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Imperium Recognition of War

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42 minutes ago, Spartan1985 said:

L_H and Tywin deserve each other. Sadly, the members of their respective alliances do not. Do everyone a favor, abdicate your positions, and then engage in eternal war amongst yourselves. Preferably quietly.


That doesn't seem fun at all. How about hand grenades at five paces?

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On 7/12/2016 at 0:23 AM, Immortan Junka said:



Following a series of unprovoked attacks against our membership, the Imperium recognizes a state of war with Monsters Inc and Sengoku.




Hail SNX!  Hail Cowboys!  Hail Sengoku! Hail Monster's Inc!  Have fun boys and girls.

On 7/12/2016 at 1:42 AM, Lord Hitchcock said:

In response to the current war, I plan to write a series of essays relating to the tyranny of the Imperium and the damage they inflict on free nations.


My first essay will be entitled "How the Imperium Treats Peaceful Diplomats"

I wait for it on the edge of my seat :P 

On 7/12/2016 at 9:17 AM, Immortan Junka said:


I appreciate that you guys are trying to not be the bad guys here, but your "friends" declared that they would disband our allies within 48 hours, and you enabled their behavior by implying military support if we countered them. You created a faux negotiations circus where SNX was repeatedly threatened with war, and where terms were demanded at gunpoint against our ally. 


It is a fact that you enabled Minc's behavior. SNX could have dealt with the barbarians on our own without your intervention, this conflict just proves that you are indeed aligned with them as everyone knew. This is what happens when your primitive FA philosophy is based on "friendship" rather than any principles whatsoever.

Junka,  I've been friends with hartfw since our Basketball Ninja (long time) days and I've always liked him.  I don't know eveything said as I wasn't there at the talks, but regardless I do think that his intention in terms of helping with the peace talks was done in good faith.  Too bad things fell apart.


On 7/12/2016 at 9:28 AM, Immortan Junka said:


We were "threatened" with war by Non Grata and constant references to "shark week" for a good half hour at the beginning of the "negotiations."



NG is an entirely different matter.  Also an entirely different alliance.  But being allies of an alliance is different than backing everything or " implying" backing of everything they do.  NG has a lot of other allies.  Is FARK (another NG ally) to blame for threats made by NG also?  How about NG's other allies.  There are a ton.


On 7/12/2016 at 0:32 PM, Immortan Junka said:


I know that's conventional political thinking, but silence implies guilt, and SNX is not the guilty party here. Just because the other side is composed of thugs and bullies with numbers on their side doesn't mean they should control the narrative. We will fight as long as necessary to secure our freedom. Freedom means having the right to speak our opinions, not kowtowing to Might makes Right mentality.

Silence doesn't imply guilt.  Silence is simply the lack of noise and it can be glorious. 


On 7/12/2016 at 1:05 PM, Petro said:


If the Imperium's only duty is to make things as painful as possible for everyone else then you being in charge suddenly makes a lot more sense.

Excellent post :D


21 hours ago, Walshington said:


 I think Junka owes SCOTLAND an apology for not backing them up more in those talks (which I readily admit I haven't read the full text of. 

This is what confuses me in all of this thus far.  I read through all of this and still don't have it figured out.


As a general rule, if an ally leader makes a deal for peace for his or her own alliance, even if it's a deal that "you" (you being whoever the other ally is) don't think is a good one, why make a complaint about it when your alliance is NOT involved in the war as a participant? Sure - advise your ally in private but that's as far as it should of went.


Even IF the leader of a sovereign alliance is making a bad deal, that leader has a right to agree to his or her alliances own peace terms without another non-participating alliance saying "yes" or "no" about it.  If you (as an ally leader) don't like it, drop the treaty.  Not your job to make a fuss.


Or am I misunderstanding and SCOTLAND is an SNX protectorate with a clause in it that says SNX leadership must approve any peace deals before they are valid?


Junka - when you and I were tied by a treaty, there were times when you complained to me that what I was stepping on your sovereign rights.  I very well could be missing something about this situation.  If I am, explain. 


Doesn't SCOTLAND have the right to make whatever peace deal they want to make regardless is it is "fair" or not in your opinion?  How did this even get to the point of war when SNX was never a party involved?  I mean, defend your ally or don't if you think there is mistreatment in the original war, but if you don't and peace is agreed to why argue it at all at that point with anyone involved in the talks?


20 hours ago, Auctor said:

I wouldn't've taken part in peace talks in the first place. Is scotland a nonsovereign entity that isn't empowered to make decisions for itself btw? Honest question. If it is, tywin should either cancel on them or abide by the decisions they make for themselves. If it isn't, maybe hartfw deserved to get harassed three nights in a row with ooc attacks? !@#$, I dunno.

