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La Troisieme Empire Francais

Shave N Haircut

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In the wake of World War Eight the French Sixth Republic had collapsed under military coup, the armed forces displeased with the turn of events that had led to peace. Blood wasn't shed, as has been the custom in French governmental turns ever since Napoleon the First was around to say anything about it, but at the same time, the peace within the nation was very, very tense. A new Empire was founded, the ruler being rather atypical of Emperors, or should I say, Empresses.


Jeanne, after all, is a woman of course. Having taken over the government through sheer maneuvering of forces and popularity within the masses, she was set to solidify her rule and begin to expand the borders of the Empire anew. The enemies of France were weak and fractured, with only one unified neighbor there was little to stop them from eating their traditional foes alive. The French military has rebounded quite well in the decade since the latest World War, though they don't wish to participate in a ninth so quickly and thus have a very well stated policy of non-interventionism. The government has to tip-toe around the supporters of the former republican rulers lest they become unhappy with the rule of Jeanne and decide to resist it, something they have yet to do, and too much aggression so quickly after a devastating war would surely upset the more... pacifist elements of the French people.


Almost all socialist elements of the French people have been wiped clean over the last few series of governments, much to the dismay of the lower classes, but this has led to a boom of new industry within the nation, and France has found that it is once again powerful.



The Third French Empire

(La Troisieme Empire Francaise)


France hereby declares its existence again, and means to reclaim all of its colonies previous to the collapse of the Fifth Republic. Friend and foe alike are welcome to meet with the leadership of France to speak of relations. The capital is forthwith moved from Paris to Orleans, though Paris will retain some of its administrative value in the near future while adjustments are being made.


Governmental leaders are as follows:

Imperatrice des Français: Jeanne de LaQueu

Marechal de l'Armee: Marechal Halefort Arsenault

Ministre Premier: Claus Ebenfiele de Lorraine sur la Rine

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"Dear Mister Konstantinov,


France would be delighted to accept your offer of embassy exchange, and offers to front the funding needed to build both buildings as a sign of good-will, or, alternately, to reactivate the French Consulate in St. Petersburg and devote the former Russian embassy in France to renewed use by the Empire.



Sir Claus Ebenfiele de Loraine sur la Rine"





The People of France are deeply appreciative of the wishes of The Kingdom of Sverige and wish in the future to open greater cooperation between the two nations.


- Official Statement of Her Royal Majesty Jeanne I

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"The Republic of Italy welcomes the new French state to the international community. Italy hopes to work closely with our northern neighbors."

- Foreign Minister Melissa Manzi

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"it is not necessary for France to foot the bill of the embassy construction. Novgorod will pay for all such ventures and we have already begun renovating and repairing the French Consulate in Novgorod for diplomatic duties. We shall send Grigory Stepan Krupin to the Novgorodian embassy as soon as possible."


- Foreign Minister Boris Yuri Konstantinov

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"The Imperium of Japan recognizes the rise of a new french state, and welcomes the Third French Empire to exchange diplomats with our nation, our embassies in Tokyo have been rebuilt and merely are waiting for emissaries."

Foreign Minister Osamu Saito 
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Diplomatic Missive from the RSR


Due to the history of French collaboration with the governments that have ruled Djibouti city and its outlying areas, we wish to extend a warm welcome to the new French Empire and express our desire to continue positive foreign relations with the new legitimate government of the French people.



Abd al-Malik Iqbal El Amin, President of the Red Sea Republic

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"The Italian ambassador to France, Hon. Lorenzo Rizzuto requests a meeting with members of the French government to further bilateral relations and to work closely in European affairs."

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el Presidente of the New Horizon Network would like to personally extend his offer of congratulations on France coming into their own again, stronger than before. We will not be sending any emissaries at this time, as there is no need to keep relations while we are isolated from the world that is not the Americas. 

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The Ambassador, his excellency Lorenzo Rizzuto, is welcome to make an appointment with The Prime Minister at any time, and any request to meet with L'Imperatrice herself will be handled with the utmost consideration and respect, provided that the reason is important enough.


His Excellency would be welcomed warmly in Orleans and have quarters built for him on the to his specifications within the city.


- Sir Claus Ebenfiele de Lorraine sur la Rine


France appreciates the congratulations of the New Horizon Network and wishes them the best of luck in their endeavors on the North American continent.


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I'm sure that the Government of France could establish a working deal for the favorable procurement of oil from the Kingdom of Axum, we can exchange military hardware, cash payment, or any number of other goods for fair price.


~Minster of Finance, Claude Shrapnel

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