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1 minute ago, the rebel said:


Well the other person you mentioned Stone land, you have done even less against him.


Though I can understand your hardship as buying several nukes you never got to use is expensive. ;)

Oh rebel are you acting like a fool or are you indeed a fool.

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33 minutes ago, visayan said:

for me personally...if cobra doesn't severe ties w/ kashmir and wouldn't boot that clown jack layton from their AA, this party won't stop. not that i'd like this to end after all i get sick w/o wars. but these things are to be decided by the LPCN leadership(seph, rukunu, LH, sir kindle, rebel) i'm lazy on these matters!

viva LPCN!!!

Right now GK & Jack Layton are on the list, although I have more under consideration. Those who choose loyalty to Kanabis/Jack Layton will eventually all be add to the list. Supporting Kanabis or Jack Layton is treason, those who take to long deciding might be considered Kashmir loyalists and not be able to take part in any New COBRA.

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9 hours ago, General Kanabis said:



We became loyal to Kashmir and I have no regrets.


I would sooner delete my nation than accept your terms. You want COBRA? By all means, come and get it.






I asked you to keep COBRA together for the members of COBRA GK. I told you not to give in to outside forces. I'm watching COBRA being ripped apart by a war it was not ready for. I WILL save COBRA, and we can do it in a peaceful way. No more blood has to be spilled.

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49 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

That still didn't stop him from rolling on you.

u can't call lobbing cm as rolling...lolz

actually i'm rolling him now:P w/o a single military wonder and him having  a manhattan project

hahaha...no wonder your alliance's performance is pathetic, you don't even monitor your mate's performance for u to know who's ally needs morale boost and aid. lolz!

anymore excuse to say?:lol1:


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COBRA will make nice target practice, something to keep those looking for targets to raid occupied.


Overall I think we benefit from this war continuing if COBRA wants to get destroyed for Kanabis/Jack Layton. Harboring Jack Layton after he started this war by attacking is worse than COBRA attacking us or anything else you've done.


COBRA is destroying itself on purpose it seems, guess we can always rebuild it from scratch with those who don't pray to Jack Layton and offer their infructure to him in some heretic ritual. Kanabis has brought ruin to COBRA with his ritual of attacking us while bringing the initial aggressor in this war into their alliance. COBRA may even deserve worse than Kashmir if they continue to harbor him. Each day is at least an additional week of war for them with Kanabis or any other current members as leader.

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54 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

From what I have seen its mostly you like that. You are all mouth and no spine. 


well your barking at a wrong tree, been at wars for almost 2 yrs non stop...ask your 5 alliance mates who almost got ZI'd (Kanabis included) until they got out of my range and the other one who is now in animalz.^_^

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4 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

COBRA may even deserve worse than Kashmir if they continue to harbor him. Each day is at least an additional week of war for them with Kanabis or any other current members as leader.

i completely agree w/ this

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What the $%&@ did you just !@#$@#$ say about me, you little !@#$%*? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in ANIMALZ, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on NOOBS, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire METHLANDS. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the $%&@ out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my !@#$@#$ words. You think you can get away with saying that !@#$ to me over the Internet? Think again, !@#$%. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across PLANET BOB and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re !@#$@#$ dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the LPC and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little !@#$. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your !@#$@#$ tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will !@#$ fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re !@#$@#$ dead, kiddo.


^All I can think of when someone from aNiMaLz posts.



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8 hours ago, Dr Strange said:

I asked you to keep COBRA together for the members of COBRA GK. I told you not to give in to outside forces. I'm watching COBRA being ripped apart by a war it was not ready for. I WILL save COBRA, and we can do it in a peaceful way. No more blood has to be spilled.


You are weak.

Pixels are meaningless.

Jack Layton is immortal.

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5 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:


We're all traitors here, apparently.


no just u and those who follow u its easy to prove u see u said urself that by attacking methrage u knew animalz would help him u knew u would basically be attacking animalz too so u entered a war well actually u blinded sided a man who was peaceful towards u after he just fought snx and doom at the same time knowing that would be an act of aggression towards animalz. this is important because u knowingly and willfully took the option to attack a alliance who were very cool with u from the beginning also tried to treaty with u and be friends and I know animalz was personally nice to u before this war and never gave u crap about teaming up with cashqueer even though u teamed up with a known enemy of the lpcn. u betrayed people who were rooting for u and had ur back carnal, that's y u die:lol1::war:


not only that but u try to throw dr strange under the bus for no reason telling us he lied and blah blah, yet he fessed up long ago u know ur going down and u wanted to take strange with u people make mistakes fess up apologize and move on that's the man way and that's what cobra's new mandarin dr strange did. those are two good examples of how and y ur a traitor vato...............u stay with the ones who use u as meat shields because now ur pride is in the way and its too late to save it u will let ur followers burn because u want to look like the man let me tell u that's a terrible look!:gag:


a leader who cared about his alliance would swallow his pride and do whats best for the people u are not capable of doing that so dr strange has been crowned new mandarin so just hand over the alliance to him, and step down.




lpcn :gun:GOONS :war: animalz :gun:limitless nexus :war: Sigrun and Co :gun:the final countdown :war: and welcoming cobra :gun::gun::gun:

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45 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:



Pixels are meaningless.


Congratulations. You're following LPC teachings. I lost my fair share of pixels during the Goon war General, you know this. But I did it for my alliance, for my people. Not because I worship someone who is leading me down the path of destruction.

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3 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

Methrage can you stop calling members of other alliances "traitors" that's not how it works. :rolleyes:

I haven't responded to any of your other one liners because this situation doesn't involve you & I suggest you keep it that way.

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6 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

I haven't responded to any of your other one liners because this situation doesn't involve you & I suggest you keep it that way.


I'm just pointing out your deficiencies in logic. If you don't like that well we've been down that road before ;)

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