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A Message from the Alternian Empire

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Can Town exists to help you, we figured you got dragged into this war by a bad leader who didn't really talk to you.

Sure (trash) Can Town exists to "help", and to enact punishment on me without even knowing the circumstances.

So we want to help you grow and give you some training and guides.

So you are "helping" by denying access to foreign aid with nations that we disagree with. What are you training them to do, how to stab a leader in the back without knowing the circumstances. Or possibly how to make nonexistent CBs  


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Sure (trash) Can Town exists to "help", and to enact punishment on me without even knowing the circumstances.

So you are "helping" by denying access to foreign aid with nations that we disagree with. What are you training them to do, how to stab a leader in the back without knowing the circumstances. Or possibly how to make nonexistent CBs  


You could always just not surrender.

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CobaltWolf, you should probably be discussing this stuff in private with the government of the Alternian Empire. They seem like a reasonable bunch, and their terms are pretty standard, so negotiating an alliance-wide peace shouldn't be too difficult.

However, dragging this issue all over OWF and flaming them and generally acting like you first heard of CyberNations two months ago only makes you look bad and only pisses off your adversaries. If I were you, I would immediately stop posting here and talk to them in private. The more you rant and flame here, the worse the terms will likely get.

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Lol, NPO is not preoccupied fighting against other alliances?
And you think CIN is actually using nations to attack the NPO? I can't see any CIN nations attacking NPO while on the aa.
That would prove it was not bandwagoning if that is your false reasoning for believing it is.
Oh wait there was three who left the/a AA to declare war(I'm not sure sure if that makes it more or less valid considering they're also attacking other alliances)

You're always wrong, you can be wrong together.


It's called teaching a lesson, quite frankly. And why wouldn't they?
CIN declared war because they can.
Precedent is set.
AE follows suit.
Nothing to see here.


Just to clarify this. We were attacked by rogues who we then targeted. Subsequently they were harbored by CIN, and sent aid while we were fighting the rogues. We never "attacked" or DoWed CIN as an alliance. We were taking action in dealing with rogues who CIN members were harboring and giving aid to against our members.
They then bandwagoned into the greater conflict because they couldn't accept that fact and saw they might get a cheapshot in while we're getting dogpiled for a completely unrelated reason.
So AE has subsequently decided by this action to show that they won't tolerate such behavior. This is completely unrelated to the other global war.


Had you any understanding of the situation Rota, you would note that the extent to which CIN engaged with NPO was minimal. It was, and pretty much still is a single nation in CIN (cobaltwolf) that both led CIN into the war and led the one or two declarations CIN made against NPO. NPO itself had made little more than a token effort ot engage CIN, which is logical, given it is involved in dealing with far more pressing concerns. CIN was a victim of one nation's hubris; something its former members (CIN is already disbanding) would attest to. While you are busy ranting, we're having fun (admin forbid). We taught CIN a valuable lesson; that opportunism begets opportunism. We also got a little XP on the side.
And they wondered why CN is dying. Lighten up.

AE has stated that they are not in this war for NPO a few times now. They're attacking CIN because CIN is preoccupied with fighting NPO, CIN can't defend itself, and yes this is bandwagoning when you cheap shot a weak alliance already at war because you can.
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AE has stated that they are not in this war for NPO a few times now. They're attacking CIN because CIN is preoccupied with fighting NPO, CIN can't defend itself, and yes this is bandwagoning when you cheap shot a weak alliance already at war because you can.


My whole response to you was simply to show that we never took any action against CIN they took offense to us protecting our members from rogues they harbored and aided against us, and so for no reason band wagonned into the larger conflict. So from this DoW I see that AE is showing that they do not tolerate that sort of behavior and they're willing to shed pixels to teach that lesson.

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My whole response to you was simply to show that we never took any action against CIN they took offense to us protecting our members from rogues they harbored and aided against us, and so for no reason band wagonned into the larger conflict. So from this DoW I see that AE is showing that they do not tolerate that sort of behavior and they're willing to shed pixels to teach that lesson.

And AE is telling you that this isn't for NPO and therefore your argument doesn't make sense.
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It's not directly to support NPO, but they're trying to deter such behavior in the future, Rota. Jesus.


ahhhh... So by bandwagoning, they deter bandwagoning. Gotcha. BTW, RevolutionaryRebel admitted that this is just as much about opportunism as it is about "teaching". So yeah, bandwagoning. 

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It's not directly to support NPO, but they're trying to deter such behavior in the future, Rota. Jesus.

Bandwagoning to deter bandwagoning

Eye for an eye.

Fire to fight fire.

This makes sense. Edited by Rotavele
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Unfortunately enough, I think introducing another Rotavele to these forums to combat you might just crash the server.

