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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1341551648' post='3004587']
You don't need the protectorates owners' permission to post an IC claim you just may end up having to fight for your right to exist.
Usually even those are preplanned.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1341551438' post='3004581']
He does not already have a nation maybe? If you looked a little harder you would see he dropped that nation a few days ago. And it is a protectorate so unless given permission you are not allowed to RP in it. Stop making an issue of it. It has been resolved.

My apologies, he dissolved his nation a full 12 hours before I posted. Pardon a new player for making such an egregious error that he had no way of knowing about when his IC claim was posted. My issue isn't with Owned-You, my issue is with you, and your heavey-handedness that has no place in a collaborative RP community. And my issue is with OOC backroom deals that dictate how play is done in an IC forum. That is my issue.

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[quote name='Westaxe' timestamp='1341551793' post='3004592']
My apologies, he dissolved his nation a full 12 hours before I posted. Pardon a new player for making such an egregious error that he had no way of knowing about when his IC claim was posted. My issue isn't with Owned-You, my issue is with you, and your heavey-handedness that has no place in a collaborative RP community. And my issue is with OOC backroom deals that dictate how play is done in an IC forum. That is my issue.
Great. For the I don't know 4th time? Go ahead, I had not read a previous post by Owned-you saying you two would RP out your claims. I am fine with it now that Owned-you agrees. Get over your issue has I have.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1341551937' post='3004595']
Great. For the I don't know 4th time? Go ahead, I had not read a previous post by Owned-you saying you two would RP out your claims. I am fine with it now that Owned-you agrees. Get over your issue has I have.

The point is, even if he didn't agree it wouldn't matter. It's an IC issue.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1341551715' post='3004590']
Usually even those are preplanned.

Regardless if it is planned or not as Voodoo has said himself and you have seemed to ignore or miss every single time you can post an IC claim in a protectorate even if OOC the owner has said someone else could claim it. You would just have two disputing IC claims that would be sorted out IC.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1341552576' post='3004602']
Regardless if it is planned or not as Voodoo has said himself and you have seemed to ignore or miss every single time you can post an IC claim in a protectorate even if OOC the owner has said someone else could claim it. You would just have two disputing IC claims that would be sorted out IC.

Every single time? Voodoo told me I was wrong about the IC claims thing already after he had informed me that owned-you had agreed to RP it out. Stop bringing it up. Its over.

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As has been noted earlier. We'll be handling it through IC means. I've begun setting up the narrative from my own end using up the stuff I'd been planning previously.

Westaxe, I'll look for you on IRC so we can discuss how the story unfolds and set up a good narrative for this all to play out.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1341552576' post='3004602']
Regardless if it is planned or not as Voodoo has said himself and you have seemed to ignore or miss every single time you can post an IC claim in a protectorate even if OOC the owner has said someone else could claim it. You would just have two disputing IC claims that would be sorted out IC.
As far as I know, disputing lands works in the 2 weeks period after something went from unclaimed to claimed. If it is a protectorate/tributary/whatever-other-white-land-with-a-clear-association-to-an-existing-nation, it normally means it is not part of said nation, but if they hold on for it longer than 2 weeks without dispute, they still can say no and ask for a wipe. Just that many prefer to RP it out, because people ignoring this are normally people like Ishabad, who can be stomped quite easily and where noone has a problem with it. Or when Shammy decided to make Ishas claim a band of students under drug influence hijacking a TV tower. In this aspect, it is like the owners nation, that after 2 weeks of firm rule, one cannot just RP there without permission and the protectorate status normally just means, the owner is potentially willing to give up that land for new people or rerolls.

In this case, I'll watch this nation, it looks promising.

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The following is my conversation with Owned-You on IRC. I apologize for the format. The way that new RP'ers are treated by many in this community is appalling. Never before have I been a part of a community that seems like it is trying to drive away all new players.

