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Unpacking the baggage: Power and privilege on Planet Bob


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(OOC: Generally when I write IC articles I try to avoid using terms that have RL connotations. For example, although I use the word bourgeois alot when discussing RL politics, I never use it in the game. I'd recommend replacing words like "racism" with something contrived for the game, like "Colorism.")


In any case, it's totally possible to present a coherent argument while desiring to promote a unique or alternative worldview. If you are interested in learning in-depth the ideological history of the New Pacific Order from a dialectic/materialist perspective, I would recommend my Little Red Book, or my recent look-back at the Pacifican Succession Crisis from my perspective as an outsider during the time.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Because no alliance can change over a decade and with substantial amounts of new members...

OOC. Someone clearly has been following Greece's playbook.

Oh, alliances can change. The thing is though, yours hasn't. To this day you retain your arrogant demeanor and inability to view your allies as anything but vassals. I promise you, there will come a day when I will finish the work I began in 2007. Your days are numbered.

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Help help I am being oppressed, come and see the violence inherent in the system?


I have read your comments OP and I can safely say you are truly one of the more clueless entities to grace this world.  Given the long list of emotionally and educationally challenged people we have played host to over the years, that is quite the recommendation.


I find your assertions lacking concrete examples of this oppression, I find every comment you make simply a self-serving circular argument and until you can produce concrete proof for the world to view perhaps your hyperbole could be confined to banging a few rakes and pitchforks together to gather the masses to your cause?


Please don't stop, just try to provide proof.

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This explains so much. Given how much lead was in the paint we used to make that swimwear she probably has irreversible damage.



You finally have come to the point of recognition. Now if you will simply accept the truth that is the first step on the road to recovery. Do you know how you earn freedom? You fight for it. Against yourself. Against Nature. Against your own personal constraints. But against us? Within the past two years.. name something we have done to oppress you.

Thank you for, once again, trying to Redsplain to me how to fight oppression. If you were interested at all in helping the disadvantaged, you would have taken a look at my outlined solution and supported my fund to combat privilege.


My pour soul. You must have missed it. We already paid the largest reparations in history for the errors of our past and the perpetrators have moved well and on from our ranks. They didn't want to stick around to fix the mess they helped to create. It is true that nations that join our ranks do have a massive advantage, but it's an earned advantage. We war hard. We fight hard to protect our own and our resources. We work together as a group as the image with the sharks I shared. We protect the interests of ourselves and our people. That does not make us racist. It's no more racist in fact, then defending your own family and the advantages your family has to offer. We are still a bit crazy.. but eh.. every alliance is in its own special way.

Is it an earned advantage when the infrastructure which allowed Pacifica to rebuild post-Karma was built on the ground corpses of the dispossessed?


(OOC: No, actually, thank you. I've enjoyed myself to end.)


Pacificas prevalence is due to their commitment and experience. They have already payed the price of their over expansion and egotism. Sorry if you don't have that. They do. They have a committed membership looking out for the good of their own members. A military that is and should be feared. An empire that no other rivals and years of commitment and contributions from their members that has given them such. Such is the way all alliances should operate. If you don't have that, consider joining a different AA or STFU. Your oppression is literally a joke. Enjoy it in laugh, because that's all it ever was or will be.


Pacificas job is not to look out for YOU. It is to look out for their members. So keep crying. Your tears are entertainment for the masses.

(OOC: Excellent. I'm glad I could inject some entertainment into the oft-times snore fest that is CN politics. :P)


Commitment and experience are not inherently good or evil traits, but when one places their commitment towards disenfranchised and becomes experienced in that endeavor that is when I would call the end result of those traits evil. Looking out for ones own is, likewise, not an inherently evil act. Looking out for ones own at the expense of others, as NPO has done in the past, certainly is. In fact, nothing you present here is an inherently noble thing. You are a perfect example of the toxic and corrupt mentality which I've been speaking out against. My only hope is that the people of Planet Bob do not take another several years to visit Karma upon you and your evil empire.

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Commitment and experience are not inherently good or evil traits, but when one places their commitment towards disenfranchised and becomes experienced in that endeavor that is when I would call the end result of those traits evil. Looking out for ones own is, likewise, not an inherently evil act. Looking out for ones own at the expense of others, as NPO has done in the past, certainly is. In fact, nothing you present here is an inherently noble thing. You are a perfect example of the toxic and corrupt mentality which I've been speaking out against. My only hope is that the people of Planet Bob do not take another several years to visit Karma upon you and your evil empire.


And again I say:


Pacificas job is not to look out for YOU. It is to look out for their members.


As is the case with any alliance anywhere. So once more, keep crying...

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Oh, alliances can change. The thing is though, yours hasn't. To this day you retain your arrogant demeanor and inability to view your allies as anything but vassals. I promise you, there will come a day when I will finish the work I began in 2007. Your days are numbered.

At least someone sees through the facade. I eagerly await the day when your work is truly finished.


Help help I am being oppressed, come and see the violence inherent in the system?