Exactly.  Auctor's point is a fair one unless there is something here that I'm missing entirely.



Edited by White Chocolate
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WhiteChocolate, all I did was protest the fact that Sengoku backed Monsters Inc yesterday, and hartfw flee into a rage and attacked us. I never said SCOTLAND didn't have the right to make it's own agreements, I was simply opposed to the fact that it was made at gunpoint.

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15 minutes ago, White Chocolate said:

Hail SNX!  Hail Cowboys!  Hail Sengoku! Hail Monster's Inc!  Have fun boys and girls.

I wait for it on the edge of my seat :P 

Junka,  I've been friends with hartfw since our Basketball Ninja (long time) days and I've always liked him.  I don't know eveything said as I wasn't there at the talks, but regardless I do think that his intention in terms of helping with the peace talks was done in good faith.  Too bad things fell apart.


NG is an entirely different matter.  Also an entirely different alliance.  But being allies of an alliance is different than backing everything or " implying" backing of everything they do.  NG has a lot of other allies.  Is FARK (another NG ally) to blame for threats made by NG also?  How about NG's other allies.  There are a ton.


Silence doesn't imply guilt.  Silence is simply the lack of noise and it can be glorious. 


Excellent post :D


This is what confuses me in all of this thus far.  I read through all of this and still don't have it figured out.


As a general rule, if an ally leader makes a deal for peace for his or her own alliance, even if it's a deal that "you" (you being whoever the other ally is) don't think is a good one, why make a public complaint about it when your alliance is NOT involved in the war as a participant? 


Even IF the leader of a sovereign alliance is making a bad deal, that leader has a right to agree to his or her alliances own peace terms without another non-participating alliance saying "yes" or "no" about it.  If you (as an ally leader) don't like it, drop the treaty.  Not your job to make a fuss.


Or am I misunderstanding and SCOTLAND is an SNX protectorate with a clause in it that says SNX leadership must approve any peace deals before they are valid?


Junka - when you and I were tied by a treaty, there were times when you complained to me that what I was stepping on your sovereign rights.  I very well could be missing something about this situation.  If I am, explain. 


Doesn't SCOTLAND have the right to make whatever peace deal they want to make regardless is it is "fair" or not in your opinion?  How did this even get to the point of war when SNX was never a party involved?  I mean, defend your ally or don't if you think there is mistreatment in the original war, but if you don't and peace is agreed to why argue it at all at that point with anyone involved in the talks?


Exactly.  Auctor's point is a fair one unless there is something here that I'm missing entirely.




I've always looked up to you WhiteChocolate. Well said.


Edited by Lord Hitchcock
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5 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:

WhiteChocolate, all I did was protest the fact that Sengoku backed Monsters Inc yesterday, and hartfw flee into a rage and attacked us. I never said SCOTLAND didn't have the right to make it's own agreements, I was simply opposed to the fact that it was made at gunpoint.

Peace deals are generally made at gunpoint or at least under the threat of war.  That's why they are called peace deals. :P

Edited by White Chocolate
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17 minutes ago, White Chocolate said:

Peace deals are generally made at gunpoint or at least under the threat of war.  That's why they are called peace deals. :P


Well the fact that hartfw went into a frenzy when I pointed out that it was at gunpoint says alot.


For myself I don't consider this war "fun." I have better things to do than fight yet another war against punks with nothing better to do than harass us. So this war will be bitter, and I hope as unfun for our attackers as possible. I have nothing in my heart for them other than hatred and contempt, and I hope we leave a mark while they seek to exterminate us.

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22 hours ago, Walshington said:

That may or may not be out of context, but seeing the outcome it certainly seems like MInc got every thing it wanted and SCOTLAND got...  peace at any price, I guess.  If that is helping out an ally, I guess my mileage varies.

A casual glance at Scotland's nations shows them to be a bunch of newbie tech sellers. They aren't prepared for a war with Oculus, having them enter would just give the other side a few freebie tech raids.

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25 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


For myself I don't consider this war "fun." I have better things to do than fight yet another war

I could certainly be wrong, but this war does not seem to be considered "fun" by either side from what I can tell.  It seems rather bitter, actually, and that is unfortunate.  It is also, as far as my view on such matters, all the more reason to end it, not the other way around. 


It's one thing if you are fighting for what you consider the "moral high ground" (which from your posts is what I gather you believe you have) AND you and your alliance mates are enjoying fighting as the "morally right" side of the conflict regardless of the odds. So be it.  If SCOTLAND were still being held in war I could also see fighting to help out an ally even when it isn't "fun."  That isn't the case here if I understand correctly.