[quote]03:10 Westaxe Whatever you just messaged me, I accidentally closed out of the conversation. Can you resend it?
03:10 Owned-You <Westaxe> So I used some of those nameless people.
03:10 Owned-You <Owned-You> Very well, I don't have a problem with it personally. I'm just trying to save you some potential headaches.
03:11 Westaxe I doubt he"s coming back. And if he does, I'm sure i'll be fine
03:12 Owned-You Eh, old habits die young... considering your youth you might not understand that just yet.
03:12 Owned-You But in time my child... you'll learn the old men always come back in times of IRL boredom.
03:12 Owned-You Which are numberless.
03:12 Westaxe We'll see.
03:12 Owned-You Speaking of which, it is a bit presumptious of me to assume your youth.
03:13 Owned-You So apologies if you aren't young at all.
03:13 Westaxe No worries. I'm in college. Working and internships during the week
03:14 Owned-You Same here.
03:15 Owned-You Anywho, back to the RP matters...
03:17 Owned-You You seem pretty well versed mechanically in regards to how things work in CNRP. Namely how the RP basis of nations is derived from their ingame nations. Correct?
03:19 Westaxe Correct. I've read over the rules and previous conflicts regarding a player's IG size compared to the size of land they want to claim
03:23 Owned-You Good. Your also aware then how a nations in game stats are directly tied into their RP means. Correct? IE: If a nation has 20,000 citizens in game then they may RP an army force of 160,000 in their RP's.
03:28 Owned-You Reason I ask is because I want you to be aware of the fact that from a purely stat based view of things. Your nation wouldn't be able to duke it out with my own and last long if you wanted to do a flat out fight. This isn't a threat so I hope you don't take it as such, but rather making you aware so that you don't do something drastic in regard to my presence in NY.
03:29 Owned-You If we are to fight (up to you really) then I'd rather we have it planned out. It's rare these days, given most will throw their muscle around on the little guy. But I don't care for that crap personally...
03:30 Westaxe I'm well aware of my statistical disadvantage, yes.
03:33 Owned-You Alright, with that in mind what is it you wish to do? If you want to fight for New York we can plan out the details/endings/events/etc.
03:33 Owned-You Or if you wish to set up some sort of arrangement we could do that as well.
03:34 Owned-You I'll leave it for you to decide.
03:35 Westaxe It was never my intention to fight. I had planned one growing the United States through diplomatic means. Using words as weapons, if you will. While I am confident I could write well enough to hold my own against most here, statistically it is not a winnable fight.
03:36 Owned-You Nods
03:38 Westaxe Using this map as I guide () I propose everything from Rockland and Westechester county south remain with me, everything north remain with you.
03:40 Owned-You Eh, no can do my friend. Neither of us would be able to RP the way we intend in a divided manner such as that. Not to mention the bulk of population and the allure to New York state (NYC) lay in the regions you'd like to control.
03:41 Owned-You I have a counter proposal though.
03:43 Owned-You If you are willing to re-roll (a term commonly used in our community to signify a nation choosing a new land to RP) any place in North America I would be willing to work in conjunction with your government. IC'ly I would protect it from aggressors and would be assailants and allow you the means to grow IC.
03:44 Owned-You OOC'ly I would also make a promise to you that should I ever decide to leave CNRP. I would pass the state of New York to your control should you so desire it.
03:45 Owned-You Given your youth as a nation my IG stats backing you would provide you a degree of freedom much more useful then most. Not to mention it will give you time to build up your own assets and ultimatly provide you with a greatder degree of freedom in RP down th road.
03:46 Westaxe Unfortunately, that is unacceptable to me as well. What sort of power would a government have if they up and left to move someplace else? None. I have been reasonable, dividing up half the state's population in an area that I claimed IC first. Your counter-proposal is for me to simply leave? That is not a counter-proposal at all.
03:51 Owned-You I feel I've been reasonable as well my friend. IC you did claim the area first, I cannot dispute that. OOC'ly however I arranged it prior to you arrival. Which has always been a custom in the game. While ultimately OOC actions don't trump IC actions. It signfies intent...your actions are the equivelent to pulling into a parking space just as I shifted gears to enter it. As such I cannot simply
03:51 Owned-You part with my original intents because you managed to post a topic a mere hours before my own...in fact I lost quite a bit of writting in being forced to alter my original IC declaration.
03:51 Owned-You Surely you must understand my conflict here?
03:52 Westaxe And as I've stated, it's a horrible custom for the game, and this is the only community I've ever seen that has such a custom.
03:53 Owned-You That is entirely debatable for a number of reasons... but it's ultimately pointless to argue over that aspect of it. It's a non issue in regards to the RP.
