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As a server admin for a web hosting company, I approve :P Needs more stuff, but good tips.

With regards to cPanel, almost any control panel will due really unless it's proprietary in my opinion (you'll see something like "Our proprietary control panel is bla bla bla") - I much prefer cPanel to dreamhost's panel but I only have limited experience with the later. Point being, I wouldn't worry about the control panel much.

Oh yeah, guys.

None of the forums in here are something you just fill out a forum for on a website and it is magically made for you. You have to upload the files yourself, then fill out the magical form that creates the forum :D

Well, there is Fantastico, you do mention it. That does pretty much do things "magically," at least for phpBB and SMF - fill out a few fields and it will install the board for you (you will need to transfer the database yourself though) - no uploading required. You need a host that has Fantastico though, but most hosts that use cPanel do (it'll be mentioned in the features/options section).

With suggestions - talk more about transferring database, mention phpmyadmin to restore if they have a database copy.

Edited by West of Eden
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As a server admin for a web hosting company, I approve :P Needs more stuff, but good tips.

With regards to cPanel, almost any control panel will due really unless it's proprietary in my opinion (you'll see something like "Our proprietary control panel is bla bla bla") - I much prefer cPanel to dreamhost's panel but I only have limited experience with the later. Point being, I wouldn't worry about the control panel much.

Well, there is Fantastico, you do mention it. That does pretty much do things "magically," at least for phpBB and SMF - fill out a few fields and it will install the board for you (you will need to transfer the database yourself though) - no uploading required. You need a host that has Fantastico though, but most hosts that use cPanel do (it'll be mentioned in the features/options section).

With suggestions - talk more about transferring database, mention phpmyadmin to restore if they have a database copy.

Fantastico and SMF don't exactly work well together. It uploads like 20 MB of useless files when you install it via Fantastico. It uploads every utf-8 file. I prefer to install it manually.

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Hey nice guides!

Anyways a nice paid host can be found here: http://www.110mb.com/aff.php?un=heil (this is a referral link and gives me free advertising for my site and does not penalize or inhibit you in any way by using it, just helps me out). The non-referral link is www.110mb.com

You can pay as little as $15 one time fee for the ability to host forums etc. For the whole she-bang you can pay $25 one time fee. I have used them for about 2 years now though they have been around much longer (not sure on the exact date). You get 300gb of bandwidth monthly and 5gb of storage space.

Or if you just want to have a site it is free but you cannot host forums with it. I think this is the best paid-hosting service as it is only a one time fee as opposed to a monthly one while it offers even better quality than many monthly-paid hosts.

Edited by Kitler
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Pinned for win.

We can retire it to the Academic Subforum in the future if needs be but it will probably get more attention (especially from newer players) here in the OWF in the meantime.

That is what I was thinking when people told me to post it on the Academic sub-forum, but it wouldn't get much attention there.

Next Update will include the following:

  • phpmyAdmin: How To Use
  • Database Backups - How to Take Them
  • Database Backups - How to Restore

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That is what I was thinking when people told me to post it on the Academic sub-forum, but it wouldn't get much attention there.

Next Update will include the following:

  • phpmyAdmin: How To Use
  • Database Backups - How to Take Them
  • Database Backups - How to Restore

You should also include a guide on how to set up an alliance forum. A template for others to use, because properly setting up a forum is neither fun, or fast (Or straight-forward)

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You should also include a guide on how to set up an alliance forum. A template for others to use, because properly setting up a forum is neither fun, or fast (Or straight-forward)

When I help convert people to SMF, I teach them the basics.

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CyberNations Internet Relay Chat Alliance Guide for the Coldfront LLC Network

So, you already set up your alliance forums, you have a charter, you have government members who you can trust? Well, do you have an IRC channel? In this mini-guide it is assumed that you already know the absolute basics of IRC, such as how to connect to servers, register your nickname, etc…. This guide will cover registering a channel, setting up your alliance’s IRC network as well as access lists and channel modes.

Step 1: Registering your channel

If you have not done so, join you’re the channel that you want to be your alliance’s public channel. You need to have channel ops (Channel mode +o and/or a @ by your name and the channel must NOT have the modes “ntr” if the channel does, it means that it has already been registered and you need to pick a different channel) Type this into your client:

/msg Chanserv REGISTER #channel password description

(Replace #channel, password and description with your own values)

[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: Syntax: REGISTER channel password description
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]:  
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: Registers a channel in the ChanServ database.  In order
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: to use this command, you must first be a channel operator
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: on the channel you're trying to register.  The password
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: is used with the IDENTIFY command to allow you to
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: make changes to the channel settings at a later time.
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: The last parameter, which must be included, is a
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: general description of the channel's purpose.
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]:  
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: When you register a channel, you are recorded as the
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: "founder" of the channel.  The channel founder is allowed
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: to change all of the channel settings for the channel;
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: ChanServ will also automatically give the founder
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: channel-operator privileges when s/he enters the channel.
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: See the ACCESS command (/msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS) for
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: information on giving a subset of these privileges to
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: other channel users.
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]:  
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: NOTICE: In order to register a channel, you must have
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: first registered and identified for your nickname.  If you
[19:51] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: haven't, /msg NickServ HELP for information on how to do so.

If the registration goes through, you will see the following appear:

 [19:54] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: Channel #mychannel registered under your nickname: yetanothername
[19:54] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net]: Your channel password is imnotthatstupid -- remember it for later use.
[19:54] ChanServ [services@coldfront.net] has set channel mode +ntr

Congratulations, your channel now registered with ChanServ. Repeat for your alliance private and government channels.

Naming Tip: Small alliances starting out rarely need more than three channels, a public one, a private one and one for government. Try to have the names related but not random. #alliance, #alliancemembers and #alliancegovt is ok, #alliance, #random and #otherrandom are not ok.