If it hasn't occurred to to you in the past few pages, no one is really giving any thought to your posts. I have no idea why your still on this thread either. Your a government member of NSO and since you spend all of your time on the OWF, this might explain why your alliance is getting the shit beat out of it by Polaris.

i can't read but i enjoyed the picture a lot :)

This guy just won the thread. Edited by Rotavele
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If it hasn't occurred to to you in the past few pages, no one is really giving any thought to your posts. I have no idea why your still on this thread either. Your a government member of NSO and since you spend all of your time on the OWF, this might explain why your alliance is getting the shit beat out of it by Polaris.

This guy just won the thread.


If you agreed with anything I said, I'd be questioning my own opinion. Good to know that I've been on the right track! Perhaps you have use after all.

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I remember people who consistently say dumb things about alliances of which I am a member of government over a period of multiple years. I find it interesting that you've accused me of being a "fanboy" when I could probably find one of your posts in every major announcement that we made, if I could be bothered to go look. Hell, I remember when you joined Legion just to take a stab at us and NSO, although you were certainly an annoyance before (and after) that. And here you are again; although your target this time is AE, the cause for which your nagging posts fight is equally ridiculous. Besides, they say that the ability to see patterns is a sign of intelligence. Or schizophrenia...

Speculating that I am the new Hereno. Calling it now.
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CobaltWolf, you should probably be discussing this stuff in private with the government of the Alternian Empire. They seem like a reasonable bunch, and their terms are pretty standard, so negotiating an alliance-wide peace shouldn't be too difficult.

We most certainly are and yes, the terms presented for individual surrender are most certainly not without precedent and alliance-wide surrender terms would indeed be of a different nature.


That is not the point at the moment. The point that I am trying to get at is that we strive for peace, but these terms are ludicrous. Try again guys

I will save my explanation of why such terms exist for private discussion, but I will clarify one thing. You were excluded form individual surrender terms as provided thus far, on the basis that you are the sole leader of CIN and hold sole responsibility for the declaration of war against NPO and the string of poor decisions made under your tenure (supporting buckaroo13 being one example). CIN members seeking to surrender have led us to believe this is the case.

Needless to say, we would rather not agree to a lenient peace agreement unless we were sure that we would not see a repeat of past behaviour. That doesn't mean we'd force you to disband or otherwise attempt to takeover your AA ((Viceroys aren't allowed anyhow)), but it does mean that we'd want to have a nice long discussion about your future, your alliance and what we can do to help you understand  and adapt to the politics of this game which you've already butted heads with a few times (to your own detriment as well as those around you). If you need affirmation of our intentions and integrity, I can certainly nominate a few individuals that might be able to moderate such discussions.

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We most certainly are and yes, the terms presented for individual surrender are most certainly not without precedent and alliance-wide surrender terms would indeed be of a different nature.


I will save my explanation of why such terms exist for private discussion, but I will clarify one thing. You were excluded form individual surrender terms as provided thus far, on the basis that you are the sole leader of CIN and hold sole responsibility for the declaration of war against NPO and the string of poor decisions made under your tenure (supporting buckaroo13 being one example). CIN members seeking to surrender have led us to believe this is the case.

Needless to say, we would rather not agree to a lenient peace agreement unless we were sure that we would not see a repeat of past behaviour. That doesn't mean we'd force you to disband or otherwise attempt to takeover your AA ((Viceroys aren't allowed anyhow)), but it does mean that we'd want to have a nice long discussion about your future, your alliance and what we can do to help you understand  and adapt to the politics of this game which you've already butted heads with a few times (to your own detriment as well as those around you). If you need affirmation of our intentions and integrity, I can certainly nominate a few individuals that might be able to moderate such discussions.


I wouldn't offer them lenient peace terms either, in fact I'd just keep them at war forever.  That's no less than a tiny alliance that doesn't know any better deserves.  Fuck em all I say.  Or you could stop coming across as such a pretentious prick and just peace out.


Pounding on their nations while attempting to teach them the ways of the world & after the aggrieved party in all of this have given them white peace makes no sense.


Does anyone really give enough of a crap about this to moderate discussions between a tiny alliance no-one has ever heard of before and another tiny alliance that just decided to stomp on them for no good reason?

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Does anyone really give enough of a crap about this to moderate discussions between a tiny alliance no-one has ever heard of before and another tiny alliance that just decided to stomp on them for no good reason?

Ah, but we have a lot of bad reasons.


People not caring is precisely why CN stocks continue to slide. If new Alliances are ignored by the community and/or not given an opportunity to learn and grow, then they will inevitably leave. Good or bad, more nations on the proverbial scrapheap is bad for al of us in the long term. I'm not old enough and/or cynical to just cut and run, knowing that it's only a matter of time before the raiders finish them off after the war. If that comes across as pretentious, I don't particularly mind; we're just doing what Alliances (and Protectors) used to do years ago.

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