03:53 Westaxe Asking someone to leave is hardly reasonable. If that is your only offer, then we have nothing further to discuss and we'll see how this plays out IC'ly. I will not be bullied out of a plot of land simply because I inadvertently messed up some plans you had for open land.
03:56 Owned-You Hmm... while I feel entirely reasonable in asking that you consider RP'ing another place in North America. (Maine, Vermont, & New Hampshire all being open. With the latter two being perfectly sized for your ig capabilities) Under my nations protection so that you may grow with an OOC agreement to turn over New York should I ever leave CNRP. If your unwilling to do this then such is life I
03:56 Owned-You suppose... but I feel you're really turning down a golden opportunity here.
03:56 Owned-You That said, I have another offer if your willing to consider it.
04:00 Owned-You Although you hinted towards your apprehension to work with my government. I would gladly consider merging your government/nation into my own. Essentially a merger of sorts. In this aspect you would hold positions within it and allowed the same normal developments of a nation. In this way we will avoid a conflict and this would permit you the freedom to RP within New York to a certain degree.
04:00 Owned-You (I couldn't allow you to run rampant declaring wars and all though. )
04:02 Westaxe So my two options are "get out" or "become a part of my nation"? No wonder you guys have trouble keeping new players here. I'll take my chances.
04:05 Owned-You I did not use the words
04:05 Owned-You Well not the former ones.
04:06 Westaxe No, you said "re-roll to any place in North America". Forgive me for parsing out the BS and saying what you actually meant.
04:08 Owned-You You're being needlessly hostile. If I wanted to you "out" in the first place I wouldn't have been trying to set up a story or agreement here with you.
04:08 Owned-You I would have simply forced you out from the start.
04:08 Owned-You If you want me to bend my back to accomodate your status as a newbie then you'll find me unreasonable to those demands.
04:08 Westaxe Your "stories" make zero sense in the IC context of the world.
04:09 Westaxe Why would a government willingly leave an area they had just declared independence in, or join a government who, aside from also claiming the land they already previously claimed, has a structure and goals that run directly counter to theirs?
04:10 Westaxe I offered a perfectly fair and reasonable split of the state.
04:10 Westaxe My offer stands. Yours are not under consideration.
04:12 Owned-You If your idea of resonable entails me parting with a city that IRL is home to 8 million people, along with Yonkers which holds another 195k to a nation that has just declared its existence and a player who's only just started playing then I must question your definition of reasonable.
04:13 Owned-You With that being said, see you on the battlefield.
04:13 Westaxe You mean a city that in RP probably has somewhere between 2 and 4 million and Yonkers, which is a ghost town? Along with Long Island, which was depopulated to make it a military facility? Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and Albany were the major population centers of Pravus Ingruo's nation. Or are you just planning to ignore RP history?
04:18 Owned-You Your living in the past. While PI's nation held New York for years and years there is no basis to suggest or presume the future inhabitants must continue to RP the land under the conditions set by a now defunct state. Long island depopulated you say? It can be repopulated once more. Your presumptious in assuming one must follow the footsteps of PI or live in it's shadow my friend.
04:20 Westaxe It CAN be repopulated, but it is not at this moment. I am talking the state of the land currently. I offered a majority of the land area, and population. You chose to reject it because you are not getting everything you want.
04:20 Westaxe And that's your choice. But it's a choice that everyone will see.
04:23 Owned-You No, you offered the state of the land held by Pravus Ingruo. There have been a number of states that have since inhabited New York state. The history of PI does not dictate the land. I'm making a choice to not be dictated by those terms nor hold up my own RP'ing aims to suit the history of a ghost state.
04:25 Westaxe Which large states have held the land not as a protectorate? Which have developed the land since Pravus Ingruo?
04:26 Westaxe I haven't seen a single one.
04:27 Westaxe You are simply throwing a fit because you have not gotten your own way and your ultimatums have not been answered. I came to compromise and work out a solution. It is obvious that you did not. I am done talking.
04:30 Owned-You I'm not throwing any fits sir, I came to find a solution as well and have offered a number of solutuions. You offered one, which I denied. Now your throwing a fit and storming off with your toy and kicking up sand along the way... I offered you protection and friendship. But you do not seek it. Very well. We'll have it your way, Westaxe.
04:32 Westaxe Your "solutions" consisted of me leaving or giving up my freedom as an RP'er. Neither would be acceptable to any sane player. You feel that you can throw your weight around simply because you have been here longer. You are wrong.[/quote]