Step 2: Deciding on an operator structure

If you have not already done so, memorize this table:

 Name	 | Letter | Symbol
Founder  | q	  | ~
SuperOp  | a	  | &
Operator | o	  | @
Half-Op  | h	  | %
Voice	| v	  | +

So now that your channels have been registered, you need to come up with a way to determine who gets what position. Usually this is based on your government structure. Some examples are as follows:

  • Founder – Emperor
  • Super-Op – Regent and Other High-Level Government Officials
  • Operator – Low and Mid-Level Government Officials
  • Half-Ops – Alliance Members
  • Voice – Foreign Diplomats of Treatied Alliances
  • Nothing – Everyone Else

  • Founder – One Triumvir
  • Super-Op Other three Triumvir and Other High-Level Government Officials
  • Operator – Low and Mid-Level Government Officials
  • Half-Ops - Foreign Diplomats of Treatied Alliances
  • Voice – Everyone Else

The decision is yours, but make it and stick with it! There is nothing worse than making a plan then not following it half-way through. Also, make sure that you can trust who you give op status to!

Step 3: Making your access list.

Once you have decided on how your access list is structured, it is time to tell the IRC server that list. To use this, you will use 4 commands (There can only be one channel founder). They are as follows:

/msg chanserv sop #mychannel add name
/msg chanserv aop #mychannel add name
/msg chanserv hop #mychannel add name
/msg chanserv vop #mychannel add name

For SuperOps, Ops, HalfOps and Voice respectively.

Step 4: Miscellaneous Channel Commands.

If you want chanserv to only let people on the access list join, run this command:

/msg chanserv set #mychannel restricted on

If you want chanserv to auto-voice everyone who enters, run this command:

 /msg chanserv levels #mychannel set autovoice 0

If you want for people on the vop+ list to be able to unban themselves, run this command (Recommended for private channels):

/msg chanserv levels #mychannel set unban 30

To unban yourself, run this command:

/msg chanserv unban #mychannel

NOTE: Do NOT mess with the other levels unless you know what you are doing.

If you only want the people who are on the access list under hop,aop or sop to have ops, run this command:

/msg chanserv set #mychannel secureops on

If you want Chanserv to automatically kick someone who enters the channel, run this command using a banmask:

/msg chanserv akick #channel add user!ident@hostmask
/msg chanserv akick #channel del user!ident@hostmask

If you need help, ask Chanserv with a “/msg chanserv help akick”

Note: Banmasks will be covered in the next section

If you want Chanserv to automatically lock a mode in place, use this command:

/msg chanserv set #channel mlock <+modes-modes>

Note: Modes will be covered in the next section

Step 5: Channel Modes.

Mode	Description
b 	Bans the given user from the channel
c	No ANSI color can be sent to the channel
C	No CTCP's allowed in the channel
G	Makes channel G rated. Checks for words listed in the Badword Blocks, and replaces them with the words specified
M	A registered nickname (+r) is required to talk
i	Invite required
k 	Sets a key needed to join
m	Moderated channel. Only +v/o/h users may speak
N	No nick name changes permitted
n	No messages from outside channels
p	Makes channel private
R	Requires a registered nickname to join
S	Strips all incoming colors
s	Makes channel secret
t	Only chanops can set topic

Those are the most modes that a channel can have, taken from http://www.coldfront.net/irc_chat/coldfron...s.html#chanmode

Several of these modes are mutually exclusive, including s+p and c+S (You can set one but not the other)

When you register a channel, chanserv automatically sets mode +ntr This is locked in place and you can not change it.

For public channels, I recommend the following on your mlock:

+ntrCGR and either +c or +S if you do not want color.

For private channels, I recommend the following on your mlock:

+sntr and restricted set to “on”

Ban Masks:

Banning someone is a last resort. Only ban someone if you do not want them on your channel. (Unfortunately some ban masks are easy to get around, others are hard)

The simply way to ban someone is to set the mode on the channel:

/mode #channel +b user!ident@hostname

(Note: Do not set bans in your mlock, use akick for this)

Everyone when they log onto the IRC server is assigned a mask, which is the user!ident@hostname above. Several examples of them are:



NOTE: It is against the CyberNations forum rules to post a user’s hostname

For more discussion on banmasks, go to http://irchelp.org/irchelp/changuide.html#security and scroll down to 3C. Banning

Step 6: Getting Help.

If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact either bros (#mushroom) or yetanothername (#irchelp) and ask for help.

Thanks for reading;


Edited by yetanothername
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Overseller. No host would give you that for a ONE TIME PAYMENT

Indeed they do. They brag about it on their site. Just check it out.

Like I said I have been using it for quite some time. They are based in Australia somewhere. I can assure you that they are not an "overseller."

Edited by Kitler
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Indeed they do. They brag about it on their site. Just check it out.

Like I said I have been using it for quite some time. They are based in Australia somewhere. I can assure you that they are not an "overseller."


They are based in Australia.

Australia is massively restricted in terms of bandwidth. They are overselling.

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MyBB tries to immitate the vBulletin feeling a bit, it's not bad but the community isn't as big so you're more on your own I guess.

But a good place to try out forum software is here: http://www.opensourcecms.com/

++ on the website. I love it.

I like MyBB but the downside is that is insecure and it seems like every other week there is a security upgrade. Also when I tried it you could not set a group as a mod for a specific forum which is a no-go for many alliances.

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++ on the website. I love it.

I like MyBB but the downside is that is insecure and it seems like every other week there is a security upgrade. Also when I tried it you could not set a group as a mod for a specific forum which is a no-go for many alliances.

In fact I wrote a mod for that for an older version but it doesn't work with the current versions. I'll see if I can rewrite it if I find time for it.

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