-wise without a lot of complaint OOC-wise. And nowhere did I outright say I agreed with the precedent I referred to, just stating how it is, and how it likely looked to O-Y. Though I may be mistaken as I am not a mind-reader. :lol1:

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This is the most retarded argument in the damn community to date. Owned, give him a chance, hes new, he isnt 100k ns in size and has no chance to RP the USA if you curbstomp him. You should be !@#$@#$ ashamed of yourself for being so petty.

Give him a chance to RP what he wants and where he wants, his claim was made first ICly, its valid enough, waiting around for an OOCly !@#$@#$ green light to go doesnt mean two !@#$% because its out of character and the claim was made ICly.

Westaxe, I have plenty of land in South America I am more than willing to part with so you can RP.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1341708588' post='3006348']
This is the most retarded argument in the damn community to date. Owned, give him a chance, hes new, he isnt 100k ns in size and has no chance to RP the USA if you curbstomp him. You should be !@#$@#$ ashamed of yourself for being so petty.

Give him a chance to RP what he wants and where he wants, his claim was made first ICly, its valid enough, waiting around for an OOCly !@#$@#$ green light to go doesnt mean two !@#$% because its out of character and the claim was made ICly.

Westaxe, I have plenty of land in South America I am more than willing to part with so you can RP.

Weren't you going to roll him a few days ago? If not you definitely gave the impression you were going to.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1341714762' post='3006401']
Why the $%&@ do Kankou and I agree on something?
[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1341714930' post='3006407']
You and I have agreed on something....these are odd times.
[/quote] :o

Quick, someone check and see if the sun's frozen over...

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