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Official Rebranding of Orpheus

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Today, I come not to annoy you to death, but to apologize and ask for a restart. I am sorry for seeming as if i had it out for some of you, and how annoying i was, and i ask that you forget that and let me start over. And starting over requires me to do that as well, doesn't it? Well, i am keeping Orpheus, but just re-branding it. Russia is a place that has been through a lot, ranging from the World Wars to the Cold War. And that makes me like Russia, i guess. I am not really talking about in CyberNations, but just life for me as a whole.

This day, June Eighth, 2014, upon my greatest power as the true leader of Orpheus, i brand Orpheus into the great survivors, the Incorporated States of Russia. I am honored to say that after discussion, i am currently going through processing to be protected by an alliance that will remain anonymous until it is finalized.

It is under my honored jurisdiction to allow any nation that fills out our application(and passes) into our alliance, and now, for a limited time, will get automatic government. I happily invite my largest critics into the alliance and to mentor me to become the greatest leader Russia has ever seen.

I encourage you to not publicly criticize, but to privately message me with your friendly tips and advice.



1. I will never in any way threaten another member of Russia

2.I will not wage war without a written permit strictly by an approved leader

3. I will pay attention to my leaders and mentors above me

4.I will try my best to stay active in-game and on the forums

5.I will report any offenses made internally or any threats made by non-Russian nations

6. I am aware that I may by kicked and put on a wanted list by breaking one of the laws above



Signed Faithfully-





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Well Rotavele, a little late for that isn't it?

Oh, and start answering your Private Messages.


Most of the time I read stuff and don't reply. I am sorry.


EDIT: Replying now

Edited by Rotavele
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