The map I referenced, for those unfamiliar with New York state, is [url="http://www.digital-topo-maps.com/county-map/new-york-county-map.gif"]here[/url]. In essence, I offered Owned-You everything north of the two counties directly above New York City (the Hero City in RP). My lands would include areas depopulated by previous RP, in need of great repair, while the land offered to Owned-You is in much better condition and held a majority of the population and infrastructure. My offer was denied, and was countered by offers that boiled down to "get out" or "join my nation". Leaving land that I claimed IC'ly first or losing my freedom to RP as I see fit are unacceptable to me.

The IC chips will fall where they may. But Owned-You has shown himself to be nothing more than a bully to me. I really had thought better of you.

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[quote][[01:55] <Owned-You> Anyways, what do you have in mind in terms of the New York story? Since your a new player here with some potential I want to work with you to create a good story.
[01:56] <Westaxe> Well I read your DoE today. Unfortunately, I see your potentially nation and mine as polar opposites
[01:57] <Westaxe> Members of the Founders served in the old Pravus Ingruo government, for my story, and therefore would have knowledge of the deals the former Empire made with corporations such as MediaCorp.
[01:57] <Westaxe> So they would be exceptionally wary of any corporation claiming to run a country, essentially.
01[02:00] [b]<Owned-You> As it stands the nation will be ran from a corporate standpoint, but the overall long-term composition of the country is in a fluid state. Namely, my original start was going to be creating a liberal democracy...entitled the Manhatten Commune. Essentially a left-wing liberal paradise...but with you using New Yok as the base I had to change everything.[/b]
[02:01] <Owned-You> Francisco and my characters were going to use Lilly as the state industrial facilitor etc.
[02:01] <Owned-You> But with you in there it didn't seem plausible so I just turned it into a corporate based state for now... that isn't long term but just a means to justify having my IC stuff.
[02:02][b] <Owned-You> That all said, did you contact SMH for permission to use members of his old administration?[/b]
[02:05] <Owned-You> Otherwise it may create a potential mess down the road for you...trouble that new players don't need in this game.
[02:07] <Westaxe> I tried contacting Pravus Ingruo, but I was not able to get a response back. I haven't used any of the characters he did, just politicians from his government that were nameless.
[02:07] <Westaxe> In the Empire, it seems there was an entire legislature that never got named
[02:07] <Westaxe> So I used some of those nameless people.
[02:08] [b]<Owned-You> Very well, I don't have a problem with it personally. I'm just trying to save you some potential headaches. :P[/b]
[02:10] <Westaxe> Whatever you just messaged me, I accidentally closed out of the conversation. Can you resend it?
[02:10] <Owned-You> <Westaxe> So I used some of those nameless people.
[02:10] <Owned-You> <Owned-You> Very well, I don't have a problem with it personally. I'm just trying to save you some potential headaches. :P
[02:11] <Westaxe> I doubt he"s coming back. And if he does, I'm sure i'll be fine
[02:12] <Owned-You> Eh, old habits die young... considering your youth you might not understand that just yet.
[02:12] <Owned-You> But in time my child... you'll learn the old men always come back in times of IRL boredom.
[02:12] <Owned-You> Which are numberless. :P
[02:12] <Westaxe> We'll see.
[02:12] <Owned-You> Speaking of which, it is a bit presumptious of me to assume your youth.
[02:13] <Owned-You> So apologies if you aren't young at all.
[02:13] <Westaxe> No worries. I'm in college. Working and internships during the week
[02:14] <Owned-You> Same here.
[02:15] <Owned-You> Anywho, back to the RP matters...
[02:17] <Owned-You> You seem pretty well versed mechanically in regards to how things work in CNRP. Namely how the RP basis of nations is derived from their ingame nations. Correct?
[02:19] <Westaxe> Correct. I've read over the rules and previous conflicts regarding a player's IG size compared to the size of land they want to claim
[02:23] <Owned-You> Good. Your also aware then how a nations in game stats are directly tied into their RP means. Correct? IE: If a nation has 20,000 citizens in game then they may RP an army force of 160,000 in their RP's.