If it isn't for an ally and one is not having fun otherwise, then it's probably time to put whatever the issue is aside and start focusing on what one can do to get peace.  Just my personal opinion.  Do as you chose, you generally do regardless. 

Edited by White Chocolate
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2 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

I've always looked up to you WhiteChocolate. Well said.

Just a few days ago you accused her of destroying Doomsphere and turning them into a bunch of crying babies. xD

And your reason for violating the NAP is terrible, especially since you have no treaty with Sengoku. Then maybe one could see Junka's words as aggression therefor breaking the NAP on his end and releasing you from your agreement but that is not the case. So you are clearly breaking your word and acting dishonorably.

If Minc has any honor they will offer peace to SNX now and apologize to VG & SNX for breaking the NAP agreement.

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19 minutes ago, Canik said:

If Minc has any honor they will offer peace to SNX now and apologize to VG & SNX for breaking the NAP agreement.


We went in for our friends, Cowboys, after Hartw was personally attacked and slandered for encouraging peace.


If we had any honor, we would stick up for a diplomat who was unfairly ridiculed by the Imperium. And fortunately we do.


Seeing Junka take full advantage of an NAP we signed in good faith is despicable, he probably thought we'd turn a blind eye to a cowboy's persecution and he was wrong. This cowboy has no borders when it comes to helping their friends. 


Junka's on the wrong side of the law this time. 


Edited by Lord Hitchcock
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22 hours ago, Morphine said:

Why is 9/300 stupid? I mean some new nations do 6/200 so technically 9 for 300 is the same. 

what the...you approve this rate? hahaha

there are a lot out there who would be very willing for a 6mx100t rate. that rate is abusive, lolz

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22 hours ago, Roal36 said:

Not really another thread. SNX is an ally of scotland and they are now fighting Minc just days after SCOTLAND was seriously threatened. Scotland leader had admitted to me that they were more or less forced to accept NAP agreement  because SCOTLAND in no way stood a chance in a war with Minc who obviously backed by bigger alliances. 

don't worry boy...i won't be surprised if your alliance will be rolled after this

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42 minutes ago, visayan said:

what the...you approve this rate? hahaha

there are a lot out there who would be very willing for a 6mx100t rate. that rate is abusive, lolz

Some are willing. It's not abusive. In GPA, I did 6 for 200. It helped me and it helped them. Sure I couldve gotten better myself but then I'm helping a potential enemy

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2 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

For myself I don't consider this war "fun." I have better things to do than fight yet another war against punks with nothing better to do than harass us. So this war will be bitter, and I hope as unfun for our attackers as possible. I have nothing in my heart for them other than hatred and contempt, and I hope we leave a mark while they seek to exterminate us.


Your tears are delicious.

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I can sympathize with the general weariness with constant harassment. If SNX feels the need to support that as an alliance, it is what it is.

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2 minutes ago, Auctor said:

I can sympathize with the general weariness with constant harassment. If SNX feels the need to support that as an alliance, it is what it is.


So the reason for all of this is "words hurt"? Between you and Lord Malaprop, that's the best you can come up with?

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16 minutes ago, kingzog said:


So the reason for all of this is "words hurt"? Between you and Lord Malaprop, that's the best you can come up with?

I can pull one post out of an entire thread and make an intentionally dense retort based on it, too.

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12 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


Some of Sengoku's warchests in your range are fragile, it wouldn't be very nice if that happened.

Not all of us have had years and years of hitting peace mode every time a hint of conflict arose so we could collect billions and provoke fights with whomever we want for months and months later on? ;)

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36 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


Some of Sengoku's warchests in your range are fragile, it wouldn't be very nice if that happened.


speaking of fragile war chests, check out this 40k SNX nation:


You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Daharan Empire. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:
Last Tax Collection: 7/11/2016 11:14:47 PM
Last Bill Payment: 7/11/2016 11:14:52 PM
Desired Religion: Norse
Desired Government: Revolutionary Government
Threat Level: Low 
Tax Rate: 28%
Number of Spies: 600
Last Nuke Purchase: 7/10/2016 3:45:13 PM
Last Wonder Purchase: 11/8/2015
Total Money: $4,520,737
Technology: 4,594.40 Levels
Trade Partners: Feileacan, Qanadeelia, Cluck Dynasty, COBETbI, comunist Brasil
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 28, Navy XP: 10, Air Force XP: 184, Intelligence XP: 8
Assigned Generals: Air Force XP Level 108
Total Aircraft: 80
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 720
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:

Corvettes: 0
Landing Ships: 0
Battleships: 3
Cruisers: 3
Frigates: 3
Destroyers: 3
Submarines: 3
Aircraft Carriers: 0

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