I have read your comments OP and I can safely say you are truly one of the more clueless entities to grace this world.  Given the long list of emotionally and educationally challenged people we have played host to over the years, that is quite the recommendation.


I find your assertions lacking concrete examples of this oppression, I find every comment you make simply a self-serving circular argument and until you can produce concrete proof for the world to view perhaps your hyperbole could be confined to banging a few rakes and pitchforks together to gather the masses to your cause?


Please don't stop, just try to provide proof.

There is more than enough evidence to support what I've said in the original post. Please try to leave the goal posts where they are. The next teams after us will need them.

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I unequivocally agree.

You take pride in the blood on your hands? Disgusting.



And again I say:



As is the case with any alliance anywhere. So once more, keep crying...

And I will repeat: Looking after ones own at the expense of others is reprehensible.

Edited by Shokkou
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And I will repeat: Looking after ones own at the expense of others is reprehensible. Blocked.

No it's not. That's the whole reason alliances exist. To look out for their own members above your own ideas....

That's the second time you've "blocked" me...

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No it's not. That's the whole reason alliances exist. To look out for their own members above your own ideas....

That's the second time you've "blocked" me...

It is possible to look out for your own without doing so at the expense of others. NPO has not done this.

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Ask yourself this: Is there one alliance affiliation which enjoys the benefits of global influence and prosperity beyond others? Now ask yourself: How did this come to be? Did they reach this lofty position through honest sweat and toil, or did they reach this privileged position atop a mountain of the dead? Throughout the history of Planet Bob, violence has always been a means of seizing power at the expense of the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised. But while many alliances have been content to war only for survival, one has conspicuously used war as a means of subjugation. Whether it was for hearsay or for falsified charges or simply for having the misfortune of holding something they coveted, this alliance has consistently sought to consolidate power for its own sake. It is a fact known beyond dispute on Planet Bob that this power has been universally abused at the hands of the Order to every conceivable extent it could manage. What, then, is Pacifican Privilege?
Pacifican Privilege is being able to exile citizens from Bob permanently and visit genocide upon any people group who violates that exile.

Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry about having your culture and way of life stripped away at the whim of a bigoted and power hungry foreign official.

Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry that your nationality will be "revoked" over the neurotic fears of a group of jackbooted warmongers.
We live in a world where the entire population can rise up and denounce the tyranny of the New Pacific Order only for them to turn around and smugly try to play the victim, crying crocodile tears into the ocean of blood at their feet. Blood of citizens of Planet Bob spilled only due to their misfortune of not being Pacifican.


It is time the New Pacific Order recognized and acknowledged their institutionally racist position of power and privilege within Planet Bob, educated their members on the crimes committed in the name of Pacifican "patriotism" - itself a thinly veiled moniker of Pacifican supremacism - and sought to further equality for all citizens of Planet Bob regardless of their alliance affiliation.


# of links: 17

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This is exactly the problem.

No, it's not a problem at all. Problem is, you haven't realized it's 2015 and that !@#$ is long over and dead.
The rest of the world moved on... Without you.... By your logic, every alliance should be indefinitely hated for everything they ever did by the entire planet, regardless of what has changed.


$%&@ you're stupid...

Edited by Fox Fire
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Not it's not. Because:

(OOC: As a GAME, competition is what drives it)


FML. "I've not met such infuriating people since Tywin."

(OOC: If I haven't put OOC in front of it and it's in this thread... it is a joke. I get it OOCly. This is all a joke. Thank you for making a mixed reply that I can't properly respond to ICly though. :v)



Not the passage of time no, but the passage of those that committed the atrocities surely. 

What of the people who profit off the advantages passed on to them by those who committed the atrocities? They are not blameless in taking what was wrongfully pillaged in the first place.

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(OOC: If I haven't put OOC in front of it and it's in this thread... it is a joke. I get it OOCly. This is all a joke. Thank you for making a mixed reply that I can't properly respond to ICly though. :v)

I've never doubted for a second that this whole thread, and you as well, are a total joke....

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No, it's not a problem at all. Problem is, you haven't realized it's 2015 and that !@#$ is long over and dead.
The rest of the world moved on... Without you.... By your logic, every alliance should be indefinitely hated for everything they ever did by the entire planet, regardless of what has changed.


$%&@ you're stupid...

Please read what I said in response to Unknown Smurf. Those who benefit by being given looted wealth are not blameless. Therein lies part of the problem, the other major problem being that those who have benefited in such a way refuse to address this.


I've never doubted for a second that this whole thread, and you as well, are a total joke....

(OOC: You should probably step away from the keyboard. You're crossing the IC/OOC streams and I'd rather not risk total protonic reversal.)

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Please read what I said in response to Unknown Smurf. Those who benefit by being given looted wealth are not blameless. Therein lies part of the problem, the other major problem being that those who have benefited in such a way refuse to address this.

I disagree. Are you to blame for any actions your alliance committed before you joined? Of course you arent. You're just an idiot with a straw man argument about nothing.


(OOC: You should probably step away from the keyboard. You're crossing the IC/OOC streams and I'd rather not risk total protonic reversal.)

I have no idea what you're talking about... What does OOC mean?

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