[02:27] <Owned-You> Reason I ask is because I want you to be aware of the fact that from a purely stat based view of things. Your nation wouldn't be able to duke it out with my own and last long if you wanted to do a flat out fight. This isn't a threat so I hope you don't take it as such, but rather making you aware so that you don't do something drastic in regard to my presence in NY. :P
[02:29][b] <Owned-You> If we are to fight (up to you really) then I'd rather we have it planned out. It's rare these days, given most will throw their muscle around on the little guy. But I don't care for that crap personally...[/b]
[02:30] <Westaxe> I'm well aware of my statistical disadvantage, yes.
[02:33] [b]<Owned-You> Alright, with that in mind what is it you wish to do? If you want to fight for New York we can plan out the details/endings/events/etc.[/b]
[02:33] [b]<Owned-You> Or if you wish to set up some sort of arrangement we could do that as well.[/b]
[02:34] [b]<Owned-You> I'll leave it for you to decide.[/b]
[02:35] <Westaxe> It was never my intention to fight. I had planned one growing the United States through diplomatic means. Using words as weapons, if you will. While I am confident I could write well enough to hold my own against most here, statistically it is not a winnable fight.
[02:36] * Owned-You Nods
[02:38] <Westaxe> Using this map as I guide ([url="http://www.digital-topo-maps.com/county-map/new-york-county-map.gif"]http://www.digital-t...-county-map.gif[/url]) I propose everything from Rockland and Westechester county south remain with me, everything north remain with you.
[02:40] <Owned-You> Eh, no can do my friend. Neither of us would be able to RP the way we intend in a divided manner such as that. Not to mention the bulk of population and the allure to New York state (NYC) lay in the regions you'd like to control.
[02:41] <Owned-You> I have a counter proposal though.
[02:43] <Owned-You> If you are willing to re-roll (a term commonly used in our community to signify a nation choosing a new land to RP) any place in North America I would be willing to work in conjunction with your government. IC'ly I would protect it from aggressors and would be assailants and allow you the means to grow IC.
[02:44] <Owned-You> OOC'ly I would also make a promise to you that should I ever decide to leave CNRP. I would pass the state of New York to your control should you so desire it.
[02:45] <Owned-You> Given your youth as a nation my IG stats backing you would provide you a degree of freedom much more useful then most. Not to mention it will give you time to build up your own assets and ultimatly provide you with a greatder degree of freedom in RP down th road.
[02:46] <Westaxe> Unfortunately, that is unacceptable to me as well. What sort of power would a government have if they up and left to move someplace else? None. I have been reasonable, dividing up half the state's population in an area that I claimed IC first. Your counter-proposal is for me to simply leave? That is not a counter-proposal at all.
[02:51][b] <Owned-You>[/b] [b]I feel I've been reasonable as well my friend. IC you did claim the area first, I cannot dispute that. OOC'ly however I arranged it prior to you arrival. Which has always been a custom in the game. While ultimately OOC actions don't trump IC actions. It signfies intent...your actions are the equivelent to pulling into a parking space just as I shifted gears to enter it. As such I cannot simply part with my original intents because you managed to post a topic a mere hours before my own...in fact I lost quite a bit of writting in being forced to alter my original IC declaration.[/b]
[02:51] <Owned-You> Surely you must understand my conflict here?
[02:52] <Westaxe> And as I've stated, it's a horrible custom for the game, and this is the only community I've ever seen that has such a custom.
[02:53] <Owned-You> That is entirely debatable for a number of reasons... but it's ultimately pointless to argue over that aspect of it. It's a non issue in regards to the RP.
[02:53] <Westaxe> Asking someone to leave is hardly reasonable. If that is your only offer, then we have nothing further to discuss and we'll see how this plays out IC'ly. I will not be bullied out of a plot of land simply because I inadvertently messed up some plans you had for open land.[02:56] <Owned-You> Hmm... while I feel entirely reasonable in asking that you consider RP'ing another place in North America. (Maine, Vermont, & New Hampshire all being open. With the latter two being perfectly sized for your ig capabilities) Under my nations protection so that you may grow with an OOC agreement to turn over New York should I ever leave CNRP. If your unwilling to do this then such is life I suppose... but I feel you're really turning down a golden opportunity here.

