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I wish to express my dislike of the banning of mergers in the strongest terms possible.

I put in a lot of work to make a decent minister of defence in the dragon empire and I literally spent hours of my own time researching stuff for use in future RPs and it is ruled invalid. I think that this shows great disrespect for all the effort that myself and the others who were part of the dragon empire put in to making that RP.

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I think the Dragon Empire was perhaps one of the few valid mergers with active participation from all parties. I do not like it, but I will accept it. Problem is, we're losing good players who also disagree with this ruling who were active such as Sir Keshav IV who just left the CNRP stage in anger at this ruling.

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This is correct.

Ah, thank you. That's what I thought.

I wish to express my dislike of the banning of mergers in the strongest terms possible.

I put in a lot of work to make a decent minister of defence in the dragon empire and I literally spent hours of my own time researching stuff for use in future RPs and it is ruled invalid. I think that this shows great disrespect for all the effort that myself and the others who were part of the dragon empire put in to making that RP.

It's not an attack on you personally. I liked how you all did it. However, the merger known as the Dragon Empire was the exception, rather than the rule, unfortunately.

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Ah, thank you. That's what I thought.

It's not an attack on you personally. I liked how you all did it. However, the merger known as the Dragon Empire was the exception, rather than the rule, unfortunately.

True, it is unfortunate we must exist in a system where the good are punished along side the bad. Instead of trying to find a way to selectively isolate and confront the offenders.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you MV. The Dragon Empire was a hodgepodge of random countries in Asia and the south pacific who had little cultural or political links. The UK was the only merger that I felt was actually valid, because the welsh and Proxians had similar culture and a political alliance, and the marriage of the King and Queen sealed the deal. While The Dragon Empire had the most active rpers, I don’t feel that makes it valid at all.

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The reason for their unity was simple. Like purpose. To group their power in order to be able to stand upon their own in the geopolitical world without fear of being oppressed. We have a grand experiment of such a nature in existence today. It is the United States.. and within the United States there are existing many varied cultures striving to like cause. You do not have to be culturally identical to maintain a federal government. This is why on the world stage, states are so much more important than nations or ethnic groups.

The Unity assembled was not random, it was intentional. There was much debating over how it would be formed.. and much negotiating to get the members to do so. It wasn't something anyone stepped into lightheartedly. I think you dramatically underestimate the work involved. Ever heard the term, "Coalition Government?" Active RPers does give it more validity, because it was showing we were putting in the effort to maintain our union and to operate our government.

I can agree other mergers may not have done this, and thus deserved their fate, I will fight tooth and nail any assertion the D.E. was just a "random mismash of states" because it is a blatant lie, especially since half the people claiming it is so were not on the inside to see how it operated and formed. The council as a living an active entity that made it's decisions daily on IRC through #thedragonempire on irc.coldfront.net. It was a living thing.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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It would have made more sense to just create a defensive alliance with the states in the Dragon Empire, since I find it unlikely that countries like Othello, Indochina, Chola etc would willingly give up full sovereignty. Especially Othello and Indochina which had just gained peaceful independence from foreign countries.

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There was a lot of planning in that also.. you could say the D.E. had been doing a little bit of insurgency work among foreign leaders. Diplomacy is as dangerous as the sword when wielded right. There've been territories peacefully change hands before. Hong Kong comes to mind.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just a friendly tip...

CNRP: Role play mixed with reality

CNRPS: Role play mixed with fantasy, creatures.

Don't forget CNRPR, basically like CNRP, only a re-roll, and NO fantastic elements (such as zombies...).

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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MV...I wouldn't compare The Dragon Empire to the United States. The US is like that from almost 300 years-worth of immigration. There are various cultural aspects within the USA, because of that, and because the United States government allows that much immigration to the point where it blends itself, becoming American culture.

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The Dragon Empire is gone but I will say this as a eulogy of it.

The Dragon Empire may of seemed to be made of dissimilar nations to an outside observer.

But that dissimilarity was the result of specialisation.

MV specialised in the role of leader and coordinator.

Sir Keshev specialised in diplomacy

I specialised in military affairs

Nikonov handled transnational infrastructure projects and internal affairs

Croutonzz was in charge of health infrastructure

We were working as a coordinated and unified whole, with individual players focusing their attention on their speciality and working together for mutual gain. This level of cooperation would not be possible without the nations having something in common and that thing was mutual self improvement. One player that was especially good at one thing could concentrate on that and not have to worry about areas where they might only have average ability. This resulted in a empire that could be specialised in a variety of areas at the same time far better than a single player controlled state could ever hope to be. (one person can not totally concentrate on five things at once). and it also resulted in a far more realistic simulation of a real national government than anything seen before or since in CNRP.

If more players had of adopted this style I am sure without a shadow of a doubt that their enjoyment of the game would of increased dramatically. The time I spent in the Dragon Empire was some of the most enjoyable RP I have ever had in CNRP.

But enough of the eulogy. Lets pick up what we have left and square our shoulders for the challenges ahead.

Edited by Vasili Markov
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The Dragon Empire is gone but I will say this as a eulogy of it.

The Dragon Empire may of seemed to be made of dissimilar nations to an outside observer.

But that dissimilarity was the result of specialisation.

MV specialised in the role of leader and coordinator.

Sir Keshev specialised in diplomacy

I specialised in military affairs

Nikonov handled transnational infrastructure projects and internal affairs

Croutonzz was in charge of health infrastructure

We were working as a coordinated and unified whole, with individual players focusing their attention on their speciality and working together for mutual gain. This level of cooperation would not be possible without the nations having something in common and that thing was mutual self improvement. One player that was especially good at one thing could concentrate on that and not have to worry about areas where they might only have average ability. This resulted in a empire that could be specialised in a variety of areas at the same time far better than a single player controlled state could ever hope to be. (one person can not totally concentrate on five things at once). and it also resulted in a far more realistic simulation of a real national government than anything seen before or since in CNRP.

If more players had of adopted this style I am sure without a shadow of a doubt that their enjoyment of the game would of increased dramatically. The time I spent in the Dragon Empire was some of the most enjoyable RP I have ever had in CNRP.

But enough of the eulogy. Lets pick up what we have left and square our shoulders for the challenges ahead.

You were probably the only merged nation that really functioned as a unified whole, though.

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