[02:56] <Owned-You> That said, I have another offer if your willing to consider it.
[03:00] [b]<Owned-You> Although you hinted towards your apprehension to work with my government. I would gladly consider merging your government/nation into my own. Essentially a merger of sorts. In this aspect you would hold positions within it and allowed the same normal developments of a nation. In this way we will avoid a conflict and this would permit you the freedom to RP within New York to a certain degree. (I couldn't allow you to run rampant declaring wars and all though. :P)[/b]
[03:02] <Westaxe> So my two options are "get out" or "become a part of my nation"? No wonder you guys have trouble keeping new players here. I'll take my chances.
[03:05] <Owned-You> I did not use the words
[03:05] <Owned-You> Well not the former ones.
[03:06] <Westaxe> No, you said "re-roll to any place in North America". Forgive me for parsing out the BS and saying what you actually meant.
[03:08] [b]<Owned-You> You're being needlessly hostile. If I wanted to you "out" in the first place I wouldn't have been trying to set up a story or agreement here with you.[/b]
[03:08] <Owned-You> I would have simply forced you out from the start.
103:08] <Owned-You> If you want me to bend my back to accomodate your status as a newbie then you'll find me unreasonable to those demands.
[03:08] <Westaxe> Your "stories" make zero sense in the IC context of the world.
[03:09] <Westaxe> Why would a government willingly leave an area they had just declared independence in, or join a government who, aside from also claiming the land they already previously claimed, has a structure and goals that run directly counter to theirs?
[03:10] <Westaxe> I offered a perfectly fair and reasonable split of the state.
[03:10] <Westaxe> My offer stands. Yours are not under consideration.
[03:12][b] <Owned-You> If your idea of resonable entails me parting with a city that IRL is home to 8 million people, along with Yonkers which holds another 195k to a nation that has just declared its existence and a player who's only just started playing then I must question your definition of reasonable.[/b]
[03:13] <Owned-You> With that being said, see you on the battlefield.
[03:13] <Westaxe> You mean a city that in RP probably has somewhere between 2 and 4 million and Yonkers, which is a ghost town? Along with Long Island, which was depopulated to make it a military facility? Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and Albany were the major population centers of Pravus Ingruo's nation. Or are you just planning to ignore RP history?
[03:18] <Owned-You> Your living in the past. While PI's nation held New York for years and years there is no basis to suggest or presume the future inhabitants must continue to RP the land under the conditions set by a now defunct state. Long island depopulated you say? It can be repopulated once more. Your presumptious in assuming one must follow the footsteps of PI or live in it's shadow my friend.
[03:20] <Westaxe> It CAN be repopulated, but it is not at this moment. I am talking the state of the land currently. I offered a majority of the land area, and population. You chose to reject it because you are not getting everything you want.
[03:20] <Westaxe> And that's your choice. But it's a choice that everyone will see.
03:23] <Owned-You> No, you offered the state of the land held by Pravus Ingruo. There have been a number of states that have since inhabited New York state. The history of PI does not dictate the land. I'm making a choice to not be dictated by those terms nor hold up my own RP'ing aims to suit the history of a ghost state.
[03:25] <Westaxe> Which large states have held the land not as a protectorate? Which have developed the land since Pravus Ingruo?
[03:26] <Westaxe> I haven't seen a single one.
[03:26] <Westaxe> You are simply throwing a fit because you have not gotten your own way and your ultimatums have not been answered. I came to compromise and work out a solution. It is obvious that you did not.[b] [/b]I am done talking.
[03:29] <Owned-You> I'm not throwing any fits sir, I came to find a solution as well and have offered a number of solutuions. You offered one, which I denied. Now your throwing a fit and storming off with your toy and kicking up sand along the way... I offered you protection and friendship. But you do not seek it. Very well. We'll have it your way, Westaxe.
[03:32] <Westaxe> Your "solutions" consisted of me leaving or giving up my freedom as an RP'er. Neither would be acceptable to any sane player. You feel that you can throw your weight around simply because you have been here longer. You are wrong.
[03:35][b] <Owned-You> If that is your interpretation of events then so be it. I cannot help but question your sanity in such a case though. You seem to ignore the fact that I offered to protect you as an independent nation elsewhere or as a merged state. You also ignore the fact that I offered to give you New York shold I ever decide to leave. Clearly, I'm some brute throwing his weight around whilst also giving these assurances of protection and the land desired.[/b]
[03:36] <Owned-You> Frankly, this narrative your trying to portray could not be any more laughable.
I took the liberty to bold the portions I found exceptionally deplorable on me end...Furthermore, it would be remiss to omit my closing marks. Clearly the record should reflect I am the embodiment of evil... [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Or rather the logs will reflect that I began my conversation in a friendly manner offering help and advice taking considerations to make sure you were aware of your potential actions through and through and offering you protection, guidance, and other pleasantries. As I said at the end this bully narrative is laughable. Don't expect me to coddle to your demands just because your a new player here. If you had been friendly I may have been willing to divide the land but along other means. (As noted in the logs, the Manhatten Commune would in practice only need the areas you claimed to justify the name.) Instead, you were hostile for most of the conversation and it was only until I could bear no more of it did I end the pleasantries as you attempted to play out on this little "victim" story.

If you want to be belligerent and hostile then so be it. But don't claim to be the victim in such circumstances and expect the community to believe this slander.

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I hardly see how "get out" and "join my nation, losing control over your RP" are generous choices. Perhaps it's because I've been a part of more accepting communities for far too long.

EDIT: Also, please show where I was being, to use your words, "belligerent and hostile". Please. Specific quotes.

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[quote]03:38 Westaxe Using this map as I guide () I propose everything from Rockland and Westechester county south remain with me, everything north remain with you.
03:40 Owned-You Eh, no can do my friend. Neither of us would be able to RP the way we intend in a divided manner such as that. Not to mention the bulk of population and the allure to New York state (NYC) lay in the regions you'd like to control.[/quote]

Why not part it like [url="http://i.imgur.com/9X40E.gif"]this[/url] then? Put up a big wall and it should all be fine. Otherwise, if OG and Isaac can get along, why can't you? Like this, I don't see anything good coming out of New York.

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Owned quit acting like a @#$% and let Westaxe RP in New York - you literally just rolled into North America, you shouldn't be looking to expand anywhere any time soon.

Westaxe, if you need help militarily there are private military corporations your government can hire.

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[quote name='Westaxe' timestamp='1341665478' post='3005849']
Where would one find a list of/contact these private military companies?

I'm afraid there is no IC official list, but here are all of the operators that are currently active.

JEDjct, TBM, Centurius, and myself.

Your best bet in this situation would be to contract out with JED and/or Cent.

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I (the Lunar Republic) will pay half of the fees (or more) that you get from hiring them mercs. :v:
Just send a communique and elaborate on your shenanigans ICly to convince my leadership.

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1341680366' post='3005990']
The Northern Imperium also contracts out mercenaries.

I only listed those that are not part of a nation and are considered full private military corporations. To my knowledge, you do not field a separate entity, correct?

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